Are there now two Republican parties?

Trump has already been impeached, twice, or don't you understand how this all works. The trial is not to determine impeachment, that is a Done Deal, it is only to see if he will be held accountable, we know you guys do not believe in personal responsibility especially when it comes to trump.

stop your moron blather.
Marjory Taylor Green


Mitch McConnell

Are you with the Sandy Hook was a false flag, or are you with reality?

No amount of Gerrymandering will ever get them another Presidential victory ... so they’re excuse will always be it got stolen :rolleyes:
you cant impeach a private citizen. it's nonsense.

He was impeached while he was in office, the trial is not whether or not to impeach trump, he already was, that is Done. Go do some research, you are just making yourself look ignorant by posting nonsense.
and exonerated. this last thing was extralegal nonsense.

He was not exonerated, they just did not punish him for anything, and they won't this time either, trump owns their voters and thus their political careers. Does not change the Fact that he is the only President to be impeached TWICE.
He was not exonerated, they just did not punish him for anything, and they won't this time either, trump owns their voters and thus their political careers. Does not change the Fact that he is the only President to be impeached TWICE.

ok, word games boy.

He was impeached while he was in office, the trial is not whether or not to impeach trump, he already was, that is Done. Go do some research, you are just making yourself look ignorant by posting nonsense.

impeachment is for individuals in office, tardo.