"Masks are slavery"


Verified User
That's the message on a t-shirt worn by someone at a recent FL event.

Does anyone want to try to defend that ridiculous hyperbole? How having to wear a mask for 30 minutes at a supermarket is in any way equivalent to one of mankind's worst horrors?
Hello BartenderElite,

That's the message on a t-shirt worn by someone at a recent FL event.

Does anyone want to try to defend that ridiculous hyperbole? How having to wear a mask for 30 minutes at a supermarket is in any way equivalent to one of mankind's worst horrors?

If that shirt wearer were to actually be taken from the life they have known and be made a slave they would clearly understand the difference.
That's the message on a t-shirt worn by someone at a recent FL event.

Does anyone want to try to defend that ridiculous hyperbole? How having to wear a mask for 30 minutes at a supermarket is in any way equivalent to one of mankind's worst horrors?

30 minutes? If one spends 30 minutes in a supermarket, they’re lost.

15 minutes, max. In and out.
30 minutes? If one spends 30 minutes in a supermarket, they’re lost.

15 minutes, max. In and out.

I bet you spend too much

You got to check all sales, promotions, packaging size and weight pricing

Otherwise you get took
Mask wearing is something which is done for the good of society; for the collective.

Slavery is something which is done for profit; for the benefit of the profiteer, one person.

Pretty big difference.

Giving of oneself for others vs taking of others for oneself.

The two could utterly hardly be more different.
Hello Darth,

Mask wearing is over rated lol.

How’s that?

Taiwan has a high rate of mask-wearing and compliance with government directives.

Taiwan has 9 deaths total; we have a half-million.

In actuality, mask-wearing is highly UNDER-rated - by the American right.
Hello Darth,

Taiwan has a high rate of mask-wearing and compliance with government directives.

Taiwan has 9 deaths total; we have a half-million.

In actuality, mask-wearing is highly UNDER-rated - by the American right.

It only took nine months for masks to kick in and bring the numbers down lol.
That's the message on a t-shirt worn by someone at a recent FL event.

Does anyone want to try to defend that ridiculous hyperbole? How having to wear a mask for 30 minutes at a supermarket is in any way equivalent to one of mankind's worst horrors?

But, but , but, it infringes on our “freedom,” the right have the ability to turn abstract concepts like freedom into bumper sticker cliches
Hello archives,

But, but , but, it infringes on our “freedom,” the right have the ability to turn abstract concepts like freedom into bumper sticker cliches

The right struggles with the concept that freedom must end where it begins to impact others.

Want more freedom?

Reduce the number of births below two per couple.
Men go in and out. Women shop.


One of my pet peeves. People wandering aimlessly and slowly around the grocery store as if they don’t know what the hell to buy. Don’t they know why they are there in the first place? Invariably, they are standing with the deer-in-the-headlights look directly in front of the product I want.

Grocery shopping is a necessary evil. Have your list, buy it, get in, get.