Biden White House Plans 'Vaccine Passports'

I know the Dean, Robert Laughlin. He's an authoritarian bully that has had to back down more than this one time for overreach.
The article sugar coats what really happened. First he tried to expel seven students who were together in a study group because one of them came down with COVID.
Then he said in his email that anyone that didn't get the vaccine may as well resign or face expulsion.
He's made a lot of enemies and not just over this.
Several of my friends have written the Chancellor of the LSU Medical Center that unless Dean Laughlin is terminated the school won't see as many generous donations.
LSU Dental School backtracks, won't require COVID vaccines amid concerns over religious liberties

LSU's School of Dentistry backtracked on mandating COVID-19 vaccinations for students, faculty and staff who interact with patients after some argued the requirement violated federal law and compromised religious liberties.

Dentistry Dean Robert Laughlin wrote in an email last week that those "involved in direct patient care will be required to show proof of having received full vaccination for COVID-19," effective Monday, March 22.

But after an outcry among students, Laughlin amended the policy to allow those who forgo a vaccination to instead undergo mandatory, weekly coronavirus testing, with the added requirement that they wear an N-95 mask while in clinic.

"It is not my intention to force any individual to receive a vaccine they wish not to receive," Laughlin wrote in a follow-up email. "The School of Dentistry will comply with all [Americans with Disabilities Act] and religious objections according to the law."

The sudden change in policy comes as health care providers across the country weigh tactics to convince both the public — and their own workforce — of the importance of getting the life-saving jab.

So far, at Louisiana's hospitals, that hasn't included mandates, though vaccine uptake remains a challenge. At Ochsner Health System, which has about 32,000 employees statewide, vaccine acceptance is at 56.3%, according to a hospital representative.

The about face at LSU's School of Dentistry came shortly after the Liberty Counsel, an evangelical Christian nonprofit based in Florida, sent a letter to Laughlin calling the mandate a "violation of fundamental individual, economic and religious liberties."
It noted that "some people hold sincere religious beliefs against taking vaccines in general" or taking vaccines derived from stem cell lines obtained during abortions.

More than a dozen state lawmakers also sent a letter to Laughlin criticizing the mandate, and in response to their concerns, Laughlin sent along the revised policy and said that he spoke at length with Attorney General Jeff Landry over the issue.

“We thought it was a complete overreach of a state university to mandate a vaccine,” said Rep. Kathy Edmonston, R-Gonzales, in an interview, who added that some students she spoke with viewed the testing mandate as cumbersome as well.

The Liberty Counsel also pointed out that under federal law, individuals must be given the "option to accept or refuse" products approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration through Emergency Use Authorization — like the three available coronavirus vaccines. That point was reiterated in August by Dr. Amanda Cohn, who sits on the U.S. Centers for Disease Control Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.

"I just wanted to add that, just wanted to remind everybody, that under an Emergency Use Authorization, an EUA, vaccines are not allowed to be mandatory. So, early in this vaccination phase, individuals will have to be consented and they won't be able to be mandated,” Cohn said.

Dr. Susan Hassig, an associate professor of epidemiology at Tulane University, said that vaccines authorized for emergency use typically aren’t mandated until they receive full approval given how many questions remain about their long-term effects.

“You generally would not mandate something that is not fully vetted and approved in the most complete sense by the FDA,” Hassig said. “We don’t know how long it's going to protect us for, or when we might need a booster shot.”

Like I said, they will get tossed. I'm pretty sure Christians don't have some anti-vaccine dogma. The religious liberty argument is horseshit. That being said, a state university is not a private business.
Like I said, they will get tossed.
Possibly but only after the vaccine is fully vetted.
I'm pretty sure Christians don't have some anti-vaccine dogma. The religious liberty argument is horseshit.
under federal law, individuals must be given the "option to accept or refuse" products approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration through Emergency Use Authorization
Read the article. To reiterate:
"I just wanted to add that, just wanted to remind everybody, that under an Emergency Use Authorization, an EUA, vaccines are not allowed to be mandatory. So, early in this vaccination phase, individuals will have to be consented and they won't be able to be mandated,” ( Dr. Amanda ) Cohn (who sits on the U.S. Centers for Disease Control Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.)
That being said, a state university is not a private business.
Again, irrelevant for now. And no need for lawsuits at this time. No lawyer, except for McSlobber - aka 25¢ - maybe, would waste his time fighting a federal law already in place.
Possibly but only after the vaccine is fully vetted. Irrelevant. Read the article. To reiterate: Again, irrelevant for now. And no need for lawsuits at this time. No lawyer, except for McSlobber - aka 25¢ - maybe, would waste his time fighting a federal law already in place.

