Biden White House Plans 'Vaccine Passports'

That post came off the top of my head. I can divulge deeper if you want.

But then you're a pervert for saying a firearm is a penis extension. That is a FACT. Pervert...

You can copy and paste all you want from gun publications, but I will never believe you are a deadly marksman and highly sought-after weapons consultant.
Lots of diseased Democrats in NY and NJ too.

That's because you belong to the Church of Covid. You like to fear monger, just like the Church of Global Warming and the Church of Green does.

Which one?

Some did, some didn't.

More like the flu. Covid19 is the mildest virus so far discovered in the Covid/SARS series.

Neither stops a virus.

Some do, some don't. Bigotry.

Masks do not stop a virus.
6 feet does not stop a virus.
Closing some businesses as 'non-essential' does not stop a virus.

All of these things have been done and Democrats are still quoting 'rising cases' and 'more deaths' using their manufactured numbers.

You can't argue both sides of a paradox, dude.

I accept your tacit admission that Republicans are more likely to be disease prone
Read this board.

All the Democrats here believe in CDC guidance and plan on getting vaccinated.

Many Trump supporters here refuse to get vaccinated, never took the pandemic seriously, and called COVID a hoax.

That's not evidence bruh.

So you have no evidence just mindless partisan garbage as usual.

See the dark blue areas, that's where it's the worst, that is also where newark, paterson, camden, and other more populated areas that are the most left areas of one of the most lw states.

same with new york.

please keep blaming that other tribe, you look foolish
I accept your tacit admission that Republicans are more likely to be disease prone

The Trump White House itself was a COVID superspreader. That is a perfect metaphor for how Republicans did not take COVID seriously and are more likely to be unhygenic disease spreaders
That's not evidence bruh.

So you have no evidence just mindless partisan garbage as usual.

See the dark blue areas, that's where it's the worst, that is also where newark, paterson, camden, and other more populated areas that are the most left areas of one of the most lw states.

same with new york.

please keep blaming that other tribe, you look foolish
^Too incompetent to grasp how incompetent he is.

You still aren't answering the question. Where in the Constitution does it say you have a Constitutional right to travel on public transportation? Got anything? Didn't think so. What a putz.
"Republican Congressmen Three Times More Likely to be Infected with COVID than Democratic Congressmen"

While there are multiple factors that influence infection rates, there is no question that there is a correlation between state party leadership and infection rates. There is a reason that 16 of the top 17 states by infection rate have Republican Governors and voted for Trump. Science easily explains that correlation. In states that lean Republican, there was less compliance around mitigation efforts. This is not rocket science. I've been watching infection rates both here in Duval county, and in Flagler county, because that's where my parents are living. Flagler is an oceanfront community with a very small minority population and less population density than does Duval county. It is heavily Republican, a Trump area for sure. For a long time, Flagler was largely untouched by Covid. But now, with so many restrictions easing in these areas, and with bike week having drawn huge crowds in the bars and restaurants in Flagler, the infection rate there is now 3-4 times as high as it is in Duval. There is very low mask compliance there, and it finally catching up with them.
"Republican Congressmen Three Times More Likely to be Infected with COVID than Democratic Congressmen"

The fact that the Trump White House was a COVID superspreader, and the fact that Republican Representatives and Senators comprised the vast majority of COVID cases in Congress perfectly illustrates how Republicans never took COVID seriously, and they are more likely to be unhygenic disease spreaders than Democrats.

Also noteworthy, I believe the only posters on this board who self-identified as COVID disease-carriers are conservatives.

"Republicans are hit the hardest as coronavirus spreads among elected leaders"
Not evidence that those infected are republicans in ny and nj, sucka.

Are you not one of the few posters here who self identified as a COVID disease-carrier, and are you not from NJ-NY? That sounds likely that you did not take COVID seriously, did not practice CDC guidelines and did not practice good hygiene. I wonder how many liberals you unwittingly spread COVID to?
Are you not one of the few posters here who self identified as a COVID disease-carrier, and are you not from NJ-NY? That sounds likely that you did not take COVID seriously, did not practice CDC guidelines and did not practice good hygiene. I wonder how many liberals you unwittingly spread COVID to?

I got it from a democrat. ;)

I also got it prior to the state locking down.

I probably spread it less people than you spread your gonorrhea. ;)
just to be clear, you're advocating denying civil and constitutional rights for American citizens if they don't follow 'health and safety' guidelines you support????

First of all, this passport thing has nothing to do with any of your civil or constitutional rights. You people are being melodramatic because that's what your blogger overlords told you to say. Secondly, yes, if a person knowingly poses a public health risk, that person should be taken into custody and sent to a medical facility or a jail. You can't knowingly infect other people with HIV. You can't contaminate other people's drinking water. You can't install asbestos or use lead paint when you're building on someone else's property. Your children can't go to school until they get vaccinated. And with any luck, you dirty half-humans will be prevented from boarding a plane I'm on.
So ironic, my Little Goosestepper - I'm not a Trumpist.

But you are a DemoKKKrat voter.

DemoKKKrats: 21st century Nazis

You're either Hawkeye's sock or you're a drug addict just like he is.

I never called you a Trumpist directly. As usual, your sloppy, drunken self fell into your computer chair and started gurgling into a conversation that never included you and had nothing to do with. Fucking die already.
Quote Originally Posted by Lionfish View Post
Why do they make everyone who gets a vaccine shot produce an ID card?

Isn't that voter suppression?

Rascist voter surpression. Not one person of color or questioning gender will be allowed a China virus shot due to their not ever owned an ID?
I got it from a democrat. ;)

I also got it prior to the state locking down.

I probably spread it less people than you spread your gonorrhea. ;)
Stooping to blatant lies when you are bested seems right up your alley.

I accept your tacit and grudging confession that Republicans are more likely to blow off simple hygiene and CDC guidelines, and are more at risk of being COVID carriers.

Carry on..
First of all, this passport thing has nothing to do with any of your civil or constitutional rights. You people are being melodramatic because that's what your blogger overlords told you to say. Secondly, yes, if a person knowingly poses a public health risk, that person should be taken into custody and sent to a medical facility or a jail. You can't knowingly infect other people with HIV. You can't contaminate other people's drinking water. You can't install asbestos or use lead paint when you're building on someone else's property. Your children can't go to school until they get vaccinated. And with any luck, you dirty half-humans will be prevented from boarding a plane I'm on.

the problem is that you are basing you theory all on the premise that everybody wants to do wrong to everyone else.............have you always been this distrustful of people? It has EVERYTHING to do with rights you communist little fuck
:laugh: I don't have a basement and I've earned more flight miles in the past year than you've accumulated in your entire life. I don't "hate America", but the Republican party sure as shit hates Americans. Nearly every legislative attempt they've made in recent years has been to restrict or eliminate the rights of the Americans that they hate. You're those people. You're all deplorable.

You can kindly.....go fuck yourself. You're a pathetic waste of flesh and air.