45th President Trump releases statement on Senate acquittal

McConnell explained it clearly. He said Trump was guilty of all charges and he should be charged by other authorities, but the fact that Trump was no longer in office kept him from a guilty vote. However, Mirch stopped the House from presenting the papers on time. Mitch says Trump got away with nothing because other courts will charge him. Few people are dumb enough to believe Trump is innocent.

Mitch is trying to have his cake and eat it. He didn't want to convict Trump because he is afraid of losing his seat, yet he knows Trump is guilty and says this much because he wants history to remember his as a good guy.

In other words, McConnell is a weasel.

The vote wasn't entirely partisan. The fact that seven Republicans voted to convict, and the fact that many (like McConnell) who voted to acquit called Trump guilty nonetheless, should make the remaining Trump supporters take pause.
Mitch let Trump off scott-free and now the Republicans can get back to prosecuting those they labeled as "lawless actors" and "criminal insurgents" with Trump himself the sole person responsible for misleading them.

It's unfortunate that some people are above the law.
Mitch is trying to have his cake and eat it. He didn't want to convict Trump because he is afraid of losing his seat, yet he knows Trump is guilty and says this much because he wants history to remember his as a good guy.

In other words, McConnell is a weasel.

The vote wasn't entirely partisan. The fact that seven Republicans voted to convict, and the fact that many (like McConnell) who voted to acquit called Trump guilty nonetheless, should make the remaining Trump supporters take pause.

He made a great speech about Trump's crimes, but it's about 2-3 years too late.
It's unfortunate that some people are above the law.

I was a red light when a truck pulled up really close behind me. The roads were snowy and slippery, and my tires are a bit worn, so I like to take my time in the snow. As soon as the light turned green, this guy laid on his horn for about 2-3 seconds. I go and we ge to another red light. Same thing happens. He gets right on my ass, and as soon as the light turns green, he lays on the horn. I don't even have time to switch my foot from the brake to the gas and this asshole acts like I'm asleep at a green light. We get to the third light, and the same thing happened. At this light, there's a small gas station, which I turn into to get gas. He follows me and parks at the pump next time. Now, this idiot thinks it's a good idea to get out and harass me. He marches his short little self to my car and starts yelling at me. I ignore him, which must have pissed him off, because he get in my face. I still ignore him and pump my gas. As I put the pump back, he grabs my jacket. That's when I pull out my pistol and whip him in the cheekbone with it. The little bitch fell against the trash can between our pumps and begged me not to shoot him. Long story short, I took his keys, tossed them into the snowy road, and drove off. It was only as I pulled out of the gas station that I saw the TRUMP sticker on the back of his truck. (Oh, and I know the guy who owns the gas station, so I don't need to worry about cops getting involved.) Still feel ashamed about my loss of control, but at least I didn't shoot the guy.


King: Nancy Pelosi calling BS on Mitch McConnell (msn.com)

Mitch the wiggly worm pulls a Mueller. "I didn't say he didn't....."

Oh please, not eligible for impeachment. :palm: He was impeached.

Sorry Mitch, you get full coward status for wiggling out of making the tough call.

Let me translate Mitch, "I know Trump is a criminal but if I figleaf a failed con law argument over my shriveled crotch I can avoid meting out the consequences on Trump and thereby
bringing the wrath of the cult upon myself, because I know the cult knows Trump is a convict, but they don't care. What they care about is him getting away with it.
So I'm going to piss down the general population's back and tell them its raining"

Sorry, worm, nobody is buying that shit, COWARD.
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I'm a loser troll. Please shoot me in the face and watch my brains blow out the back.

Sorry troll, the scoreboard says you have zero power, liberals have control of everything, the courts don't have your back
and Trump was impeached twice and bipartisan majority found & publicly published on TV everywhere that your leader incited insurrection against the US government.

It goes without saying you Trumpfucks are universally hated, now Republicans in general are too.

You party is old and dying, and we are smelling like roses and sharpening our antlers, in our PRIME.

Sorry troll, the scoreboard says you have zero power, liberals have control of everything, the courts don't have your back
and Trump was impeached twice and bipartisan majority found & publicly published on TV everywhere that your leader incited insurrection against the US government.

It goes without saying you Trumpfucks are universally hated, now Republicans in general are too.

You party is old and dying, and we are smelling like roses and sharpening our antlers, in our PRIME.


Won battle, lost the war.

Even Minority Leader McConnell said Trump tried to violently overthrow the government.