Two classes


Let's go Brandon!
There are two classes of people in the US. One is the rich and powerful, and this includes most politicians, career bureaucrats, main stream media, and the wealthy corporatists. This generally represents 1% of Americans.

Then there is the working man and women. Union or non-union, it matters little. There are some wealthy folks out there but by and large they earned it themselves, so understand the value of hard work.

The rich-powerful like the way the system works for them. They can largely avoid paying taxes since they can afford an army of lawyers and accountants. A few dollars in donations to their political allies yields returns hundreds if not thousand of times over. Huge federal deficits delate the dollar, yes, but their holdings and in other assets. It's the little guys who get screwed when the value of the dollar drops.

By and large the 1% are Democrats because big government, especially if they can control it, increases their wealth and power. Lots of elected Republicans go along with this- enough so that the continuous growth of government can never be stopped. They are part of the club and act as a screen to keep it from view of the public.

Then came along Trump, the disrupter. He knew how to play the game of the 1% because he did it himself for a while. But he campaigned to stop all that and Make America Great Again in the process. And so he did: promises made, promises kept. The economy was booming and unemployment was at unpresented low levels across all sectors. For the first time in most of our lives the US was energy independent. Even carbon emissions were down. No useless wars were being thought of, never mind fought.

During this short, three year process the 1% fought him at every step. Mindless robots, like the libs here at JPP, cheered them on. But Trump was winning over traditional Democrat constituencies that promised to end the Democrat Party along with the influence of the main stream media and the Big Tech oligarchs. "Russia, Russia, Russia" they claimed, all the while working with China. With the 2020 election coming up, they devised a plan.

China released a manufactured virus and The Left insisted on a complete lock-down on many forms of economic activity. The New York governor went so far as to force Covid patients into nursing homes, and infected many of the mist vulnerable. The buearocrats went into overdrive to make sure that as many deaths as possible got counted as Covid related. Big Tech/ Big Media massaged the news to make seem even more dire. All the while blaming Trump for it.

This created the excuse for a massive mail-in ballot campaign. State laws and regulations were ignored. And software companies paid to count votes worked their algorithms to guarantee the results they wanted.

When the dust cleared and the Democrat politicians chosen candidate "won" the Electoral College, most of us knew the truth of what had just happened. "Conspiracy theorists" was the canned response from the 1% punditry.

And just like that our Republic is no more.
There are two classes of people in the US. One is the rich and powerful, and this includes most politicians, career bureaucrats, main stream media, and the wealthy corporatists. This generally represents 1% of Americans.

Then there is the working man and women. Union or non-union, it matters little. There are some wealthy folks out there but by and large they earned it themselves, so understand the value of hard work.

The rich-powerful like the way the system works for them. They can largely avoid paying taxes since they can afford an army of lawyers and accountants. A few dollars in donations to their political allies yields returns hundreds if not thousand of times over. Huge federal deficits delate the dollar, yes, but their holdings and in other assets. It's the little guys who get screwed when the value of the dollar drops.

By and large the 1% are Democrats because big government, especially if they can control it, increases their wealth and power. Lots of elected Republicans go along with this- enough so that the continuous growth of government can never be stopped. They are part of the club and act as a screen to keep it from view of the public.

Then came along Trump, the disrupter. He knew how to play the game of the 1% because he did it himself for a while. But he campaigned to stop all that and Make America Great Again in the process. And so he did: promises made, promises kept. The economy was booming and unemployment was at unpresented low levels across all sectors. For the first time in most of our lives the US was energy independent. Even carbon emissions were down. No useless wars were being thought of, never mind fought.

During this short, three year process the 1% fought him at every step. Mindless robots, like the libs here at JPP, cheered them on. But Trump was winning over traditional Democrat constituencies that promised to end the Democrat Party along with the influence of the main stream media and the Big Tech oligarchs. "Russia, Russia, Russia" they claimed, all the while working with China. With the 2020 election coming up, they devised a plan.

China released a manufactured virus and The Left insisted on a complete lock-down on many forms of economic activity. The New York governor went so far as to force Covid patients into nursing homes, and infected many of the mist vulnerable. The buearocrats went into overdrive to make sure that as many deaths as possible got counted as Covid related. Big Tech/ Big Media massaged the news to make seem even more dire. All the while blaming Trump for it.

This created the excuse for a massive mail-in ballot campaign. State laws and regulations were ignored. And software companies paid to count votes worked their algorithms to guarantee the results they wanted.

When the dust cleared and the Democrat politicians chosen candidate "won" the Electoral College, most of us knew the truth of what had just happened. "Conspiracy theorists" was the canned response from the 1% punditry.

And just like that our Republic is no more.

