As usual, you're FOS, lying, moron.
O I am lying about it you say , well well so you want to make your self look like a idiot and you need my to do it for you.
Well if you look at the charts on the link you will see we were exporting oil long before Bath house barry O bung hole became president and had been for a very long time .
Thank you for allowing me to help you look like a lying moron with his head up his ass , no need to thank me it was my pleasure to do so, of course I couldn't have done it with out your help .
of course the exporting exploded under Trump by several times what it was under O bung hole but that's a subject for another time .
No put your head back inside your own ass or whoever s ass you had it stuck up and go back to sleep until you either learn you lesson , or decide to have another mind fart and run your mouth about something you don't know shit about or decide you need me to help you look like a idiot again or decide to come up for air.
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