Offering Water to Voters now a Crime in Georgia

It criminalizes “line-warming” or offering food and water to individuals waiting to vote, a practice that has become popular as the Georgia GOP has dramatically reduced the number of polling places over the past 10 years, increasing the amount of time voters — especially voters in mostly black precincts — must wait in line to cast their ballot.

The new law also allows for unlimited challenges to a voter’s registration — a tactic that has been used to racially profile voters, intimidate them from voting, or knock them off the voter rolls completely.*

ends the use of portable polling sites, like the mobile voting buses used in Democratic Fulton County last cycle.*

It also cuts the time people have to request an absentee ballot and limits where ballot drop boxes can be placed and when they can be accessed.

removes the secretary of state as chair of the State Election Board, allowing the SEB and lawmakers a process to temporarily take over elections offices and limiting the number, location and access to secure absentee drop boxes.

My personal conclusion...

If Georgia Republicans want to lead the nation and ensure all Americans who want to vote can... make election day a state holiday. Do everything else and make it a "day-off" to vote.

But Georgia Republicans want less people to vote to ensure they remain in power. There is little in the bill that encourages more Americans to vote. There is less, unless you are a partisan republican, that increases the confidence of the next election being free of fraud.

In fact, this is a perfect example of losers changing rules to make a W easier in the future.

The problem, there was no fraud significant fraud in the last election. The Democrats simply won more votes from Americans. So all the rules being changed are Jim Crow 2.0.

The only people who believe differently are the ones who believe impeached x2 trump regarding the treasonousinsurrectionon January 6, "It was zero threat, right from the start, it was zero threat. Look, they went in, they shouldn't have done it. Some of them went in, and they are hugging and kissing the police and the guards, you know, they had great relationships," FORMER president trump.

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Imagine being arrested for offering water to someone? In Georgia, Republicans have imagined it. What they shudder at imagining is the coming tide against them, and depriving voters of water gives them hope. Don't know if I can imagine anything more pathetic.

Its a illegitimate crime as a result of repukes engaging in more warfare against Democracy, U.S. Constitutional law and all core values of America when it also comes to being enemies of the State or a imminent threat that I hope will get a certain imminent reaction. Those laws are not laws of America but concocted and illegitimate laws among a gutter clump of treasonous and seditious GQP swine who all should be in the direct aim of certain powers of America.



Like in Nasty Pussy's HR 1 bill... Registering 16 and 17 year olds to vote even though they can't vote. What's the point of that if it isn't to encourage cheating and voter fraud?
Like in Nasty Pussy's HR 1 bill... Registering 16 and 17 year olds to vote even though they can't vote. What's the point of that if it isn't to encourage cheating and voter fraud?

How that fuck would registering people to vote that cannot vote harm anything? How would encouraging participation in America become fraud?
When I was in high school we were allowed to register to vote at school. It was done to encourage voting. I get it, reds don't want more voters or more to register. Just more people you have to stop from voting when they become of age?
Like in Nasty Pussy's HR 1 bill... Registering 16 and 17 year olds to vote even though they can't vote. What's the point of that if it isn't to encourage cheating and voter fraud?
Read what you wrote, then please look up the definition of idiot, walk to a mirror and see the image of an idiot.

See, the real concern is when Americans don't vote you end up with impeached x2 trump occupying the presidency. You know, the guy you claimed...
""that his supporters were "hugging and kissing" police officers and posed "zero threat" despite widespread violence, injuries to law enforcement officers and five deaths.""

The suppression laws or Georgia are pathetic. Only idiots would support it....idiots or those who place party over country.

