Biden White House Plans 'Vaccine Passports'

You still aren't answering the question. Where in the Constitution does it say you have a Constitutional right to travel on public transportation? Got anything? Didn't think so. What a putz.

Article I, $8; and the 5th, 9th, 10th, and 14th amendments. The right is there because the federal government was never given authority to limit it unless under very specific circumstances. The same is true of every State constitution.
I thought rightys loved IDs. It must be for others. We have a fucking pandemic that killed almost 600,000 Americans. But that does not require an ID so we can see who has done the right thing and got vaccinated. We have an infinitesimal amount of voter fraud, but everyone should have ID for that. You guys are nuts.

An ID for voting is sensible. An ID issued by the State is sensible. An ID being required to travel, get a job, or conduct business is NOT sensible or legal.
Are you not one of the few posters here who self identified as a COVID disease-carrier, and are you not from NJ-NY? That sounds likely that you did not take COVID seriously, did not practice CDC guidelines and did not practice good hygiene. I wonder how many liberals you unwittingly spread COVID to?

Fear mongering.
First of all, this passport thing has nothing to do with any of your civil or constitutional rights.
Rights do not come from the Constitution of the United States. You simply do not recognize the Constitution of the United States no any State constitution. No government has any such authority given in any constitution.
You people are being melodramatic because that's what your blogger overlords told you to say.
Inversion fallacy. You are describing yourself.
Secondly, yes, if a person knowingly poses a public health risk, that person should be taken into custody and sent to a medical facility or a jail.
So if a person has a cold and infects someone else with it, they should be sent to jail. Gotit.
You can't knowingly infect other people with HIV.
Sure you can. It's called assault.
You can't contaminate other people's drinking water.
Sure you can. It's called terrorism.
You can't install asbestos
Sure you can. It's completely legal to use asbestos. It has no problems unless someone tries to remove it.
or use lead paint
I use lead based paint all the time. They are perfectly legal. You will find them used in aerospace mostly.
when you're building on someone else's property.
Houses are not the only things that use paint or insulation.
Your children can't go to school until they get vaccinated.
Yes they can. And they do (if school is actually open!).
And with any luck, you dirty half-humans will be prevented from boarding a plane I'm on.
Bigotry. People like me FIX and BUILD the plane you fly on dumbass.
You're either Hawkeye's sock or you're a drug addict just like he is.

I never called you a Trumpist directly. As usual, your sloppy, drunken self fell into your computer chair and started gurgling into a conversation that never included you and had nothing to do with. Fucking die already.

YALSA. Insult fallacy. Lie. Attempted imperial command.
Stooping to blatant lies when you are bested seems right up your alley.

I accept your tacit and grudging confession that Republicans are more likely to blow off simple hygiene and CDC guidelines, and are more at risk of being COVID carriers.

Carry on..

Bigotry. Argument from randU fallacy. There is no such thing as a 'covid carrier'.
Ahh, but the aforementioned diseases that are deadly to kids had vaccinations that were more vigorously tested....and remember, the current Covid "vaccines" aren't that...they're experimental gene therapy.

And the whole handling of this has been a hot mess...I lay that at the feet of Fauci, Big Pharma, the CDC and WHO...who promote bad science. Seriously, while brief mask wearing can help along with non-crowding, there was and is NO GUARANTEE THAT THE FOOD YOU HAVE EATEN IN THE LAST YEAR was handled under near sterile conditions. I recently watched a documentary on PBS were some farm workers were complaining that they were more or less forced to go to work despite feeling ill, or that they themselves were not being given adequate protective gear. Also, the whole nasal swab testing had a 60-40 chance AGAINST being accurate. Add to this that doctors were given the OPTION as to how they recorded deaths (COVID RELATED....previous underlying conditions could have caused deaths, but if a positive Covid showed, it was labled as such without true documentation).

So now we see the beginning of what fringe anti-gov't types have been don't have your "papers" you can't do this or that DESPITE NOT BEING ILL OR TESTING NEGATIVE. Scary.

Fear mongrering.
If the feds require a vaccine passport, the airlines comply. Even without any federal law regarding masks, if you don’t mask up, you don’t fly.

The feds cannot require a vaccine passport. They can't require masks either. They have no authority for either action.
No, crackhead. You posted at me. Christ, dude, the thread is not that long. Go refresh your memory if you stumble into a minute of lucidity.

