Legion Troll was one of his user namesPhantasmal aka misty troll
Legion Troll was one of his user namesPhantasmal aka misty troll
Hmmm. Must have been some really short trips to Korea. Your time posting here has pretty much been the same times. Did you get up much later or earlier just to be able to post around the same time on this board? Just curious.
Legion Troll was one of his user names
Incorrectmisty is one of yours
My business is almost always in North America and Europe -- even when I'm at home in Korea. I try to keep relatively consistent working hours. You're not a traveler, are you? Typical American.
My son was snowboarding, Purgatory, he said it was fabulous. Glad you enjoyed yourself. pu
Legion Troll
This is a stain on the court.
They won’t even look at the evidence because the issue is ‘moot’? Moot to who? Even if there’s a scant possibility that illegal votes were cast in a national election the issue is not ‘moot’.
But apparently there ‘are more pressing concerns’ for the country, like clearing the road for a peak at Trump’s tax returns.
I’m literally embarrassed for this court.
My business is almost always in North America and Europe -- even when I'm at home in Korea.
Was Justice Alito laughing when he wrote: “A decision in these cases would not have any implications regarding the 2020 election"?
He meant there were not enough votes in question to overturn Biden's victory margin, even if they were ALL fraudulent votes for Biden.
Gorsuch and Thomas agreed.
Me? I can assure you lad I travel more than you. So you are telling me you are in Korea now? There has to be some reason for the large discrepancy in time zones, where you said you were and posting here. Seems you do not know about that. "Traveler".
Wouldn’t even look at the evidence because it’s ‘moot’.
Thomas wrote a good dissent about how the courtrefusing to intervene will come back and haunt the country in future elections.
Bud calls Asians "gooks", doesn't he?
And now you ask Weasel if he "hit the slopes" in Korea.
No, he lives in Durango. He went to Ft. Lewis and stayed. We love Colorado.I love Purgatory! Your son has good taste (except that he's a knuckle dragger -- haha -- a snowboarding reference, not an insult). That is not a typical travelers' destination. Come on out someday!
This is a stain on the court.
They won’t even look at the evidence because the issue is ‘moot’? Moot to who? Even if there’s a scant possibility that illegal votes were cast in a national election the issue is not ‘moot’.
But apparently there ‘are more pressing concerns’ for the country, like clearing the road for a peak at Trump’s tax returns.
I’m literally embarrassed for this court.
No, you idiot. You have not traveled more than I have. I am 1000% positive of that. I'm also not in Korea right now. Is reading hard for you? I was in Korea for a little more than a month. Then I returned to Colorado last week.
He was talking about Colorado, you fucking crackhead.
I just returned from two trips in Korea and Colorado that will remain in my fondest memories for the rest of my life.
So you cannot explain the difference in time zones and the times you post here. You are full of shit two stroke. Who is that in your avatar?
I already did. Are you high?