No one is arguing your right to refuse the vaccine. So that law is irrelevant, not my comment. This is not a discussion about state universities. It's a discussion about whether a private business has the right to refuse you service. Short discussion. They do. Period. Arguing that they are infringing on your religious liberties is horseshit.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Federal law, especially when in conjunction with the Dept. of Health & the FAA, supersedes commercial airline rules. My statement and questions stand.

If the feds require a vaccine passport, the airlines comply. Even without any federal law regarding masks, if you don’t mask up, you don’t fly.

Okay....doesn't change what I stated one bit. We're in sync.
The development of the vaccines and putting them into use did happen very, very quickly. It's an interesting and complicated assessment of relative risks, though, isn't it? The virtual entirety of human civilization set about developing vaccines by March 2020. We now have a dozen vaccines approved somewhere covering most of the world. They were developed and tested independently. I suppose we could have taken the normal course of time (10-15 years), but it seems to me that the conditions that existed over the past year could not continue for another 9-14 years.

Now, I'm a little surprised the idea of a "vaccine passport" even came up and am not sure how far it will get, if anywhere. At this point, however, given the outright intention of so many people to endanger me, the people I love, and every other living human being, some drastic measures might be in order. I would prefer point-of-care testing. That's what we've been doing at work since last summer. I don't see how that's feasible for football games, stadium concerts, and airports.


Now you have countries banning certain Covid vaccines due to deaths, severe and dibilitating reactions. Here in the USA the dance around who is safe to have what vaccines, the reality that some only partially work, others leave you as a carrier, etc.

And all the while an avoidance by all the powers that be to suggest or point to OTC, alternative or homeopathic treatments that could prevent deterioration by those tested positive ( a test, by the way, is a 60-40 crap shoot of being accurate.

And the band played on.
No one is arguing your right to refuse the vaccine. So that law is irrelevant, not my comment. This is not a discussion about state universities. It's a discussion about whether a private business has the right to refuse you service. Short discussion. They do. Period. Arguing that they are infringing on your religious liberties is horseshit.

When it started a few days ago, wasn't this thread about a sort of government vaccine passport? Are you suggesting that businesses would either opt in or implement their own "passports"?
You can't follow 15-post pages.

I want to be very clear that I'm not burning or trolling you, and I won't call you a goosestepper or DemoKKKrat voter in this post.

But you've done what Democrats (I know - you're not one, you just vote for them & carry their water 24/7) have been doing for the past 5 years, and it's incredibly dangerous.

You've taken what actually happened, and citing what actually happened, you've fabricated something completely false from it.

If you hadn't done this, I'd be happy to continue mocking you & calling you names, but this seemed like a unique opportunity to point out what you've done.

Also (and obviously), your repeatedly stated desire to see those you disagree with encamped and exterminated is very disturbing.

The combination of your fabrications based on fact, and your desire to see others murdered by the millions is why I have such a low opinion of both Democrats and (in your case) Democrat voters.

I believe that tens of millions of people (Democrats/Democrat voters) are in the grip of mass hysteria, and have been since 2016.

I'm not being funny, and I'm not trying to give you a difficult time - this has happened many times previously in human history, and these hysterias can last for years.

I SINCERELY pray that you can come to an awareness of how disturbing your death wish for millions of your fellow Americans is, and how in the case above, you've fabricated something completely false from actual facts.

The alternative to you and your fellow hysterics coming to your/their senses is going to be something vastly uglier than World War II, and I pray this doesn't happen.

The next time we interact (if you haven't come to your senses, and I don't expect you will have), I will return to mocking, taunting and burning your attitudes, observations and false claims, but I'll also continue to pray that you & yours can return to/arrive at reason and moral clarity.


I want to be very clear that I'm not burning or trolling you, and I won't call you a goosestepper or DemoKKKrat voter in this post.

But you've done what Democrats (I know - you're not one, you just vote for them & carry their water 24/7) have been doing for the past 5 years, and it's incredibly dangerous.

You've taken what actually happened, and citing what actually happened, you've fabricated something completely false from it.

If you hadn't done this, I'd be happy to continue mocking you & calling you names, but this seemed like a unique opportunity to point out what you've done.

Also (and obviously), your repeatedly stated desire to see those you disagree with encamped and exterminated is very disturbing.

The combination of your fabrications based on fact, and your desire to see others murdered by the millions is why I have such a low opinion of both Democrats and (in your case) Democrat voters.

I believe that tens of millions of people (Democrats/Democrat voters) are in the grip of mass hysteria, and have been since 2016.

I'm not being funny, and I'm not trying to give you a difficult time - this has happened many times previously in human history, and these hysterias can last for years.

