"Trump Could Run for House Speaker in 2022 and Impeach Biden"

I have been complaining about the decline in the quality of our military officers for over 20 years, since I noticed that the best were leaving under Clinton, both because civilian leadership sucked and did not try to keep the best, and because the best were figuring out where the military was going and did not want to be a part of that.

How many years did you serve as a military officer, #10?
It's definitely not going to come about in a single election cycle.

It's not likely to come about in several election cycles. As closely divided as the public is today there would have to be major shifts in several Democratic states. 2/3 majority is very rare.
Yep....and killing old ladies, starving the poor, and separating little kids from their parents too!!!!!!! Oh, and in our spare time we also like to evict people from their homes and throw their families into the street! :laugh:


I know you think you're joking, but this is exactly what you do.
No he can't because Biden will no longer be President NotTrump by then. President NotTrump's role will be played by Kamala at that time.