Biden White House Plans 'Vaccine Passports'

Weak men need a lot of bang-bangs to compensate.

We both know God damn well you lied your fat ass off about being a trained marksman and expert weapons consultant, so do not even try to sell me that flaccid act

You and your asinine bullshit need compensation.

Oh, but I am, and I'm damn good at it. Tell us more about "military ballistics," fucktard...
The White House is working on a COVID-19 vaccine passport initiative that could be required for travel, sporting events and even eating out, reports The Washington Post.

Passports to eat out but no voter ID.

Sounds good to me.
We live in a country where you're old enough to vote before you can order a glass of Chianti with your lasagna.
Low threshold to vote. High threshold for eating out and traveling during a deadly pandemic.
Those are the decisions made. They're consistent.
You and your asinine bullshit need compensation.

Oh, but I am, and I'm damn good at it. Tell us more about "military ballistics," fucktard...

You are just an obscure fat ass on the internet, compensating with a house full of guns, and falsely posturing as a deadly marksman and expert weapons consultant.

I am not an expert weapons consultant, but I can read articles by actual weapons and ballistics experts. They state that AR15 and M16 were designed for U.S. military doctrine and it's prevailing science of wound ballistics - small, high velocity rounds rend and tear flesh more effectively than larger rounds, wounding enemy soldiers at a high rate, and reducing enemy forces resources and capabilities more effectively than lethal shots.

These weapons were not designed for the intent of deer hunting, skeet shooting, duck hunting, and they make only a fair to middling personal home defense weapon, falling significantly behind 12 gauge shotguns and high caliber revolvers.
Are you pointing at yourself? Tell me what in the Constitution give you the right to fly on a private commercial airline. Or ride on a privately owned commercial bus, or a train. Point me to that clause. LOL at you. What a dunce.

You're an exceptionally stupid/ignorant DemoKKKrat, but see if you can figure it out. Astonishing stupidity/ignorance. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto.
Who ever said anything about seeking unity with dunces who refuse vaccinations, masks, social distancing, and willfully present themselves as a public health threat.

I have no idea to whom you're referring, but deranged rapist/psychopath Biden claims to seek unity - hadn't you heard?
You are just an obscure fat ass on the internet, compensating with a house full of guns, and falsely posturing as a deadly marksman and expert weapons consultant.

I am not an expert weapons consultant, but I can read articles by actual weapons and ballistics experts. They state that AR15 and M16 were designed for U.S. military doctrine and it's prevailing science of wound ballistics - small, high velocity rounds rend and tear flesh more effectively than larger rounds, wounding enemy soldiers at a high rate, and reducing enemy forces resources and capabilities more effectively than lethal shots.

These weapons were not designed for the intent of deer hunting, skeet shooting, duck hunting, and they make only a fair to middling personal home defense weapon, falling significantly behind 12 gauge shotguns and high caliber revolvers.

So you say. You couldn't contradict any of my posts when it comes to firearms or especially ballistics.

You are far from even a novice when it comes to firearms, ballistics, coefficients, velocity (or how the length of the barrel changes them), bullet configurations and expansion (to mention a few).
If the .223 fires a FMJ .224 dia 55 grain bullet, what damage will it do to flesh? Will it fragment of go right through? How about a 55 grain ballistic tip? Huh, Mr. Ballistics Expert? And what about powder
charges, do they affect bullet drop compensations? How about seating depth and how far off the lands do they set it for accuracy? Got those answers too, oh knowledgeable one?

You have no clue how many competitive shooters prefer the AR-15 for competitive shooting. You don't know shit, so stop trying to tell someone (me) who does.
The best self defense weapon is what the person feels most comfortable handling and can fire accurately. That IS a fact.
So you say. You couldn't contradict any of my posts when it comes to firearms or especially ballistics.

You are far from even a novice when it comes to firearms, ballistics, coefficients, velocity (or how the length of the barrel changes them), bullet configurations and expansion (to mention a few).
If the .223 fires a FMJ .224 dia 55 grain bullet, what damage will it do to flesh? Will it fragment of go right through? How about a 55 grain ballistic tip? Huh, Mr. Ballistics Expert? And what about powder
charges, do they affect bullet drop compensations? How about seating depth and how far off the lands do they set it for accuracy? Got those answers too, oh knowledgeable one?

You have no clue how many competitive shooters prefer the AR-15 for competitive shooting. You don't know shit, so stop trying to tell someone (me) who does.
The best self defense weapon is what the person feels most comfortable handling and can fire accurately. That IS a fact.
Sounds like you did not know the military history and military ballistics doctrine behind the historical development of the AR.

Nice job copying and pasting other people's ideas and words.

Remember, if you are going lie your fat ass off about me being a depraved sexual pervert, I am going to assume you are perfectly willing to lie about youself. And that includes your tales about being a deadly marksman and highly-sought after expert weapons consultant.
Sounds like you did not know the military history and military ballistics doctrine behind the historical development of the AR.

Nice job copying and pasting other people's ideas and words.

Remember, if you are going lie your fat ass off about me being a depraved sexual pervert, I am going to assume you are perfectly willing to lie about youself. And that includes your tales about being a deadly marksman and highly-sought after expert weapons consultant.

That post came off the top of my head. I can divulge deeper if you want.

But then you're a pervert for saying a firearm is a penis extension. That is a FACT. Pervert...
GIVE it to them. FREE of charge. EASILY accessible. What part of that gives you difficulty?

Five states — Georgia, Indiana, Missouri, Tennessee, and Wisconsin — offer free IDs that residents can only use to vote.

South Carolina and North Dakota, two of the states that require residents to have ID to vote, passed laws in 2011 to give free identification cards to all adults.

At least eight states issue free or discounted IDs to low-income or homeless residents and at least 10 states waive ID fees for seniors like you, DEMOCRAT.


I do not want my elderly relatives to be around a bunch of diseased Republicans.

You Deplorables said COVID was a hoax, that it was no worse than the common cold, you refused to wear masks, refused to socially distance, and you refuse to get vaccinated.

It is about time to treat you like the social pariahs and public health risks that you are.

You morons keep blaming spikes and lack of mask wearing on "republicans", which begs a question. Why then is NY and NJ again the leader in new cases?
But what about those that don't get the vaccine? Are they suddenly relegated as second class citizens? I've NEVER gotten any of the flu shots in my 60 years on this planet....had the occasional nasty cold or flu, got over it with OTC, homeopathic and home remedies from grandparents. So now I can't get on a plane for an overseas vacation. Oh well, their loss.

It's a public health and safety issue. The US has had more COVID cases than any other country in the world and more than three times as many cases as the next three countries combined. That is not a coincidence. For the most shameful excuse on Earth (propping up Trump's political support), the federal government refused to take action against the virus. When it reluctantly started to do things after it was too late, it did it in a lazy, half-assed, unprofessional, irresponsible manner without any leadership, without any organization, and with next to no regard for the expert, professional findings of the medical and scientific communities.

I rarely hear anyone complain about vaccinating children for hep B, DTap, MMR, etc. That's because it would be a literal death wish to send children to schools without first vaccinating them. The same is true of COVID. It isn't a flu. There are still tens of millions of Americans who refuse to wear masks, socially distance, and avoid large gatherings, let alone get a shot (or two). We had multiple opportunities to do the right thing. We didn't. So now government has to control our behaviors because we can't be trusted to do the right thing. I find it disappointing but unsurprising.