I SINCERELY pray that you can come to an awareness of how disturbing your death wish for millions of your fellow Americans is, and how in the case above, you've fabricated something completely false from actual facts.

The alternative to you and your fellow hysterics coming to your/their senses is going to be something vastly uglier than World War II, and I pray this doesn't happen.

The next time we interact (if you haven't come to your senses, and I don't expect you will have), I will return to mocking, taunting and burning your attitudes, observations and false claims, but I'll also continue to pray that you & yours can return to/arrive at reason and moral clarity.



That doesn't deserve much of a response, but for the record:

1.) I don't actually want anyone to die or be encamped. No one who isn't a psychopath does. I don't hate anyone, certainly no one I don't even know, but I come as close to it as possible for Trump, you, and people like the two of you. So I use hyperbole not for you but for other observers to always remember what you people have done and continue to try to do.

2.) Although you proved yourself capable of writing a reasonable post, to my literal shock, you're still full of dull horse shit. You shamelessly and repeatedly lie about words that are published for everyone to see. You are the epitome of a Trumpist and therefore, I have no respect for you.
The White House is working on a COVID-19 vaccine passport initiative that could be required for travel, sporting events and even eating out, reports The Washington Post.

Passports to eat out but no voter ID.

I got a vaccine and it did not take a passport either but an appointment. What you need to do is passport your mangy drawers to come to a good cleaning, and with the conclusion of being ass viral free.
I got a vaccine and it did not take a passport either but an appointment. What you need to do is passport your mangy drawers to come to a good cleaning, and with the conclusion of being ass viral free.

That doesn't deserve much of a response, but for the record:

1.) I don't actually want anyone to die or be encamped. No one who isn't a psychopath does. I don't hate anyone, certainly no one I don't even know, but I come as close to it as possible for Trump, you, and people like the two of you. So I use hyperbole not for you but for other observers to always remember what you people have done and continue to try to do.

2.) Although you proved yourself capable of writing a reasonable post, to my literal shock, you're still full of dull horse shit. You shamelessly and repeatedly lie about words that are published for everyone to see. You are the epitome of a Trumpist and therefore, I have no respect for you.

1) I appreciate the clarification, but that you hate someone you know nothing about & who isn't a Trumpist for being a Trumpist is bizarre, irrational and chilling; the people you should fear are your own.

2) You are genuinely and profoundly confused - I believe that - and are once again piling on bizarre and false claims. I'm not a Trumpist, and you, in your genuine confusion, have turned the facts (what was said, and clear for all to see as you say) into something that is entirely fabricated.

I genuinely believe you are suffering from the mass hysteria that has gripped tens of millions since 2016, and which drove the many witch hunts against Trump, and the country-destroying Democrat CovidScam.

This mass hysteria is PROFOUNDLY dangerous, and will lead to the death of millions - if not tens of millions - of all political persuasions and no persuasions at all if it continues to go unchecked.

I genuinely pray that all affected come to their senses before Hell on Earth breaks loose.

Take care.
1) I appreciate the clarification, but that you hate someone you know nothing about & who isn't a Trumpist for being a Trumpist is bizarre, irrational and chilling; the people you should fear are your own.

2) You are genuinely and profoundly confused - I believe that - and are once again piling on bizarre and false claims. I'm not a Trumpist, and you, in your genuine confusion, have turned the facts (what was said, and clear for all to see as you say) into something that is entirely fabricated.

I genuinely believe you are suffering from the mass hysteria that has gripped tens of millions since 2016, and which drove the many witch hunts against Trump, and the country-destroying Democrat CovidScam.

This mass hysteria is PROFOUNDLY dangerous, and will lead to the death of millions - if not tens of millions - of all political persuasions and no persuasions at all if it continues to go unchecked.

I genuinely pray that all affected come to their senses before Hell on Earth breaks loose.

Take care.

Bret and Heather (Progressives) have said that same with the possible exception of the word pray. The sane on the Left and the Right must bond for an effort to put down the regressives.
Biden White House Plans 'Vaccine Passports'

Lets say I have to travel to Europe on a business trip. I get the vaccine, and then am told that Republicans have banned vaccine passports. There is no way for me to prove to the EU that I got the vaccine.

I lose my ability to travel, but you gain nothing. In fact, you lose too, because I will earn less, pay less taxes, and you will get less from the government.
Lets say I have to travel to Europe on a business trip. I get the vaccine, and then am told that Republicans have banned vaccine passports. There is no way for me to prove to the EU that I got the vaccine.

I lose my ability to travel, but you gain nothing. In fact, you lose too, because I will earn less, pay less taxes, and you will get less from the government.

Stop. The problem people have is with internal passports.