The Colorado Shooter Just Sealed the Fate of New AR Sales

The Revolution was always coming for guns

In the last 20 years, the government has "overreached" several times, including the Patriot Act.

Not a single one of your ammosexuals have protected from government overreach with your guns this whole time.

So you don't have your guns "for the revolution" because you were too chickenshit to use them to defend from the Patriot Act, which was example #1 of government overreach.

So your guns are for something else.
Almost predictable, anytime a Democrat gets elected President, “their coming for your guns.”

The gun manufacturers, via the NRA, really do a good job propagandizing the myth, and of course, the gun lovers swallow it whole

Nobody is coming for your toys, they didn’t do it under Clinton, nor Obama, and they aren’t doing it now. Sensible gun regulation doesn’t mean confiscation of all guns, put down the Kool Aid

My mind is not controlled by the NRA, and I never said that the Revolution is coming for all guns, I said "The Revolution was always coming for guns, and they were always going to be opportunistic in how they did it, this shooting is a means to an end for them, and the end is all about power.".

Please attempt to pay attention.
My mind is not controlled by the NRA, and I never said that the Revolution is coming for all guns, I said "The Revolution was always coming for guns, and they were always going to be opportunistic in how they did it, this shooting is a means to an end for them, and the end is all about power.".

Please attempt to pay attention.

And yet, Democrats, or the “Revolution,” whatever the hell that is, have never come for anyone’s guns, you’d think history alone would have taught you you are incorrect, and a touch paranoid I might add
And yet, Democrats, or the “Revolution,” whatever the hell that is, have never come for anyone’s guns, you’d think history alone would have taught you you are incorrect, and a touch paranoid I might add

The Revolution came to power in Washington only two months ago.
Right or wrong, depending on your stand on the issue of AR's, the shooter in Colorado just put the nail into the sale of AR's in the near future. He did this far too soon after the Florida shootings and killed too many People, including a Police Officer, for the Republicans to defend not banning them. Last night I was thinking that was what the result of this shooting would be if he used a AR style rifle and he did.

Not more than 10 minutes ago President Biden went on air to talk about the shooting and there it was, a call to pass the new Background Check Law already passed in the House and to ban AR's and high capacity mags. Guess what, it will end up getting passed, if not this week it will be soon, as in the next month or two at the very most.

So, If you want one I would suggest you get it now, that is if you can even find one at any price, they were already being over priced because of the shortage and this will drive the prices even higher, I assure you the gun stores will be very busy today and until they run out of everything. Same goes for Mags and Parts and Ammo which is already hard to get and expensive when you find it.

For those that already own them, you are probably safe, they will never be able to ban ownership if you already legally bought it but they can ban the new sales of them.

For those of that wanted them banned, this is your moment, enjoy it for while it lasts, because if the Conservatives ever get enough power in Washington the first thing will do is kill the ban, count on it.

Is What It Is Folks.

Nothing will change but the upside is that the USA has the more "thoughts and prayers" than any other industrialized nation.
For the Record: I have never touched a gun nor do I plan to. I did move a case that had an AR-15 in it one time, my son has one and he left it here for a few months after he went into the Army. My comments on gun policy are all about policy and preserving what ever can be preserved of the Constitution, which is almost dead now.
I do not say stuff like this lightly, and I am Almost 100% right when I do, sadly including in this case. This time it will lead to a ban, watch and learn, it will be done before the end if the year and my guess is within the next month or two. The Only reason it did not happen after Vegas was that trump was in the WH and the Repubs controlled the Senate, neither is true any more. Friendly advice, wrap you head around it and act upon if you need to. Time is counting down.

Might have problems with Joe Manchin in the Senate and if Biden thinks he can slip an EO past Clarence Thomas he’s probably mistaken.
If AR15s are somehow banned, this even including the confiscation of those presently in circulation,

that will leave a lot of perfectly good rifles legally available to the American public.

It's unfortunate that trumpanzees have no appreciation for carved and polished walnut and exquisitely applied bluing, though.
It doesn't go well with their MAGA caps.
Realistically, there is no need to have a military-style assault rifle with high capacity magazines, except to compensate for small penises.

You do not need a 30 round magazine to shoot deer.

You certainly do not need a high capacity mag for recreational target shooting.

The best weapon to defend your home is a shotgun, which is designed for short range fire power and for putting an intruder on their ass without even having to aim and track the target.