The Republic is just fine, the GOP on the other hand seem to be in turmoil and about to tear apart. Until you guys cut strings from the trumps and people like Greene you will not be running anything, People do not like being governed by those certifiably nuts, Nov 3 was proof of that.
The Republic is just fine, the GOP on the other hand seem to be in turmoil and about to tear apart. Until you guys cut strings from the trumps and people like Greene you will not be running anything, People do not like being governed by those certifiably nuts, Nov 3 was proof of that.

You're more proof that the left will overplay it's hand and you will be standing there one day with your thumb up your ass wondering why you aren't I power anymore. I know everything I just wrote makes no sense to you but believe me I've seen this a those times with you evil pricks.
This is like something out of the National Enquirer that you buy at the Super Market. Congratulations, you have a future in Tabloid Journalism. :thumbsup:

There are two classes of people in the US. One is the rich and powerful, and this includes most politicians, career bureaucrats, main stream media, and the wealthy corporatists. This generally represents 1% of Americans.

Then there is the working man and women. Union or non-union, it matters little. There are some wealthy folks out there but by and large they earned it themselves, so understand the value of hard work.

The rich-powerful like the way the system works for them. They can largely avoid paying taxes since they can afford an army of lawyers and accountants. A few dollars in donations to their political allies yields returns hundreds if not thousand of times over. Huge federal deficits delate the dollar, yes, but their holdings and in other assets. It's the little guys who get screwed when the value of the dollar drops.

By and large the 1% are Democrats because big government, especially if they can control it, increases their wealth and power. Lots of elected Republicans go along with this- enough so that the continuous growth of government can never be stopped. They are part of the club and act as a screen to keep it from view of the public.

Then came along Trump, the disrupter. He knew how to play the game of the 1% because he did it himself for a while. But he campaigned to stop all that and Make America Great Again in the process. And so he did: promises made, promises kept. The economy was booming and unemployment was at unpresented low levels across all sectors. For the first time in most of our lives the US was energy independent. Even carbon emissions were down. No useless wars were being thought of, never mind fought.

During this short, three year process the 1% fought him at every step. Mindless robots, like the libs here at JPP, cheered them on. But Trump was winning over traditional Democrat constituencies that promised to end the Democrat Party along with the influence of the main stream media and the Big Tech oligarchs. "Russia, Russia, Russia" they claimed, all the while working with China. With the 2020 election coming up, they devised a plan.

China released a manufactured virus and The Left insisted on a complete lock-down on many forms of economic activity. The New York governor went so far as to force Covid patients into nursing homes, and infected many of the mist vulnerable. The buearocrats went into overdrive to make sure that as many deaths as possible got counted as Covid related. Big Tech/ Big Media massaged the news to make seem even more dire. All the while blaming Trump for it.

This created the excuse for a massive mail-in ballot campaign. State laws and regulations were ignored. And software companies paid to count votes worked their algorithms to guarantee the results they wanted.

When the dust cleared and the Democrat politicians chosen candidate "won" the Electoral College, most of us knew the truth of what had just happened. "Conspiracy theorists" was the canned response from the 1% punditry.

And just like that our Republic is no more.
The Republic is just fine, the GOP on the other hand seem to be in turmoil and about to tear apart. Until you guys cut strings from the trumps and people like Greene you will not be running anything, People do not like being governed by those certifiably nuts, Nov 3 was proof of that.


It was a vote against Trump but general overall support for the republican party who had a very good election actually.

Saying it wasn't good for them is just being dishonest.

And remember that democrats have a history of these big lies, it's how they got us into Vietnam or imprison Americans illegally.

Stealing an election would probably be boring for then.

It was a vote against Trump but general overall support for the republican party who had a very good election actually.

Saying it wasn't good for them is just being dishonest.

And remember that democrats have a history of these big lies, it's how they got us into Vietnam or imprison Americans illegally.

Stealing an election would probably be boring for then.

Umm. I have never said otherwise. The Repubs Gained seats in the House and that wasn't going to be easy to accomplish, I gave them credit for it. Then again the GOP did what I thought was Highly unlikely and Lost Both Senate runoff races, at best I thought they would be split and in doing so the GOP lost control of the Senate. You can think trump for that, he probably hurt the GOP in Georgia than helped.

After four Years of non-stop Lies coming from the WH I do not think you really want to go down the path of who Lies more. Hey, did trump submit his healthcare plan yet???

No one stole anything in the election, but trump tried hard and as usual he was a failure and probably faces serious legal problems for some of his attempts.
Good read from Tucker:
We thought that for a long time, the Federal government is infuriating. It can be stupid and dangerous, obviously. But at least in the case of the government, you theoretically have some control over its behavior since it’s a democracy....

In this moment, right now, the bigger threat to your family turned out to be huge publicly held corporations, particularly the tech monopolies. Why? Because you have zero control over their behavior. They truly aren’t interested in what you think.
According to NYU, shutting down a newspaper’s account for its political views during a presidential election is not censorship, it is instead — and we are quoting now — “reasonable.”

