Obama says reparations 'justified'

'Reparations' is all in the details.
Like 'who pays?'
And 'who gets?'

If you are a descendant of Union Soldiers that may have lost a limb or life in the Civil War, do YOU pay?
If you are a descendant of a Black slave holder, do you get something ... because you are 'Black'?

The DNC should pay.
According to the Revolution NPOC (Not People Of Color) are to be clubbed every single day for our imagined sins.

Men get double the beatings.
They can try if they want. They may be disappointed by the outcome.

You say as so many corporate and government employees and contractors sit through lectures where they get barated with how racist all white people are, get told that whites need to keep their yaps shut and do as they are told.....and they almost all nod along.
You say as so many corporate and government employees and contractors sit through lectures where they get barated with how racist all white people are, get told that whites need to keep their yaps shut and do as they are told.....and they almost all nod along.

I took a buyout from my corporate gig in 2007. You know why? This shit was going on back then. You're not on to anything new boy.
I took a buyout from my corporate gig in 2007. You know why? This shit was going on back then. You're not on to anything new boy.

It had started but it not really click till after the Great Recession and once people figured out what a colossal easily avoided mistake Iraq was....people lost faith in America and in American leaders.....it was off the the races for the Revolution then.
It had started but it not really click till after the Great Recession and once people figured out what a colossal easily avoided mistake Iraq was....people lost faith in America and in American leaders.....it was off the the races for the Revolution then.

This has been going for my entire life. The Army was "woke" back in the late 1980's.
The African tribes that sold the slaves to traders should pay for reparations! Actually the majority of blacks from Africa would never have reached the US if they hadn't been sold, they would have been killed instead.

True. There is plenty of blame in the wrong doing to go around.
She's a hustler who never ever talks about anything but racism. Think of Queen Latifah in real life, only more porcine and noisier.

Oh I know. She is a racism one trick pony when she isnt out trolling other boards looking for a sugar daddy to support her..
'Reparations' is all in the details.
Like 'who pays?'
And 'who gets?'

If you are a descendant of Union Soldiers that may have lost a limb or life in the Civil War, do YOU pay?
If you are a descendant of a Black slave holder, do you get something ... because you are 'Black'?

Reparations is a bad idea even by progressive standards.

It’s riddled with moral absurdities. It’s also lousy politics. Are democrats purposely trying to dump the Hispanic vote?
It gets worse than that. If your ancestors (or even you) immigrated to the US post 1865, do you pay? Should anyone who is "Black" or whatever that immigrated to the US post 1865-ish be given "reparations?" What about Blacks or other minorities who were here pre-1865 that were never slaves to begin with? What about those who might have been slaves but never were by escaping, etc.?

The problem here is that those being rewarded were never slaves themselves, and many may not even have ancestors who were. At the same time, those who were never slave holders / owners would be forced to pay these reparations for something they didn't do, and their ancestors likely never did either. What kind of totally fucked up system of injustice would allow something like that to occur?

Would Obama be eligible for such reparations being the son of a White woman and a Black Kenyan who wasn't a US citizen?

All good questions.
The first case was an American who travelled to China and then came back here.

So it wasn't China that gave us our 1st COVID case, it was an American who travelled to China, was infected there, and then brought it to the US.

So China didn't give us COVID, we gave it to ourselves.

You are beyond help!
Let's add some more hard questions. Does someone who had an ancestor that was a slave for say two years deserve the same reparations as someone who has numerous ancestors who were slaves for as much as a century or more? Would white American citizens (usually sailors) who were enslaved by various groups like the Barbary Pirates be eligible? What about indentured servitude? Does that count?
what a fuckwad..

he former president claimed that a reparations proposal didn’t make its way through the lawmaking process during his presidency due to "the politics of White resistance and resentment."

"And what I saw during my presidency was the politics of White resistance and resentment. The talk of 'welfare queens' and the talk of the 'undeserving' poor. And the backlash against affirmative action," Obama said.

"All that made the prospect of actually proposing any kind of coherent, meaningful reparations program struck me as, politically, not only a nonstarter but potentially counterproductive."


Obama went on to say it was "perfectly understandable why working-class White folks, middle-class White folks, folks who are having trouble paying the bills or dealing with student loans, wouldn't be too thrilled" about the prospect of "a massive program that is designed to deal with the past but isn't speaking to their future."

Obama appears to have changed his position on reparations over the years. He opposed reparations during his 2008 presidential campaign, arguing that "the best reparations we can provide are good schools in the inner city and jobs for people who are unemployed."

yea he said if you like your insurance you cn keep it if you like your doctor you can keep it also