If you need to take out zombies, I suggest Molotov cocktails.

High capacity rounds are designed for one reason only - to kill and maim many humans very rapidly. Either on the battlefield, or at the neighborhood Wal-Mart


But selfish asshole right-winger 2A goons are more interested in being able to own anything they damned well please even if it does present a public safety hazard.
AR15s and AK47s are ugly as shit.
The first is quite accurate but frequently jams and makes pretty small holes when it doesn't.
The second never jams and makes bigger holes if you're close enough to hit anything with its scattershot "accuracy."

No self respecting person would accept one as a respectable fashion accessory among people who matter.

Weatherby MkVs are drop dead gorgeous, lethal as a motherfucker, and under no threat of being banned anywhere in America.
That's why I've got one of those instead.

BULLSHIT. AN AR is only as good as its maker.
Might have problems with Joe Manchin in the Senate and if Biden thinks he can slip an EO past Clarence Thomas he’s probably mistaken.

SCOTUS is on notice that they either behave and comply with the Revolution or else they get blown up. All evidence suggests that they will do as they have been told.
BULLSHIT. AN AR is only as good as its maker.

If AR15s are somehow banned, this even including the confiscation of those presently in circulation,

that will leave a lot of perfectly good rifles legally available to the American public.

It's unfortunate that trumpanzees have no appreciation for carved and polished walnut and exquisitely applied bluing, though.
It doesn't go well with their MAGA caps.

But selfish asshole right-winger 2A goons are more interested in being able to own anything they damned well please even if it does present a public safety hazard.

Exactly, to many on the right, lot of this stuff, be it guns, wearing masks, lockdowns, etc., really comes down to they don’t want to do it cause they don’t like it regardless of the purpose. It’s an inconvenience, they might have to go out of their way, change that which they are used to, it puts them out. And it then gets humorous when they attempt to apply the Constitution and apply abstract concepts to rationalize their laziness, that’s when “freedom” is reduced to a bumper sticker cliche

Often wonder after seeing how they reacted to Covid, which was the first generational crisis since WWII, how they would have reacted in such as WWII, where Americans were asked to sacrifice and give up
How convenient! UNCONSTITUTIONAL! SHALL NOT INFRINGED UPON! Anyone with a brain knew these were coming, with Biden flailing about on immigration, and returning to Trump policies on the border, and Feinstein pushing the bans! I called it weeks ago

Wrong again, stupid fuck. Don’t you tire of the constant display of your ignorance?
He does make one point I have never seen anyone on the left be able to address, why does Law Enforcement need them, if they were banned for citizens to buy would the police give up theirs? Wanna give it a shot....yes and accidental pun.

Police never had them until the citizenry started to outgun them. Cops need to be more prepared than those they may face.

None of these things are the reason listed in the Constitution for the right to own and bear arms..

It does not say:

Because we need to kill deer, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

It does not say:

Because paper is teh eeeeviiil and we must put holes in it with bullets, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

It doesn't even say:

Because we need shotguns to protect our homes, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed...

All of these are a straw man argument based on nonsense. Nothing at all in the right to keep and bear arms does it ever suggest they can only be kept for hunting or target shooting for fun, it doesn't even suggest they can only be kept for home protection.

Heller (2008):

In District of Columbia v. Heller, Justice Scalia rightly recognized that the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms is not absolute. It has never been unlimited, not at the time of the Framing and thus not today. The Second Amendment, Justice Scalia explained, enshrined a pre-existing right that was subject to "important limitation"; it plainly was not a right to have and carry any weapon in any manner for any purpose.That is, in colonial times, one had a right to keep and bear only certain weapons in certain manners for certain purposes. And Justice Scalia emphasized that the same weapon- manner-and-purpose limitations that applied in the Framing era still apply today.”
AR15s and AK47s are ugly as shit.
The first is quite accurate but frequently jams and makes pretty small holes when it doesn't.
The second never jams and makes bigger holes if you're close enough to hit anything with its scattershot "accuracy."

No self respecting person would accept one as a respectable fashion accessory among people who matter.

Weatherby MkVs are drop dead gorgeous, lethal as a motherfucker, and under no threat of being banned anywhere in America.
That's why I've got one of those instead.

An especially bad fashion accessory after Labor Day, I am told. :cof1: