Thanks uncle joe biter

As usual, you're FOS, lying, moron.

O I am lying about it you say , well well so you want to make your self look like a idiot and you need my to do it for you.

Well if you look at the charts on the link you will see we were exporting oil long before Bath house barry O bung hole became president and had been for a very long time .
Thank you for allowing me to help you look like a lying moron with his head up his ass , no need to thank me it was my pleasure to do so, of course I couldn't have done it with out your help .

of course the exporting exploded under Trump by several times what it was under O bung hole but that's a subject for another time .

No put your head back inside your own ass or whoever s ass you had it stuck up and go back to sleep until you either learn you lesson , or decide to have another mind fart and run your mouth about something you don't know shit about or decide you need me to help you look like a idiot again or decide to come up for air.
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O I am lying about it you say , well well so you want to make your self look like a idiot and you need my to do it for you.

Well if you look at the charts on the link you will see we were exporting oil ling before Bath house barry O bung hole became president and had been for a very long time .

I stand corrected but there was a ban.


"The time has come to end the long debate over national energy policy in the United States and to put ourselves solidly on the road to energy independence. … This bill is only the beginning.”

Those were the words President Gerald Ford said on Dec. 22, 1975, as he signed into law the Energy Policy and Conservation Act, a ban on MOST U.S. oil exports that remains a topic of energy debates today.

According to the International Energy Agency, the U.S. will pass Russia and Saudi Arabia as the world’s top oil producer in 2015. So naturally, there’s been a lot of chatter about changing the 39-year-old ban.

Congress passed EPCA to stifle the impact of future oil embargos by foreign oil producing countries. Ford signed the bill after the 1973 Arab oil embargo shook the U.S. with high world oil prices. The law requires the president to ban crude oil exports but left room for exceptions.

The Commerce Department has given export licenses for particular types of oil, but in recent years, these have been sparse.
Again, some simple questions for the OP: How do you "kill jobs" that don't exist? Or were stopped do to no further funding? How do you feel about all the overseas "outsourcing" by jobs UNDER GOP PRESIDENTS AND CONGRESS done for YEARS AND CURRENTLY EXISTS? Why are you upset about our foreign purchase of oil and gas now when it's been going on since Nixon, Reagan, the Bush family and Trump? Is it only a problem when it was Carter or Clinton or Obama or Biden? And why weren't you upset at the lack of strategic planning to address Covid under Trump, yet that inheritence is Bidens fault? And did you know that the "caravans" have been happening for decades, but A RELATIVE FEW are actually granted asylum/entrance into the USA? And why are you carrying on as if Biden has been in office for 4 years rather than just under a week?

the country can't unite so long as right wingnut trolls like you, BulletBob, are still shooting blanks.

you mean you
dont understand how you kill jobs by stopping work , your really that stupid of a moron ?, well lets say you have permits to build a building and are starting on it and all of a sudden you cnt build , then your going to lay off everyone already working on the soil and not hire the concrete workers plumbers carpenters etc .
its pretty easy to figure out

planning to address covid o but he did the governors were in charge of each state moron

as for importing oil moron isn't it better no matter whos president to produce and use our own oil and sell it around the world creating jobs and wealth here at home , instead of providing a market for nations who dont like us and creating jobs and wealth in their nations .
In the words of a great comedian

some one take the pen away from joey before we all end up living in a van down by the river
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Again, some simple questions for the OP: How do you "kill jobs" that don't exist? Or were stopped do to no further funding? How do you feel about all the overseas "outsourcing" by jobs UNDER GOP PRESIDENTS AND CONGRESS done for YEARS AND CURRENTLY EXISTS? Why are you upset about our foreign purchase of oil and gas now when it's been going on since Nixon, Reagan, the Bush family and Trump? Is it only a problem when it was Carter or Clinton or Obama or Biden? And why weren't you upset at the lack of strategic planning to address Covid under Trump, yet that inheritence is Bidens fault? And did you know that the "caravans" have been happening for decades, but A RELATIVE FEW are actually granted asylum/entrance into the USA? And why are you carrying on as if Biden has been in office for 4 years rather than just under a week?

the country can't unite so long as right wingnut trolls like you, BulletBob, are still shooting blanks.

you mean you
dont understand how you kill jobs by stopping work , your really that stupid of a moron ?, well lets say you have permits to build a building and are starting on it and all of a sudden you cnt build , then your going to lay off everyone already working on the soil and not hire the concrete workers plumbers carpenters etc .
its pretty easy to figure out

planning to address covid o but he did the governors were in charge of each state moron

as for importing oil moron isn't it better no matter whos president to produce and use our own oil and sell it around the world creating jobs and wealth here at home , instead of providing a market for nations who dont like us and creating jobs and wealth in their nations .

