Are there now two Republican parties?

No, he said he won't preside. He's said NOTHING about the constitutionality of the trial.

If Roberts agrees and thinks he should be there, then why won’t he be there.

Does this have anything to do with Jewish laser beams in the pod world?
Yes, Skippy, even this last time, nothing will change the Fact that trump was impeached Twice. Go learn how Impeachment works or stop talking about something you obviously are clueless about.

im pretty sure it was after the inauguration that this second farce impeachment was voted upon.
Marjory Taylor Green


Mitch McConnell

Are you with the Sandy Hook was a false flag, or are you with reality?

I don't think McConnell is in line with reality either.

This is like choosing between a giant douche and a turd sandwich.
I would not be surprised if there is not a shocker to come out in the trial.

A big smoking gun, there is no discovery in this type of trial.