not if his supporters rise up
His supporters have tried that, where have you been???????????????
not if his supporters rise up
There remains a concern that if Trump is prosecuted for his crimes, all future presidents will face prosecution when the opposite party is in the majority.
But here's the thing.
Trump actually committed serious crimes, and evidence of those crimes is being gathered for the courts.
If he is not prosecuted, there is no moral justification for prosecuting any crime of any kind.
Anarchy will be the order of the day, and the human species cannot survive anarchy without devolving to a much lower life form.
Michael Cohen is about as reliable a witness as a rat that got run over by a garbage truck, but there is no doubt that Trump and everyone around him have committed many, many, many crimes. They should all die in prison -- beginning with Donald himself.
His supporters have tried that, where have you been???????????????
Biden will be there first
Trump's life is fucked but it needs to be made as miserable as possible until he finally drops the F dead.
Biden's not going to prison, you dog shit dumbass. Trump will have to die in solitary confinement unless the justice system wants the general prison population to end his wasted life via ass rape and skull kicking.
they weren't his supporters... that was blm and antifa punks
not if his supporters rise up
that could happen to you fagboy
not if his supporters rise up
And do what pay his debts? Go for it, sooner or later that well will dry up.
Or are you delusional enough to believe you could win an actually fight?
An army of accountants and lawyers can make civil actions go on forever.
Trump is facing criminal charges, however. He's not being sued.
He can appeal his ass off, but he'll do it from a prison cell after his conviction.
There remains a concern that if Trump is prosecuted for his crimes, all future presidents will face prosecution when the opposite party is in the majority.
But here's the thing.
Trump actually committed serious crimes, and evidence of those crimes is being gathered for the courts.
If he is not prosecuted, there is no moral justification for prosecuting any crime of any kind.
Anarchy will be the order of the day, and the human species cannot survive anarchy without devolving to a much lower life form.
Trump's life is fucked but it needs to be made as miserable as possible until he finally drops the F dead.
piss us off and find out little pussyboy
Please go for it, your dumbass needs a nice dirt nap.
I am sure when all is done you will find a very long list. However we can start with the fact that Trump overvalued his assets when seeking bank loans, and greatly undervalued them for tax purposes.