:palm: Once more for the mentally challenged:

VERIFY: Yes, jobs lost from President Biden canceling Keystone XL Pipeline, but not as many as you think
In the words of a great comedian

some one take the pen away from joey before we all end up living in a van down by the river

And yet bobby boy is fine with 30 years of reaganomics that damned near bankrupted the country....twice.

Bobby is so far in denial, he'll hit Egypt soon.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post're inability to address the following is a clear indication of how FOS you are.

I did adress it numb nuts

The chronology of the posts makes you out to be a liar, Bobby Boy, as the linked article clearly puts into perspective exactly how many real jobs were lost as opposed to projections, etc., etc. All you do is just ignore what you don't like and then regurgitate the SOS.

If what you say is true, then just name the post number where you did this. If you can't, then you're just another right wingnut blowhard.
The chronology of the posts makes you out to be a liar, Bobby Boy, as the linked article clearly puts into perspective exactly how many real jobs were lost as opposed to projections, etc., etc. All you do is just ignore what you don't like and then regurgitate the SOS.

If what you say is true, then just name the post number where you did this. If you can't, then you're just another right wingnut blowhard.

projections are real sorry that it annoys you
heres a sample meat head

The company and other supporters argue that the pipeline would create jobs indirectly for companies that sell products and services used to build the pipeline. The State Department report estimates that there would be a total of 42,000 indirect jobs created, with a total of $2 billion in wages. That comes to an average of about about $47,000 in wages per job.

TransCanada also pointed out that there would be benefits beyond the jobs and wages, including "significant property tax revenues, as well as sales and use and other tax revenues, to counties and states along the proposed project route."
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
The chronology of the posts makes you out to be a liar, Bobby Boy, as the linked article clearly puts into perspective exactly how many real jobs were lost as opposed to projections, etc., etc. All you do is just ignore what you don't like and then regurgitate the SOS.

If what you say is true, then just name the post number where you did this. If you can't, then you're just another right wingnut blowhard.

projections are real sorry that it annoys you
heres a sample meat head

The company and other supporters argue that the pipeline would create jobs indirectly for companies that sell products and services used to build the pipeline. The State Department report estimates that there would be a total of 42,000 indirect jobs created, with a total of $2 billion in wages. That comes to an average of about about $47,000 in wages per job.

TransCanada also pointed out that there would be benefits beyond the jobs and wages, including "significant property tax revenues, as well as sales and use and other tax revenues, to counties and states along the proposed project route."

That's what I love about you insipidly stubborne right wing just double down on your own version of reality and ignore everything else.

For your edification from Merriam-Webster:


- an estimate of future possibilities based on a current trend
- the forming of a plan : SCHEMING

Everything you listed is essentially a projection of what MIGHT BE IF all pertaining present factors reamain stable.

Let me dumb it down for you: each year corporations, companies, utilities, etc. have projection of budget costs for various projects for the upcoming year. And at the end of each following year you have a report of what ACTUALLY transpired.

You can predict, forecast, project to your little hearts content.....the actual results seldom if every fall exactly as planned. Also, here's what you ignore that is most important:

Only about 1,000 of these jobs are currently filled. Also most of these jobs were temporary positions slated to last 4 to 8 months while a pipeline would have been constructed. Those jobs would have been primarily in Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska and Kansas.

Finally, a State Department report on the Keystone Pipeline found the project would only create 50 permanent long lasting jobs some of which would be in Canada, not the United States.

So we can VERIFY, the claim is true, but without critical context is very misleading about the real number of jobs lost by Biden's executive order.

Got it now, bunky? Hope so. If not, get a nearby adult to explain it to you.