Let's go Brandon!
There are two classes of people in the US. One is the rich and powerful, and this includes most politicians, career bureaucrats, main stream media, and the wealthy corporatists. This generally represents 1% of Americans.
Then there is the working man and women. Union or non-union, it matters little. There are some wealthy folks out there but by and large they earned it themselves, so understand the value of hard work.
The rich-powerful like the way the system works for them. They can largely avoid paying taxes since they can afford an army of lawyers and accountants. A few dollars in donations to their political allies yields returns hundreds if not thousand of times over. Huge federal deficits delate the dollar, yes, but their holdings and in other assets. It's the little guys who get screwed when the value of the dollar drops.
By and large the 1% are Democrats because big government, especially if they can control it, increases their wealth and power. Lots of elected Republicans go along with this- enough so that the continuous growth of government can never be stopped. They are part of the club and act as a screen to keep it from view of the public.
Then came along Trump, the disrupter. He knew how to play the game of the 1% because he did it himself for a while. But he campaigned to stop all that and Make America Great Again in the process. And so he did: promises made, promises kept. The economy was booming and unemployment was at unpresented low levels across all sectors. For the first time in most of our lives the US was energy independent. Even carbon emissions were down. No useless wars were being thought of, never mind fought.
During this short, three year process the 1% fought him at every step. Mindless robots, like the libs here at JPP, cheered them on. But Trump was winning over traditional Democrat constituencies that promised to end the Democrat Party along with the influence of the main stream media and the Big Tech oligarchs. "Russia, Russia, Russia" they claimed, all the while working with China. With the 2020 election coming up, they devised a plan.
China released a manufactured virus and The Left insisted on a complete lock-down on many forms of economic activity. The New York governor went so far as to force Covid patients into nursing homes, and infected many of the mist vulnerable. The buearocrats went into overdrive to make sure that as many deaths as possible got counted as Covid related. Big Tech/ Big Media massaged the news to make seem even more dire. All the while blaming Trump for it.
This created the excuse for a massive mail-in ballot campaign. State laws and regulations were ignored. And software companies paid to count votes worked their algorithms to guarantee the results they wanted.
When the dust cleared and the Democrat politicians chosen candidate "won" the Electoral College, most of us knew the truth of what had just happened. "Conspiracy theorists" was the canned response from the 1% punditry.
And just like that our Republic is no more.
Then there is the working man and women. Union or non-union, it matters little. There are some wealthy folks out there but by and large they earned it themselves, so understand the value of hard work.
The rich-powerful like the way the system works for them. They can largely avoid paying taxes since they can afford an army of lawyers and accountants. A few dollars in donations to their political allies yields returns hundreds if not thousand of times over. Huge federal deficits delate the dollar, yes, but their holdings and in other assets. It's the little guys who get screwed when the value of the dollar drops.
By and large the 1% are Democrats because big government, especially if they can control it, increases their wealth and power. Lots of elected Republicans go along with this- enough so that the continuous growth of government can never be stopped. They are part of the club and act as a screen to keep it from view of the public.
Then came along Trump, the disrupter. He knew how to play the game of the 1% because he did it himself for a while. But he campaigned to stop all that and Make America Great Again in the process. And so he did: promises made, promises kept. The economy was booming and unemployment was at unpresented low levels across all sectors. For the first time in most of our lives the US was energy independent. Even carbon emissions were down. No useless wars were being thought of, never mind fought.
During this short, three year process the 1% fought him at every step. Mindless robots, like the libs here at JPP, cheered them on. But Trump was winning over traditional Democrat constituencies that promised to end the Democrat Party along with the influence of the main stream media and the Big Tech oligarchs. "Russia, Russia, Russia" they claimed, all the while working with China. With the 2020 election coming up, they devised a plan.
China released a manufactured virus and The Left insisted on a complete lock-down on many forms of economic activity. The New York governor went so far as to force Covid patients into nursing homes, and infected many of the mist vulnerable. The buearocrats went into overdrive to make sure that as many deaths as possible got counted as Covid related. Big Tech/ Big Media massaged the news to make seem even more dire. All the while blaming Trump for it.
This created the excuse for a massive mail-in ballot campaign. State laws and regulations were ignored. And software companies paid to count votes worked their algorithms to guarantee the results they wanted.
When the dust cleared and the Democrat politicians chosen candidate "won" the Electoral College, most of us knew the truth of what had just happened. "Conspiracy theorists" was the canned response from the 1% punditry.
And just like that our Republic is no more.