Berkeley’s ‘Effort to Right Wrongs of the Past’ Ends Single Family Homes

If the local community should not be in charge of zoning for their neighborhood who should be then? The state? The federal gov't? Should we have no land use or zoning laws at all?

There has been no effort to convince the little people, to win in the arena a free and fair competition of ideas...... increasingly the decisions are made outside of our view by people who never identify themselves and is then they are imposed upon us.
There has been no effort to convince the little people, to win in the arena a free and fair competition of ideas...... increasingly the decisions are made outside of our view by people who never identify themselves and is then they are imposed upon us.

What?! What does that even mean? Anyone can attend planning commission meetings where these decisions are made. You didn't answer the question. Do you want these decisions made at the local, state or federal level? Because this was made at the local level with input from the community. Not sure what more you want. Unless you want no gov't and therefore no authority can tell you anything.
What?! What does that even mean? Anyone can attend planning commission meetings where these decisions are made. You didn't answer the question. Do you want these decisions made at the local, state or federal level? Because this was made at the local level with input from the community. Not sure what more you want. Unless you want no gov't and therefore no authority can tell you anything.

How Quaint.

I want these decisions made by the people after honest we did in the Good Old Days before a small group decided that they get to decide for all of us, which they claim is for our own good, because according to them they are so much better and smarter than we are.
I am claiming that open meetings and citizen input have become kabuki theater, the decisions are not made there, in fact they were almost certainly made before the charade was started by committees of the Woke in the shadows....that is how corrupt America has become.
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How Quaint.

I want these decisions made by the people after honest we did in the Good Old Days before a small group decided that they get to decide for all of us, which they claim is for our own good, because according to them they are so much better and smarter than we are.

So the Planning Commissions holds public hearings, takes input from the public (anyone is allowed to attend), then votes.

What did the Berkeley Planning Commission do differently in the old days that they don’t do today?
This is all meaningless.

Prices will remain out of reach for both would-be renters & owners; homelessness will continue to explode while the affordability crisis escalates.

This ridiculous resolution is nothing more than the standard/vacuous liberal virtue signaling we've seen for decades; nothing will change except for the worse.
I am claiming that open meetings and citizen imput have become kabuki theater, the decisions are not made there, in fact they were almost certainly made before the charade was started by committees of the Woke in the shadows....that is how corrupt America has become.

In the old days when Berkeley put deed restrictions saying you can’t sell to blacks or Jews was that made by the people after honest discussion?
I wonder if "multi-family" quad-plex" or whatever means subsidized housing?
ObamaBiden loves that shit. they reason out putting poor people in middle class neighborhood is a good idea. idjits
This is all meaningless.

Prices will remain out of reach for both would-be renters & owners; homelessness will continue to explode while the affordability crisis escalates.

This ridiculous resolution is nothing more than the standard/vacuous liberal virtue signaling we've seen for decades; nothing will change except for the worse.

How would you change the affordability crisis if removing single family zoning to allow for denser development is not part of the solution?
How would you change the affordability crisis if removing single family zoning to allow for denser development is not part of the solution?
why is there a housing crunch if people are leaving CA?
Is this place so desirable it needs multi-family dwellings? just asking
So the Planning Commissions holds public hearings, takes input from the public (anyone is allowed to attend), then votes.

What did the Berkeley Planning Commission do differently in the old days that they don’t do today?

Collect evidence, deploy reason, do cost/benefit analysis, and care what the people think and want.

That is what mostly does not happen now.

I have not investigated Berkley.
How would you change the affordability crisis if removing single family zoning to allow for denser development is not part of the solution?

How would you change it?

I know that denser housing plans - if they even happen - would just mean smaller but still wildly unaffordable units will be built/renovated, with the most vulnerable pushed out/locked out.

That's reality; all the rest is meaningless liberal virtue signaling.
I wonder if "multi-family" quad-plex" or whatever means subsidized housing?
ObamaBiden loves that shit. they reason out putting poor people in middle class neighborhood is a good idea. idjits

Still market based housing. One of those units will still run you $750K. It’s not cheap.
How would you change it?

I know that denser housing plans - if they even happen - would just mean smaller but still wildly unaffordable units will be built/renovated, with the most vulnerable pushed out/locked out.

That's reality; all the rest is meaningless liberal virtue signaling.

I dont like the term "virtue signaling" because that is open to the interpretation that it is frivolous and not dangerous. We are looking at a Revolution that is determined to dissolve America as it has always been and fully recreate it, and they dont give a flying fuck what you or I think, they dont believe in consent at all these Victim Culture Cult Fucks who abuse is constantly.
why is there a housing crunch if people are leaving CA?
Is this place so desirable it needs multi-family dwellings? just asking

We have under built in the state for 40 years while our population has exploded. Much of the state, with Berkeley leading the way, has a very anti-development attitude. The population of the state has not dropped by much this year (when you include births and immigration) so it’s had a very small impact on prices.

And what’s interesting is a far amount of Berkeley’s left is against this. They HATE market rate development. And duplexes and fourplexes would be market rate housing.
Collect evidence, deploy reason, do cost/benefit analysis, and care what the people think and want.

That is what mostly does not happen now.

I have not investigated Berkley.

So you are against this even though you know nothing about Berkeley or how they came to this decision?
How would you change it?

I know that denser housing plans - if they even happen - would just mean smaller but still wildly unaffordable units will be built/renovated, with the most vulnerable pushed out/locked out.

That's reality; all the rest is meaningless liberal virtue signaling.

When you don’t build enough housing over a 40 year period (because supply and demand somehow doesn’t apply to housing in the mind of democratic socialists) there’s no single act that will reverse it overnight and make housing more affordable.

Berkeley is notoriously anti-development. So allowing new market rate housing is a good thing. And yes, allowing more development with higher density around public transportation (such as BART) is a good thing
When you don’t build enough housing over a 40 year period (because supply and demand somehow doesn’t apply to housing in the mind of democratic socialists) there’s no single act that will reverse it overnight and make housing more affordable.

Berkeley is notoriously anti-development. So allowing new market rate housing is a good thing. And yes, allowing more development with higher density around public transportation (such as BART) is a good thing

It's good for some of the rich, if it happens, and only some of the rich.

The poor & vanishing middle class are ever more screwed.