Republicans say it outloud

If it was as an insurrection it was historically inept lol....

That's because Trump was the most inept tyrant in history. He actually believed it would work. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Regardless, the Feds are working on it; rounding up terrorists, following the money, taking down the leaders. Same game plan we had with al-Qaeda.
Stand against what? I didn't know they were going to attack the Capitol. Did you? You're the terrorist supporter, Stone. Where were you when they needed you? In the rear with the gear? LOL

Exactly. NOBODY knew except a few antifa scum and some other degenerates.
Exactly. NOBODY knew except a few antifa scum and some other degenerates.

Dude, tell that to a kindergarten class; maybe they'll believe it was Antifa who Trump rallied, pumped up and sent to the Capitol.

Regardless, the Feds will figure it out. They'll track down the terrorists and the terrorist supporters.

Now deny you gave money to the Proud Boys, Boogaloo Bois or any other militia group that attacked the Capitol. I'd like to see you post it just once since you keep running from the question.
There was no armed insurrection on the 6th. To say there was is silly. With the kind of numbers in the amounts of people that were there if it were TRULY an armed insurrection they would have accomplished anything they wanted to at break neck speed. If they would have wanted to kill Democrat lawmakers,....they would have and nothing would have stopped them. If they wanted to have taken hostages,....they would have. I like to live in reality. Armed insurrection? Not hardly. In fact its laughable to even suggest it.

We are silly enough to think bear spray, brass knuckles, hockey sticks, flag poles and other things are weapons. Cops were hit by barriers too. They did not search the insurrectionists. So what many were carrying is unknown. But this was armed. That is a fact. They did find one gun too.
Dude, tell that to a kindergarten class; maybe they'll believe it was Antifa who Trump rallied, pumped up and sent to the Capitol.

Regardless, the Feds will figure it out. They'll track down the terrorists and the terrorist supporters.

Now deny you gave money to the Proud Boys, Boogaloo Bois or any other militia group that attacked the Capitol. I'd like to see you post it just once since you keep running from the question.

Because its a stupid fucking question. Of course I didnt give them any money you idiot. Why would I.
Exactly. NOBODY knew except a few antifa scum and some other degenerates.

You're free to believe that fantasy, Stone. Care to make a wager on it? Say $100 donation to JPP in the winner's name that it was the militia's that attacked the WH, not Antifa or BLM?

BTW, here's what your buddy STY had to say about three weeks before Trump's Capitol Riot Rally:
What target would you have chosen for a truck bomb?
something more aligned with JUST FBI or ATF agents..........not a building that also housed a bunch of kids

Do you agree with them that a truck bomb at a FBI or ATF HQ is appropriate and patriotic? Did you give him or anyone like him money to build the bomb(s)?
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A couple of great examples of the utter lack of integrity and ethics from some of our favorite Republicans are making headlines today.

Let's start with the censuring of Pat Toomey by state and local GOP officials in Pennsylvania. His crime was to vote his conscience and listen to the evidence presented in the trial. A state GOP official, David Ball, had this to say about Toomey:

"We did not send him there to vote his conscience. We did not send him there to do the right thing or whatever he said he was doing. We sent him there to represent us."

'Us' apparently meaning the Trump Cult. Yep, you heard that right, this guy doesn't want a Senator to do the right thing, he wants a Senator who follows the orders of Donald J. Trump.

Which leads us to Ron Johnson, the Trumpkin Senator from Wisconsin, who really thinks you can't have an insurrection without guns and shooting:

"This didn't seem like an armed insurrection to me," the Oshkosh Republican said in an interview on WISN-AM with conservative talk radio show host Jay Weber, after condemning the events at the U.S. Capitol that day. "I mean 'armed,' when you hear 'armed,' don't you think of firearms?"

Yep, bear spray, spears, hockey sticks and other blunt objects aren't really weapons, so no big deal. Johnson did get one thing right, as he went on to say this:

"If that was a planned armed insurrection, man, you had really a bunch of idiots."

Yep Ron, it sure was a bunch of idiots. In other words, it was Trumpkins just like you.

Excellent post and highlights the hypocrisy of the radical right Trump dick-suckers.
Why weren't you in Washington, DC, old man? Spine too weak? Liver too white? Did you give any financial or material support to the Insurrectionists?

I wonder how much money GrokMasterbater sent to Trump's Election Fraud Defense Fund like all the other TrumpTard suckers.

No dissent or deviation from the groupthink is allowed.

Someone on the site here frequently uses the term "lemmings." Well, here ya go....
If it was as an insurrection it was historically inept lol.

An actual insurrection would be more covert [at first at least]; involve way more *active* firearms and a lot less cellphones; no obvious jokers like the shaman would he involved.

Basically, if it was an actual insurrection it would have ended in a blood bath with the Trump supporters ending up in the losing side. There simply weren’t enough of them that were armed to do anything more than what they did, which was cause some damage [I’m sure Antifa scoffs at the degree of it] and causing the cops to herd some politicians to a more secure location.

A BIT LIKE when Trump had to be shuffled off to a bunker while the raging leftists were burning Saint John’s church and occupying Lafayette Square.

Btw lefties and Trump haters, isn’t flushing the President of the United States out of the WH a bit like an insurrection?


Then what were the hundreds of radical right wing rioters charged with when they were arrested?

No dissent or deviation from the groupthink is allowed.....

The election was the absolutely legal way to express dissent from the alleged "groupthink."
The Trumpanzees lost and the humans won. The election was the most closely monitored ever to insure legitimacy.

The next legal opportunity comes in the 2022 midterms.
Meanwhile, there's no provision for armed insurrection to hasten the process.
That gets your ass in a cage, and then you may not even be around to cast your legal vote in the midterms.

Trumpanzees can't understand that because a pecan-sized knob on the top of the spinal cord cannot function like a real human brain.
If the seditionist pachys like to project their own fascism on the Democrats, why didn't those insurrectionist terrorists disappear sometime between arrest and arraignment?

Yet another opportunity lost from my perspective.
If the fascists insist in calling us fascists, we may as well act like it, just until we get things straightened out.
No moderate solutions for radical problems, after all.
Exactly. NOBODY knew except a few antifa scum and some other degenerates.

Ah no. You and your pal, who has disappeared and I suspect was part of this, kept signaling that something was going to happen on the 6th. Now you're going to claim that this isn't what you were talking about?

ROTLFMFAO!!!! So what else happened that we missed? You are a clown.