
For 15 months I have stated that we should protect folks that are vulnerable to the disease, and we should not act like everyone is vulnerable.

So how do you do that? Because this just seems like you avoiding.

How do you protect vulnerable people? By locking down and requiring masks. But you opposed both.

So you came up with something that gives yourself room to wiggle within the parameters, but unfortunately not enough room because of everything you said before.
Well that and to make it so you (plural you, meaning folks that are afraid like you) are no longer afraid so we can stop acting like we are all vulnerable and get back to normal.

This is bullshit.

We know you got the vaccine for yourself because you spent 15 months not giving a shit about protecting vulnerable people.
You're misusing the word "empathy" because you don't know what it means.

Empathy for vulnerable people would have entailed supporting lockdowns and mask mandates, which you opposed all year.

The reason you opposed them was because the disease had a 99% survival rate.

So for 15 months, you didn't give a shit about vulnerable people because you are on record opposing lockdowns, masks, and social distancing.

So to say getting a vaccination for something that has a 99% survival rate is empathetic today feels like a hasty cover for the selfishness you exhibited all year.

It's not empathetic to posture empathy; it's just pathetic.

I do know what it means:

Learn to pronounce
the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

And have used it correctly throughout this conversation. It is, in fact, a large part of my philosophy(religion) with a lean towards compassion towards others.

The reason I thought lockdowns were overkill was because they were. But since that was what we were doing to protect the vulnerable I supported them, reluctantly. Supporting lockdowns, other than to protect those who were afraid even though they were not vulnerable, had nothing to do with empathy. I believed we should have protected the vulnerable, which we did through lockdowns, through other means rather than acting as if everyone was vulnerable. I believed that, but understood the reality and therefore supported the lockdowns however reluctantly.

Over the last 15 months I cared.

The reality is you don't know me, have lied about what I have said the past 15 months and simply repeat the same thing you did before. The reality is there are myriad motivations for any action. You can only comprehend the one that matches yours because you lack the ability to understand the emotions, and therefore the motivations, of another. This is an internal blindness, and a disability on your part. I feel sorry for you. I will continue to do so. I am sorry for your lack, and I am also sorry that because of it you cannot even begin to comprehend my motivations.

I get yours, you have told me you are afraid of dying from this disease so you will get a vaccine. I will not get a vaccine for that reason as I have clearly indicated in earlier conversation.

Your lack does not change my motivations in any way. Nor does it change my opinions.
And have used it correctly throughout this conversation.

No you haven't.

You've used it insincerely.

If you truly wanted to trick people into thinking you have empathy, you would have been supporting all the actions taken to protect vulnerable people the last 15 months.

But you didn't support those actions.
No you haven't.

You've used it insincerely.

If you truly wanted to trick people into thinking you have empathy, you would have been supporting all the actions taken to protect vulnerable people the last 15 months.

But you didn't support those actions.

You again project rather than comprehend and show your inability to understand and employ empathy.

I get you don't believe that any motivation other than your own is possible, but I again tell you that it is, and ask you to read again why I do things that you cannot comprehend.
The reason I thought lockdowns were overkill was because they were.


Lockdowns weren't overkill...what was overkill was saying COVID had a 99% survival rate as 500,000+ died.

Lockdowns protected vulnerable people, which is the reason you gave for getting the vaccine.

So it would appear that opposing lockdowns to protect vulnerable people doesn't align with the empathy reason you gave for getting the vaccine ("protect vulnerable people").

So that would make you a bullshitter.
have lied about what I have said the past 15 months and simply repeat the same thing you did before.

Here's a summary of what you've been saying for 15 months:

COVID is a hoax
COVID has a 99% survival rate
COVID is being exaggerated
COVID isn't serious
COVID is no worse than the flu
Precautions to protect vulnerable people "are overkill"

and then, after 15 months of the above:

"COVID vaccination is about empathy"
Over the last 15 months I cared.

You cared about Trump and how this pandemic makes him look, but more importantly, how repeating and defending Trump makes you look.

That's what you cared about; the perception of you.

That's why you're still unempathetic when it comes to protecting vulnerable people.

That's why it took 15 months and a vaccine injection in your arm before you started pretending like you cared about others.

Do you even believe the bullshit you say?

Lockdowns weren't overkill...what was overkill was saying COVID had a 99% survival rate as 500,000+ died.

Lockdowns protected vulnerable people, which is the reason you gave for getting the vaccine.

So it would appear that opposing lockdowns to protect vulnerable people doesn't align with the empathy reason you gave for getting the vaccine ("protect vulnerable people").

So that would make you a bullshitter.

Again, I supported lockdowns because that was the action we took. You ascribe motivation to me that doesn't exist because it would be what you would do, you project your own motivation onto others because you lack an ability to understand the motivations that actually moves others.

I may think that making a 15 MPH speed limit to save lives on a certain stretch of road to be overkill and that there were other paths to save those lives, but if it was the only action we were taking to save those lives regardless of what I believed I would follow it. Because saving the lives would be important.

In this case I thought that lockdowns were overkill and that there were other actions we could take to protect the vulnerable, but we chose lockdowns so I supported them as that was the only solution that was going to be applied. Overkill is better than no action at all, which I never supported. Never. Always I supported protecting folks that were vulnerable. It is why I find it repulsive that folks defend the actions of NY's governor to put the most vulnerable at risk when there were better solutions available.
I believed we should have protected the vulnerable, which we did through lockdowns

Which you opposed and which you sought to end almost as fast as they were put in place.

I believed that, but understood the reality and therefore supported the lockdowns however reluctantly.


Lockdowns had nothing to do with empathy except for their primary cause and reason.

And again. I supported lockdowns because it was the only solution applied. I may have thought it was overkill, but doing nothing was never an option.

You can pretend to laugh all you want, but you really do lack empathy and have a fundamental disability for which I really do feel sorry for you. That my motivations to get a vaccine may be different than yours is clear, that you can't comprehend why I would do so is also clear.
You again project rather than comprehend and show your inability to understand and employ empathy.

You called lockdowns, which protect vulnerable people, "overkill".

So by your own test, you don't have any empathy.

I get you don't believe that any motivation other than your own is possible, but I again tell you that it is, and ask you to read again why I do things that you cannot comprehend.

Oh, I believe there are plenty of motivations.

I just don't believe any of yours.
You called lockdowns, which protect vulnerable people, "overkill".

So by your own test, you don't have any empathy.

Yet still supported them because no other action was going to take place. Overkill is far better than nothing.

Oh, I believe there are plenty of motivations.

I just don't believe any of yours.

Because you cannot comprehend them due to your lack of empathy. You may believe on some level that other motivations exist, you simply demonstrate a total lack of any ability to understand them and therefore project your own mercenary lack onto others. I will always feel sorry for you due to that lack in you.

You have also made it clear that you must have the last word. So, you may go ahead and have them. I am done trying to explain blue to the blind.
Yet still supported them because no other action was going to take place. Overkill is far better than nothing.

Since when is overkill far better than nothing?

You said the virus has a "99% survival rate", so "overkill" would imply just that; that you oppose locking down to protect vulnerable people.
Did you, though? I don't see any indication in your past posts that you supported the lockdown.

So are you just saying you supported it?

Because I see a bunch of posts from you basically calling COVID a hoax, like this one:


I'm sorry I just said you can have the last word, you literally posted a link to a thread started with a cartoon in Off Topic area. Over time the cartoon was removed from whatever place I got it from, but it wasn't a serious post and you know it.

Anyway, have fun. Sorry you have to make a new post to get the last word.