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How many people actually bother to track their ballot? If that were true for most people, then waiting in line, voting in person, wouldn't be considered a burden either. Regardless, the problem becomes one of the voting system can't track your ballot while in the postal system for the most part, if at all. So, the delay could be there in any case. If you request a second ballot and the first shows up, one or both might be made invalid.
This also doesn't cover allowed by HR 1 ballot harvesting where the harvester might hold onto ballots for days before turning them in in mass.
You have now gone from weeks to days for the time frame you have to tamper with the ballot? The goal posts are already moving. The ballot doesn't need to be tracked in the mail It only needs to be tracked as to whether it has arrived yet. Most states allow voters to check and see if their ballot has arrived. Mail typically takes about 2-3 days for local delivery. If you are removing hundreds of ballots from the mail that will easily get you caught even if you work at the post office. As to the number of people that track their ballot, even if only 10% do that is 10 people complaining for every 100 ballots you are trying to change. 100 ballots isn't enough to affect most statewide races. If you personally collected the ballots, those people will be complaining to you and to others. Then it only takes 4 or 5 complaining to the authorities before they start investigating you.

You only have to deal with the single return envelope. Well, let's find out[/url/]

They don't print just the code of the model of the printer. They print the serial number so it is possible to identify the exact printer used. Did you register the serial number to activate your warranty? Did the seller register the serial number as being sold to you with your credit card?

Real life example of someone being tracked down by the code printed on the page.

Bullshit. Fucking Euros have been screwing up the world for 500 years.

There'd be no Israel if the fucking Euros weren't such scumbags they persecuted and murdered millions of Jews over the centuries.
It criminalizes “line-warming” or offering food and water to individuals waiting to vote, a practice that has become popular as the Georgia GOP has dramatically reduced the number of polling places over the past 10 years, increasing the amount of time voters — especially voters in mostly black precincts — must wait in line to cast their ballot.

The new law also allows for unlimited challenges to a voter’s registration — a tactic that has been used to racially profile voters, intimidate them from voting, or knock them off the voter rolls completely.*

ends the use of portable polling sites, like the mobile voting buses used in Democratic Fulton County last cycle.*

It also cuts the time people have to request an absentee ballot and limits where ballot drop boxes can be placed and when they can be accessed.

removes the secretary of state as chair of the State Election Board, allowing the SEB and lawmakers a process to temporarily take over elections offices and limiting the number, location and access to secure absentee drop boxes.

My personal conclusion...

If Georgia Republicans want to lead the nation and ensure all Americans who want to vote can... make election day a state holiday. Do everything else and make it a "day-off" to vote.

But Georgia Republicans want less people to vote to ensure they remain in power. There is little in the bill that encourages more Americans to vote. There is less, unless you are a partisan republican, that increases the confidence of the next election being free of fraud.

In fact, this is a perfect example of losers changing rules to make a W easier in the future.

The problem, there was no fraud significant fraud in the last election. The Democrats simply won more votes from Americans. So all the rules being changed are Jim Crow 2.0.

The only people who believe differently are the ones who believe impeached x2 trump regarding the treasonousinsurrectionon January 6, "It was zero threat, right from the start, it was zero threat. Look, they went in, they shouldn't have done it. Some of them went in, and they are hugging and kissing the police and the guards, you know, they had great relationships," FORMER president trump.

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$20 says these antiAmerican laws will be overturned in Federal courts as unconstitutional.
"What are ya in for, kid?"

"I gave water to a thirsty person."

"Wow. OK, You bad. You can be in our gang."

Proving who ever supports that the antiAmerican bill is also antiChristian:

Matthew 25:35
For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me,


Bullshit. Fucking Euros have been screwing up the world for 500 years.

There'd be no Israel if the fucking Euros weren't such scumbags they persecuted and murdered millions of Jews over the centuries.

There was no US for Europe to fuck up 500 years ago. Your grasp of recent history ranks with your belief in Neolithic Jews.
Further, the ' fucking up ' of the US can be roughly graphed to coincide with its blanket political and financial support for Izraeli fascism. That's over just the past 70 years. Nobody likes a post-WW2 fascist.

Also, Jews themselves have done their fair share of persecution and murder over the centuries. Your prosemitic blindness is what's wrong with America today, in microcosm.

Check out last weeks Izraeli human rights violations and tell me that everything's OK, kaffer-kicker.

Haw, haw.......................................haw.

Maybe you should just keep your misinformed, racist and arrogant gob shut.
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