Coke goes Full Woke

so what? have you ever thought to maybe do your own research ? are you saying the tweet is bogus?
do you think AT ALL?? I realize sucking down fake news tastes great,
but do you ever challenge your own lack of curiosity??

The rise of the woke corporation

The result is the rise of the woke corporation, and it might affect the way you work. Certainly, no one should assume that their own company, however sensible-seeming, is immune.

Crackpot ideas that used to be confined to neo-Marxist professors in grievance studies departments have been enthusiastically embraced by the giants of capitalism. Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Goldman Sachs, Coca-Cola are all on board and anyone who publicly challenges this new orthodoxy is not merely endangering their chances of promotion, but at risk of being fired.

Don't you find it suspicious that a tweet would link to a page that asks you to sign up for a one month free trial?

I ain't giving no information.
Nyet, comrade dookie. You're the one conspiring with others to shut down voices you don't like. It's classic Trumpian gaslighting.
I stand for unfettered political speech.
You stand for nothing
-when HAWK says he stands on principle just on this thread you ridicule him and say it doesn't matter cause we'll be dead.
Americans from our founding have always looked to pass on the American experiment.
Free Speech ( and not just under the 1st) has always been a hallmark
Have you ever taken a US history course?? no

TBH, 2020 was a horrible year. Now there's light at the end of the tunnel. Including putting away criminals who have been spreading bullshit and lies to trick Americans such as you and the other Trump fans, including unregistered foreign agents, have this year. I expect the FBI will be chatting with their foreign counterparts about the unregistered agents. LOL

Don't worry, I know you sure didn't give any money or support the terrorists like I suspect others did on this forum. You're all talk so you're safe.
ruminated trash
I stand for unfettered political speech.
You stand for nothing
-when HAWK says he stands on principle just on this thread you ridicule him and say it doesn't matter cause we'll be dead.
Americans from our founding have always looked to pass on the American experiment.
Free Speech ( and not just under the 1st) has always been a hallmark
Have you ever taken a US history course?? no

ruminated trash
You're oppressing my rights by lying about me, comrade dookie. :laugh:

Claiming something doesn't mean shit if you can't back it up, son. Like a few others on this forum, you talk a good fight but then you fuck it up by proving you're a lying, whiny piece of shit crapping all over other people.
You're oppressing my rights, comrade dookie. :laugh:

Claiming something doesn't mean shit if you can't back it up, son. Like a few others on this forum, you talk a good fight but then you fuck it up by proving you're a lying, whiny piece of shit crapping all over other people.
deflected ad hom trash. psychological projection. all you ever have
twentysomething employees are importing this culture into the organisations, having been immersed in it at university. The strange thing, though, is how willing their bosses are to do their bidding when they demand ‘safe spaces’ and gender-neutral toilets. Credit Suisse, for instance, has a ‘Reverse Mentoring’ scheme whereby recent graduates are encouraged to take older employees under their wing and coach them about diversity issues — presumably their ‘heteronormative privilege’ and so on. At some large firms the atmosphere is reminiscent of the ‘struggle sessions’ that took place during China’s Cultural Revolution in which grey-haired professors had to sit quietly, heads bowed, while angry students lectured them on how to comply with Maoist ideology.
twentysomething employees are importing this culture into the organisations, having been immersed in it at university. The strange thing, though, is how willing their bosses are to do their bidding when they demand ‘safe spaces’ and gender-neutral toilets. Credit Suisse, for instance, has a ‘Reverse Mentoring’ scheme whereby recent graduates are encouraged to take older employees under their wing and coach them about diversity issues — presumably their ‘heteronormative privilege’ and so on. At some large firms the atmosphere is reminiscent of the ‘struggle sessions’ that took place during China’s Cultural Revolution in which grey-haired professors had to sit quietly, heads bowed, while angry students lectured them on how to comply with Maoist ideology.

I disagree on the "at university" part, they got this in K-12.
To be clear I am not upset with you personally. I am just upset with "them people" taking advantages of other people.