"Masks are slavery"

During the early days of this pandemic and because we had a effin moron in the White House, Trump the boy clown, nobody knew just how serious this virus was and because Trump failed to give us all good sound advice, I lost a dear kind loving Brother 1 day before his birthday and I will until the day I die, blame Donald J. Trump for his death. So to all you white folk that don't want to wear mask, who by the way are the SUPER SPREADERS OF THIS NATION, if you don't want to wear a mask, don't want do to shit to help save your fellow neighbors, JUST STAY THE F**** AWAY FROM ME AND MY HOSPITALS.
Hello domer76,


One of my pet peeves. People wandering aimlessly and slowly around the grocery store as if they don’t know what the hell to buy. Don’t they know why they are there in the first place? Invariably, they are standing with the deer-in-the-headlights look directly in front of the product I want.

Grocery shopping is a necessary evil. Have your list, buy it, get in, get.

Heard that. I know exactly what I want and where it is. Go early, get in, get out. Done. What's the big deal? Make a list in the order of store-walk-thru. Easy peazy.
That's the message on a t-shirt worn by someone at a recent FL event.

Does anyone want to try to defend that ridiculous hyperbole? How having to wear a mask for 30 minutes at a supermarket is in any way equivalent to one of mankind's worst horrors?

Stop and think- DO any of these Republican lies, Fake News, Conspiracy theories, old worn out Republican mantras and ideologies, and rhetoric MAKE ANY SENSE?

Republicans today, post Trump era, are about as crazy as Betsy Bugs in a syrup factory!
Hey Einstein, how many spikes have we had since they stopped over cycling PCR tests?

PCR has ZERO to do with deaths, you fucking idiot.

Aren’t you getting weary of having your ignorant ass continually handed to you on this subject, dumbfuck?

What a goddam clown.
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