Why is it reasonable? Well, because presumably, unlike, say, The Pentagon Papers, or virtually every scoop The New York Times has ever published, The New York Post used information that was not publicly available in its stories about Hunter Biden, and that’s totally wrong and it should be censored, which is not actually censorship. It’s just commonsense. It’s reasonable....

This so-called academic study was in fact paid for by Big Tech. How shocked are you?

It was funded by a man called Craig Newmark. Newmark is one of the many Silicon Valley billionaires who paid for the Joe Biden for President Campaign. Now, he is paying for this.

One of the authors of the so-called academic study is a man called Paul Barrett. Craig Newmark is really Paul Barrett’s Medici, his patron. In September, Barrett released another study on why we should be very nice to Big Tech, as well as deeply respectful and always obedient. That study was also funded by Craig Newmark, as well as by George Soros.

Are you following how this works? Is it becoming clear?

In 2021, billionaires fund their own studies. And in return for that investment, they get the conclusions they have paid for and the rest of us get to obey those conclusions. That’s called science, ladies and gentlemen. And suddenly, it’s everywhere: billionaires in charge.
JPP libs applaud Big Tech's bullshit. Democrats are now the Party of Big Corps, exactly what they claimed to hate just a few years ago.
JPP libs applaud Big Tech's bullshit. Democrats are now the Party of Big Corps, exactly what they claimed to hate just a few years ago.

The republican party is now the party of non-elitist average Americans. Who is in the leftocrat party? Entertainment types, media types, academia and tech companies. None of them have any idea what the average persons life is like. Example : piglosi telling people to stay home as she eats from the 8 gallons of ice cream she had in her $40,000 refrigerator. Then went out to have her hair done.
To the OP, not true. There are two types of Americans in terms of economics, Owners and Renters.

Owners tend to be conservative because they have skin in the game. They have property and possessions they own and would like to keep and see grow in value. Renters on the other hand have nothing in the game. They for all intents own nothing so they have nothing to lose. As a result, renters tend to be Leftists. They like government giving them stuff so long as the taxes or other wealth comes from those that are owners.

Naomi Klein, the Leftist economics guru, in Ownership Nation argued that the best way to increase Leftist power is to turn owners into renters while increasing renter's dependency on government.

The uber rich and political elite are sort of above this in that they are owners who have sufficient amounts of "stuff" that they will always be owners. Besides, they have the connections to ensure they carve out exceptions in the law / rules that allows them to keep their stuff while stiffing everybody else. They too like the Left. It gives them power that is absolute and perpetual. All they have to do is turn the rest of society into renters who are locked into needing government to survive. Thus, they work to eliminate ownership in society.
Umm. I have never said otherwise. The Repubs Gained seats in the House and that wasn't going to be easy to accomplish, I gave them credit for it. Then again the GOP did what I thought was Highly unlikely and Lost Both Senate runoff races, at best I thought they would be split and in doing so the GOP lost control of the Senate. You can think trump for that, he probably hurt the GOP in Georgia than helped.

After four Years of non-stop Lies coming from the WH I do not think you really want to go down the path of who Lies more. Hey, did trump submit his healthcare plan yet???

No one stole anything in the election, but trump tried hard and as usual he was a failure and probably faces serious legal problems for some of his attempts.

All presidents break campaign promises and Trump did it far less.
All presidents break campaign promises and Trump did it far less.

Except that he claimed it was all almost ready to go. He did that more than once, it is not a promise broken, it is an outright LIE.

Did you miss the thousands of Lies trump told, really, all of them???
Except that he claimed it was all almost ready to go. He did that more than once, it is not a promise broken, it is an outright LIE.

Did you miss the thousands of Lies trump told, really, all of them???

I've debunked 99% of them.

The fact is that you liberals simply say any words he speaks are lies, that's where those thousands come from.

For instance, in his state of the union address alone the liberals claimed he lied 623 times.

That's just for one speech.

I've debunked 99% of them.

The fact is that you liberals simply say any words he speaks are lies, that's where those thousands come from.

For instance, in his state of the union address alone the liberals claimed he lied 623 times.

That's just for one speech.


Using a Broad Paint Brush will only result in paint everywhere and a shitty job. Sorry but I refuse to be lumped into some imaginary group. Address what I say, not eveyone. Does trump Lie, Hell Yes, still waiting for you to simply admit that Fact, it cannot be that darn hard. The rest I have never said.
Using a Broad Paint Brush will only result in paint everywhere and a shitty job. Sorry but I refuse to be lumped into some imaginary group. Address what I say, not eveyone. Does trump Lie, Hell Yes, still waiting for you to simply admit that Fact, it cannot be that darn hard. The rest I have never said.

If broad paint brushes don't work then why do they make them and yes all presidents have lied, it is literally impossible not to due to the very nature of the job.

I can admit that easily it's the left who can't.