The Colorado Shooter Just Sealed the Fate of New AR Sales

You had the perfect opportunity on January 6 to play Rambo with your bang-bangs, but you decided to demure and maintain cover.
OR, I didn't buy in to the bullshit of stolen elections..........why is it you morons MUST think anyone who doesn't agree with you is a trumper or right winger????
that LITERALLY smacks of mental health issues you have

Opportunities like January 6 probably only come once in a lifetime, but you shirked showing up for duty.
read the above

In light of that, all your bluster and tough talk about needing your military grade weapons to stand against tyranical government obviously amounts to nothing more than delusional Rambo fantasies.
again, read the above.
I do not think garden variety LE needs them if they are banned for civilians.

Specialized SWAT units might need them for contingency purposes

one should also consider how brainwashed on gov/media propaganda they are when they see an AR in a civilians hands as an assault weapon, but in governments hands they are patrol rifles
You liberals just don't learn. Any Republican that goes along with increased gun bans / 2A restrictions will be primaried by a Trump approved conservative. We don't believe in curtailing the rights of the law abiding majority because of the actions of an evil individual.

who banned bump stocks?????????
Realistically, there is no need to have a military-style assault rifle with high capacity magazines, except to compensate for small penises.

You do not need a 30 round magazine to shoot deer.

You certainly do not need a high capacity mag for recreational target shooting.

The best weapon to defend your home is a shotgun, which is designed for short range fire power and for putting an intruder on their ass without even having to aim and track the target.

If you need to take out zombies, I suggest Molotov cocktails.

High capacity rounds are designed for one reason only - to kill and maim many humans very rapidly. Either on the battlefield, or at the neighborhood Wal-Mart

None of these things are the reason listed in the Constitution for the right to own and bear arms..

It does not say:

Because we need to kill deer, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

It does not say:

Because paper is teh eeeeviiil and we must put holes in it with bullets, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

It doesn't even say:

Because we need shotguns to protect our homes, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed...

All of these are a straw man argument based on nonsense. Nothing at all in the right to keep and bear arms does it ever suggest they can only be kept for hunting or target shooting for fun, it doesn't even suggest they can only be kept for home protection.
OR, I didn't buy in to the bullshit of stolen elections..........why is it you morons MUST think anyone who doesn't agree with you is a trumper or right winger????
that LITERALLY smacks of mental health issues you have

read the above

again, read the above.

The bottom line is the reasons you gave for owning military grade bang bangs was utter horseshit.

You are never going to put your neck on the line to battle tyrannical government. The fact that you ducked for cover on Jan 6 instead of showing up for duty is demonstrative of that.

Let's just get down to the real reason you need to stroke your military grade bang-bangs: you are compensating for inadequacies.
The bottom line is the reasons you gave for owning military grade bang bangs was utter horseshit.
not according to the founders.

You are never going to put your neck on the line to battle tyrannical government. The fact that you ducked for cover on Jan 6 instead of showing up for duty is demonstrative of that.
I did for 6 years as a Marine. If the gov ever comes for me, I will again. If they get too out of hand, my fellow Marine brothers and I will. I'm also not sure why you think I should have showed up for a cause I didn't believe in......but i'm guessing that's your own inadequacies trying to puff up a challenge

Let's just get down to the real reason you need to stroke your military grade bang-bangs: you are compensating for inadequacies.
your wife is free to test that theory anytime she'd like.
You liberals just don't learn. Any Republican that goes along with increased gun bans / 2A restrictions will be primaried by a Trump approved conservative. We don't believe in curtailing the rights of the law abiding majority because of the actions of an evil individual.

Us Liberals? The odds are Very High that I own more firearms than you do and have been shooting all my life including 8 years in the US Army and am a strong supported of the 2nd A, hence why I said "Right or wrong, depending on your stand on the issue of AR's,".

I was simply pointing out what IS coming, if you think the Repubs will manage to stop this from happening you are not paying close attention.

Now, you were saying?
not according to the founders.

I did for 6 years as a Marine. If the gov ever comes for me, I will again. If they get too out of hand, my fellow Marine brothers and I will. I'm also not sure why you think I should have showed up for a cause I didn't believe in......but i'm guessing that's your own inadequacies trying to puff up a challenge

your wife is free to test that theory anytime she'd like.

