Biden's Presser

He knew the questions (... his care givers did...)....why the book of notes if not....He just didn't organize them very well...or perhaps they were in order and got dropped...he was a bit late....
He had the don't think he had the questions?

He had them? What does that mean? Reporters' reps are made by asking tough questions. Biden was asked almost every question the people wanted. Biden did not have the questions. That is not how ut works.
He had the don't think he had the questions?

All Presidents pick which reporters they want to answer questions for. That does not mean they pick the questions asked. The Alt Right posters are making all sorts of allegations that they cannot back up based on their feelings.
It was stated on our local news that Biden was disappointed more questions weren’t asked about the COVID response and the economy, indicating he didn’t have the questions beforehand.

A few QAnon worshippers actually believe the world is flat, and that millions of pilots, sailors, etc. are covering the truth up.

An ideology that requires everyone to be lying is a weak ideology.
He had them? What does that mean? Reporters' reps are made by asking tough questions. Biden was asked almost every question the people wanted. Biden did not have the questions. That is not how ut works.
He had the cheat sheet with the journalists numbered...He knew the questions prior to them being asked...He shuffled through those papers, didn't he?
He doesn't do well just off the cuff, does he?
All Presidents pick which reporters they want to answer questions for. That does not mean they pick the questions asked. The Alt Right posters are making all sorts of allegations that they cannot back up based on their feelings.
If he picked them, why didn't he recognize them without a scorecard? No one is making anything up...
All Presidents pick which reporters they want to answer questions for. That does not mean they pick the questions asked. The Alt Right posters are making all sorts of allegations that they cannot back up based on their feelings.
Biden likes the personal approach, the former guy didn’t care.
He had th cheat sheet with the journalists numbered...He knew the questions prior to them being asked...He shuffled through those papers, didn't he?
He doesn't do well just off the cuff, does he?

Of course he "had the journalists numbered." Do you think that he had the time since the election to memorize the faces of all the reporters the networks have covering the WH? Do you think that even if he had, he could easily tell who was who when they're all wearing masks? Why are you -- a self-proclaimed "special ed teacher" -- so adamant that he's retarded, failing, senile, has dementia, or whatever other labels you want to put on him? I recall you mocking him for stuttering a few months ago.

Why don't you try addressing his policies rather than his appearance and demeanor? Oh, that's right. You're not really interested in policies or politics. You're only here to exorcise your own poor-self-esteem demons by attacking others.
If he picked them, why didn't he recognize them without a scorecard? No one is making anything up...

You cannot backup your claims that the reporters gave the questions to the White House, so I am saying you made it up. You is plural there.

Reagan used photos too. It is to help remind him what reporters he picked. trump did not, and would often be unable to find the reporter he picked.
Possibly one of the worst, if not the worst press conferences in American history. Biden had to have note cards and a notebook to answer questions. At the same time, the press didn't even ask him about most issues facing the country today.

You really have to think that other leaders around the world saw this and either as allies were appalled at Biden's obvious intellectual decline, or as potential enemies saw someone easily exploited for the same reason. I have to wonder how much longer he can last in the Presidency before he is so in over his head that he either resigns or (and it would be unfortunate) physically collapses or even dies from the stress of office.

The result of that is Harris taking the office--no doubt to the glee of the Left as the first female president--a we as a nation get to see a person so maniacal and Machiavellian that she makes the Hildabeast look like a saint running things. There's a reason Harris did horribly running for this office in the primaries and it will be on full view if she were to have to take over from Biden due to his ill-health.


My bet: The Democrats get absolutely creamed in the 2022 midterm elections. The Biden administration is an utter train wreck, and Democrat congressional leaders know it. So, they are pushing everything they can now because they know the clock is running out on them fast.

I cannot tell you how much I am enjoying the agony you assholes are experiencing now that a competent, intelligent person is at the helm of the ship of state.

You morons deserve Trump. He is as fucking stupid and devoid of principles as you freaks. In fact, there is a chance he is even more stupid and less principled than you people.


I can understand why that upsets you.
How did he "have" the reporters?
He had the list (with pictures) in order...if you're only go to address ten, why even invite the others? ;)
Are you impressed enough with him to foster some of the children he's welcoming to our shores? Even though he's handed that crisis off to someone else....?
I cannot tell you how much I am enjoying the agony you assholes are experiencing now that a competent, intelligent person is at the helm of the ship of state.

You morons deserve Trump. He is as fucking stupid and devoid of principles as you freaks. In fact, there is a chance he is even more stupid and less principled than you people.


I can understand why that upsets you.

Biden can't remember what day of the week it is...
Because he was prepared.
You didn't watch the press conference at all, did you?

Only the version shown on OAN. Seriously.

Or Biden makes you feel stupid for defending Donald Trump this whole time because he was prepared and Trump never was.

Bingo. Sadly most Reichwingers like Toxic Top think that waving one's arms around, bellowing, lying, attacking reporters because you don't like the questions, and then hiding behind a series of press secretaries is how one deals with the press.