impeachment is for individuals in office, tardo.
He was IN office when he was impeached you idiot, look it up or STFU. Good God you are one Stupid Fuck.....
impeachment is for individuals in office, tardo.
He was IN office when he was impeached you idiot, look it up or STFU. Good God you are one Stupid Fuck.....
and exonerated. this last thing was extralegal nonsense.
not this last time.
No, he said he won't preside. He's said NOTHING about the constitutionality of the trial.
It was an impeachment for inciting violence among many other things. You cant put lipstick on a pig.
Yes, Skippy, even this last time, nothing will change the Fact that trump was impeached Twice. Go learn how Impeachment works or stop talking about something you obviously are clueless about.
he didn't incite violence.
you can't impeach someone out of office.
He was impeached while in office. How many fucking times must that be repeated to get through your head.
I think he is now. I think McConnell wants to move away from the crazies
He knows the case will burry trump and the nutters
After the people are shown the evidence their will be no upside to being a trumpet
im pretty sure it was after the inauguration that this second farce impeachment was voted upon.
...the first time. not this last time.
...the first time. not this last time.
you're delusional.
What a grand compliment coming from a shit bucket of your level of shit fill
If a conspiracy crippled dupe says your delusional it means you carry the truth at your side
Thanks ass hole wrinkle
Jan 13, 2021.
Who was president on that date?
What a grand compliment coming from a shit bucket of your level of shit fill
If a conspiracy crippled dupe says your delusional it means you carry the truth at your side
Thanks ass hole wrinkle
Marjory Taylor Green
Mitch McConnell
Are you with the Sandy Hook was a false flag, or are you with reality?