If Michael Cohen's testimony was accurate, Trump will go to prison

There remains a concern that if Trump is prosecuted for his crimes, all future presidents will face prosecution when the opposite party is in the majority.

But here's the thing.

Trump actually committed serious crimes, and evidence of those crimes is being gathered for the courts.
If he is not prosecuted, there is no moral justification for prosecuting any crime of any kind.
Anarchy will be the order of the day, and the human species cannot survive anarchy without devolving to a much lower life form.

Correct. While I can assure you that there will be a hard push to not sentence trump to prison if/when he is found guilty of crimes there may be no choice after all how many get out of jail cards does he get.

Taking a wild guess I believe that if/when found guilty of crimes he will be fined Heavily and may even be prevented from leaving the country and could even be placed under house arrest, in his case a resort. Trump is going to have a very busy year fighting in the courts and by the time it is done he will be a whole lot less rich. He just better keep enough to pay off those oligarchs he owes half a Billion to, they are not the kind of people one welches on paying back, they would Take his holdings and then kill him, Bad People, to owe money to.
Michael Cohen is about as reliable a witness as a rat that got run over by a garbage truck, but there is no doubt that Trump and everyone around him have committed many, many, many crimes. They should all die in prison -- beginning with Donald himself.

Trump's life is fucked but it needs to be made as miserable as possible until he finally drops the F dead.
An army of accountants and lawyers can make civil actions go on forever.
Trump is facing criminal charges, however. He's not being sued.
He can appeal his ass off, but he'll do it from a prison cell after his conviction.

Not forever, but with his resources a hellva long time, and as I said he is 74, no Stare AG is going to send a bathrobed wheel chair exPresident into the slammer
There remains a concern that if Trump is prosecuted for his crimes, all future presidents will face prosecution when the opposite party is in the majority.

But here's the thing.

Trump actually committed serious crimes, and evidence of those crimes is being gathered for the courts.
If he is not prosecuted, there is no moral justification for prosecuting any crime of any kind.
Anarchy will be the order of the day, and the human species cannot survive anarchy without devolving to a much lower life form.

Trump's life is fucked but it needs to be made as miserable as possible until he finally drops the F dead.

I agree. Trump should suffer to the greatest legal extent possible. Every moment left in his abysmal waste of a life should be as unpleasant and uncomfortable as possible.