HR 127 is a way to confiscate guns

Wow, "Get with the program"?

You can't connect the dots?
What 'program'? What 'dots'? Cliche fallacy.
The insurrectionist posted their exploits on social media, took pictures with their phones.
That they planned by the Democrats.
You just posted you have guns of your property, one person knows and they are in a safe.
I don't give a fuck what firearms you own.
Lie. You obviously do, since you consider him 'dangerous' and a 'nut case'.
You're a braggart, just like the moron insurrectionist,
Not all of Antifa or BLM are braggarts. Not all gun owners are braggarts either. Think about that.
that's the way gun nuts are, and that will be their demise.
Why? He has weapons that YOU fear. Your own hoplophobia is your undoing.
Yeah, jitterbugs doing drive-by shootings are using handguns or rifles?

Yup. Usually they favor handguns.
Of course, they couldn't hit the side of a barn with those guns. They learned all they know about guns from the movies.
Thus, the innocent bystander often suffers.
well lets look into your clam house fag what is a assault rifle shall we

.Of note I love house daddy fag he needs no help making himself look like a uninformed more all by himself and he is so good atr it I just enjoy helping him

Is an AR 15 considered an assault rifle?
"AR-15-style rifles are NOT 'assault weapons' or 'assault rifles,' according to NSSF's website. "An assault rifle is fully automatic — a machine gun. Automatic firearms have been severely restricted from civilian ownership since 1934.

as you can see hand guns are not considered a rifle house fag , and there is no mention of high capacity mags either or being able to modify them to accept high mags either
any firearm that accepts a removable magazine can accept a magazine capacity that has to do with the mags capacity not the guns you fucking moron.
also to be a assult weapon by the governments own definition the firearm must be selective fire. for morons like house fag that means that went you pull the trigger and the gun is selective fire it will fire a burst of rounds usually 3 with one pull or keep firing until its empty.
that you house fag for displaying your extreme ignorance yet again and making your self look like idiot yet again , I also thank you for allowing me to educate a idiot like you , no need to thank me .

I know that ignorant born dumb bastards like you have been trained like a circus chimp and you cant really help it

A machine gun is not an 'assault rifle' either. There is nothing illegal about any machine gun.
This is the press narrative. Remember the press is doing everything it can to quash conservatives and anything Trump is doing. They won't talk about secession votes until it actually hits them in the face and they are forced to, for example. If they do talk about any of it (they know it's going on), they have to come up with a twisted narrative to make Trump look bad. They cannot talk about Biden's gaffs, problems, or his executive orders in detail much because they must try to support this idiot and the idiots around him.

A new narrative has been forced upon them, however. Time magazine, for example, is starting a push for a new narrative on the election fraud that took place by the Democrats. They admit to it all now, but they are saying it was all to 'protect the people'. So, yes, things are happening that they are forced to admit to. I expect this new narrative will be echoed by others in the mainstream media before long. Either that or it will turn on one of their own, and where does that leave them?

Meanwhile, the gaff disease that is Biden is spreading to Harris and to his press secretary, Jen Psaki. They are still deluding themselves that nothing is happening out there among the people.

You don't hear about it because the mainstream press tries to quash it. But now they are starting this new narrative. Why? Because they know they can cover up the lies of the Democrats only so long.

Look Sir.....I am the one who routinely uses these words in this order "The Mind Molders (nee journalists)".
The bill says anything over 10 rounds.

Agreed a Ruger 22 can be defined as an assault weapon (not rifle) per the bill.

An assault rifle is a military weapon with select fire. An 'assault weapon" is a LW fabricated term like "white privilege". It's a political term and has nothing to do with actual weapons.

So you define an 'assault weapon' differently than others. Buzzword fallacy. There is no such thing as an 'assault weapon'.
Nothing in the 2nd amendment specifies type of weapon, type of action, brand name, or limits anything to a ballistic weapon or not.
You are obsessed with the talk because you follow right tight insurrectionists. They are your peeps and your normal life. We don't pay much attention because Qanon and 4 channel Infowars are not our daily fare. You do not require quashing. We simply do not read conspiracies.