Projection. You called me a Trumpist, Little Goosestepper - can't you read, or are you too methed up to comprehend? Holy crap Little Goosestepper - the thread is not that long. Go refresh your memory if you stumble into a minute of lucidity.

Diesel: Astonishingly stupid/incompetent even for a DemoKKKrat
Projection. You called me a Trumpist, Little Goosestepper - can't you read, or are you too methed up to comprehend? Holy crap Little Goosestepper - the thread is not that long. Go refresh your memory if you stumble into a minute of lucidity.

Diesel: Astonishingly stupid/incompetent even for a DemoKKKrat

You really are fried. Nothing that you think happened happened. Read back.
You really are fried. Nothing that you think happened happened. Read back.

Here's my assessment...

1) You're developmentally disabled/retarded/severely autistic


2) Heavily dependent on/under the constant influence of drugs/alcohol (that dependence projected on others)


3) Suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder - and attendant infantile rage - so severe that you can't actually bring yourself to do something as simple as going back to read what you wrote


4) Severely mentally ill, possibly institutionalized


5) Brain damaged/suffering from dementia/Alzheimer's

The level of incompetence and dysfunction you're displaying here is unprecedented even for a goosestepping little DemoKKKrat.

Here's my assessment...

1) You're developmentally disabled/retarded/severely autistic


2) Heavily dependent on/under the constant influence of drugs/alcohol (that dependence projected on others)


3) Suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder - and attendant infantile rage - so severe that you can't actually bring yourself to do something as simple as going back to read what you wrote


4) Severely mentally ill, possibly institutionalized


5) Brain damaged/suffering from dementia/Alzheimer's

The level of incompetence and dysfunction you're displaying here is unprecedented even for a goosestepping little DemoKKKrat.


So are you Hawkeye's sock or a drug addict?

Cypress (post 19-quoting the OP):

I do not want my elderly relatives to be around a bunch of diseased Republicans.

You Deplorables said COVID was a hoax, that it was no worse than the common cold, you refused to wear masks, refused to socially distance, and you refuse to get vaccinated.

It is about time to treat you like the social pariahs and public health risks that you are.

Hawkeye (post 28-quoting no one):

What a great way to force people who have had COVID into getting jabbed, when there is no reasonable rational argument for them to taking the risk of the vaccine...especially if they are under 50 and healthy.

Me (post 39-quoting Cypress):

I've been saying the same thing for a year. Trumpists do not belong in a civilized society and should suffer from intentionally putting the health of other people at risk.

Me (post 40-quoting Hawkeye):

You should be banned for spreading false information like that.

You (post 44-quoting me):

Or encamped in a gulag, imma right?

Me (post 46-quoting you):

Yeah, either way. You people are a danger to society and yourselves.

RB 60 (post 56-quoting my post 39):

WTF is a "Trumpist"?

You (post 57-quoting my post 46):

People that tell the truth about the DemoKKKrat Party, my adorable Little Goosestepper?

Me (post 102-quoting RB):

People who support Trump and his attitudes. In the context here, I'm specifically talking about the regressed knuckle draggers who don't believe in COVID or refuse to take the precautions that have been recommended to prevent its spread. Trumpists also don't belong in a civilized society because they're racist and don't believe in science, but that's a different page in the same book.

Me (post 103-quoting your post 57):

Trumpists. Jesus christ, read.

You (post 112-quoting my post 103):

So ironic, my Little Goosestepper - I'm not a Trumpist.

But you are a DemoKKKrat voter.

DemoKKKrats: 21st century Nazis

The saddest part about all of this is that you aren't the only clinically braindead, visibly addled dumb fuck who can't follow a message board. Guille and Hawkeye are as stupid as you are (or high or drunk or you're just all of them).
So are you Hawkeye's sock or a drug addict?

The saddest part about all of this is that you aren't the only clinically braindead, visibly addled dumb fuck who can't follow a message board. Guille and Hawkeye are as stupid as you are (or high or drunk or you're just all of them).

I am me and me only, working at a much higher level than you apparently can comprehend.

You getting yourself educated is the only solution to that.
I am me and me only, working at a much higher level than you apparently can comprehend.

You getting yourself educated is the only solution to that.

I don't know yet what causes War's chronic abilities, but I do know that you abuse drugs. You have talked about it repeatedly in another forum.