America is not required to indulge and accommodate your Rambo fantasies.

Case law provides that the second amendment allows for reasonable restrictions on the type of armaments civilians can acquire.

High capacity magazines were designed for one, and only one purpose, period full stop: the rapid and efficient killing and maiming of many enemy soldiers on the battlefield.
Right or wrong, depending on your stand on the issue of AR's, the shooter in Colorado just put the nail into the sale of AR's in the near future. He did this far too soon after the Florida shootings and killed too many People, including a Police Officer, for the Republicans to defend not banning them. Last night I was thinking that was what the result of this shooting would be if he used a AR style rifle and he did.

Not more than 10 minutes ago President Biden went on air to talk about the shooting and there it was, a call to pass the new Background Check Law already passed in the House and to ban AR's and high capacity mags. Guess what, it will end up getting passed, if not this week it will be soon, as in the next month or two at the very most.

So, If you want one I would suggest you get it now, that is if you can even find one at any price, they were already being over priced because of the shortage and this will drive the prices even higher, I assure you the gun stores will be very busy today and until they run out of everything. Same goes for Mags and Parts and Ammo which is already hard to get and expensive when you find it.

For those that already own them, you are probably safe, they will never be able to ban ownership if you already legally bought it but they can ban the new sales of them.

For those of that wanted them banned, this is your moment, enjoy it for while it lasts, because if the Conservatives ever get enough power in Washington the first thing will do is kill the ban, count on it.

Is What It Is Folks.

sure......just like every other shooting in the last twenty years.....
sure......just like every other shooting in the last twenty years.....

I do not say stuff like this lightly, and I am Almost 100% right when I do, sadly including in this case. This time it will lead to a ban, watch and learn, it will be done before the end if the year and my guess is within the next month or two. The Only reason it did not happen after Vegas was that trump was in the WH and the Repubs controlled the Senate, neither is true any more. Friendly advice, wrap you head around it and act upon if you need to. Time is counting down.
The Revolution was always coming for guns, and they were always going to be opportunistic in how they did it, this shooting is a means to an end for them, and the end is all about power.
The Revolution was always coming for guns, and they were always going to be opportunistic in how they did it, this shooting is a means to an end for them, and the end is all about power.

Almost predictable, anytime a Democrat gets elected President, “their coming for your guns.”

The gun manufacturers, via the NRA, really do a good job propagandizing the myth, and of course, the gun lovers swallow it whole

Nobody is coming for your toys, they didn’t do it under Clinton, nor Obama, and they aren’t doing it now. Sensible gun regulation doesn’t mean confiscation of all guns, put down the Kool Aid
Almost predictable, anytime a Democrat gets elected President, “their coming for your guns.”

The gun manufacturers, via the NRA, really do a good job propagandizing the myth, and of course, the gun lovers swallow it whole

Nobody is coming for your toys, they didn’t do it under Clinton, nor Obama, and they aren’t doing it now. Sensible gun regulation doesn’t mean confiscation of all guns, put down the Kool Aid

We're still debating the pros and cons of increased firearms ownership restrictions, but we're nowhere near that phase of the process yet.

The 2nd Amendment was ratified in 1791 and Americans have had the right to own and bear arms ever since.

A minority of Americans--none of the right and maybe half of the left--might be open to repealing the 2nd Amendment.

That won't get it done. Constitutional amendments were always hard, and in this era of stark polarity, they're virtually impossible.

Why is it so hard to recognize? Americans will tolerate massacres, including the slaughter of children and other innocents, to preserve their gun rights.
That's what being American is. We're globally unique in that respect. The world may not understand it, but by know, they at least know it.

Some of us can hate that fact--I frankly don't care one way or another--
but we can't do a fucking thing about it without overthrowing the Government of the United States.
The only plausible way of overthrowing the Government of the United States is by legitimate election, not violent action against its ludicrously overfunded military..
The anti-gun faction doesn't have the votes because nearly half of us progressive liberals also have and like guns.

Why don't we concentrate on more important things that we may actually be able to do?