The Democrat party is a conspiracy. The New York Times is a conspiracy. CNN is a conspiracy.

Since you simply deny history and the censorship, I'll leave you to your own clueless world.
So you define an 'assault weapon' differently than others. Buzzword fallacy. There is no such thing as an 'assault weapon'.
Nothing in the 2nd amendment specifies type of weapon, type of action, brand name, or limits anything to a ballistic weapon or not.

No shit, clueless. Read my post again.
You want to retract your statement?

What's to retract? Do you understand the difference between an assault rifle and an assault weapon? Do you know one is a real weapon and the other is a LW legal term constructed for Bill Clinton's gun ban?

Are you sane enough to hold these concepts in your brain housing or do I need to post a picture for you?
A machine gun is not an 'assault rifle' either. There is nothing illegal about any machine gun.

a machine gun is restricted but you can own then , but they are ultra expensive and you have the same wait and atf approval process.
most machine guns are not selective fire but full auto only some are selective however, they also generally but not always fire heavy caliber ammo 308 and above , they are for substained fire over longer periods and often have barrels that are changeable when they get hot
YES, it will but only for teabagger/Q NUTS.

“(II) undergoes a psychological evaluation conducted in accordance with paragraph (2), and the evaluation does not indicate that the individual is psychologically unsuited to possess a firearm.

2) PSYCHOLOGICAL EVALUATION.—A psychological evaluation is conducted in accordance with this paragraph if—

“(A) the evaluation is conducted in compliance with such standards as shall be established by the Attorney General;

“(B) the evaluation is conducted by a licensed psychologist approved by the Attorney General;

“(C) as deemed necessary by the licensed psychologist involved, the evaluation included a psychological evaluation of other members of the household in which the individual resides; and

“(D) as part of the psychological evaluation, the licensed psychologist interviewed any spouse of the individual, any former spouse of the individual, and at least 2 other persons who are a member of the family of, or an associate of, the individual to further determine the state of the mental, emotional, and relational stability of the individual in relation to firearms.


“(A) REQUIRED.—The Attorney General shall deny such a license to an individual if—

“(I) with a mental illness, disturbance, or diagnosis (including depression, homicidal ideation, suicidal ideation, attempted suicide, or addiction to a controlled substance (within the meaning of the Controlled Substances Act) or alcohol), or a brain disease (including dementia or Alzheimer’s)

That pretty much covers every teabagger/Q NUT.

"No weapons or sharp objects for you'.

no it would affect the nut job democrats to like You . I assure you I can pass a physiological test . I carried a fire arm for years protecting peoples children while democrats want to kill them
I have always found it strange that democrats go after people who legally own guns and obey the laws, but never go after the criminals who have illegal fire arms and use them .
they tend to fight for the criminals rights all the gang bangers drug dealers and armed robbers and rapis stick up kids , and go after people obeying the law. they are just outright fucked up in the head.
makes no sense
What's to retract? Do you understand the difference between an assault rifle and an assault weapon? Do you know one is a real weapon and the other is a LW legal term constructed for Bill Clinton's gun ban?

Are you sane enough to hold these concepts in your brain housing or do I need to post a picture for you?

Even if you did, the moron would deny it, about time I put the lying, idiot on my troll list, nothing but a troll.
no it would affect the nut job democrats to like You . I assure you I can pass a physiological test . I carried a fire arm for years protecting peoples children while democrats want to kill them

"I assure you I can pass a physiological test".

That what all nut jobs claim.

Yes democrats want to kill all babies, after they've been trafficked for a couple of years, then we drink their blood.
I have always found it strange that democrats go after people who legally own guns and obey the laws, but never go after the criminals who have illegal fire arms and use them .
they tend to fight for the criminals rights all the gang bangers drug dealers and armed robbers and rapis stick up kids , and go after people obeying the law. they are just outright fucked up in the head.
makes no sense

No, we let them go free as a bird, even if they stole the weapons from police, we don't even look for them.