Biden White House Plans 'Vaccine Passports'

Great time to be a lawyer when the suits start pouring in, and an exciting moment when SCOTUS squashes it as blatantly unconstitutional.

LOL, on what grounds? You still can't articulate where the right to use privately owned transportation is enshrined. Because it isn't. What happened to wanting to keep government out of private business? Now you want to tell them that they have to do business with Typhoid Mary. Not gonna happen.
Great isn't it? I had help/stole it, Cuntcart.

:good4u: :good4u:

You are truly and astonishingly stupid/incompetent, even for a Jim Crow DemoKKKrat, Cuntcart.

You ACTUALLY wrote this earlier (Post #204) in the thread:

It's a discussion about whether a private business has the right to refuse you service. Short discussion. They do. Period.

You are ACTUALLY this stupid/incompetent (and bigoted), and so stupid/incompetent that you can't understand how stupid/incompetent you are, and instead project your stupidity/incompetence on others.

Even for a Jim Crow DemoKKKrat, you're an exceptional knuckle dragger, so congrats.

Let me restate, because apparently you have concrete for a brain. A private business has the right to refuse you service if you are not vaccinated. Period. End of story. You are about to find that out.
LOL, on what grounds? You still can't articulate where the right to use privately owned transportation is enshrined. Because it isn't. What happened to wanting to keep government out of private business? Now you want to tell them that they have to do business with Typhoid Mary. Not gonna happen.

Posted, in this thread, and on this page. Ditto. False. You love Jim Crow because you're an incompetent knuckle-dragging DemoKKKrat. I do? SCOTUS will sort it out, and you will still be all "DUUUUUUUUUH - wot hoppened?"
Let me restate, because apparently you have concrete for a brain. A private business has the right to refuse you service if you are not vaccinated. Period. End of story. You are about to find that out.

The next argument---wait for it---is that denying you service for not being vaccinated is the very same thing as denying you service because of your race or sexual orientation.

The trumpanzee mind is quite simple, as something the size of a fava bean would likely be.
It doesn't take long to see how it works.
Let me restate, because apparently you have concrete for a brain. A private business has the right to refuse you service if you are not vaccinated. Period. End of story. You are about to find that out.

You're projecting your incompetence/stupidity - again. Wrong. Ditto. Ditto. Someone is wrong, and SCOTUS will reaffirm it my little Jim Crow DemoKKKrat.
The next argument---wait for it---is that denying you service for not being vaccinated is the very same thing as denying you service because of your race or sexual orientation.

The trumpanzee mind is quite simple, as something the size of a fava bean would likely be.
It doesn't take long to see how it works.

Wow - in your bumbling Jim Crow DemoKKKrat stupidity you stumbled over the truth even as you deny it - impressive.

You're a Trumpanzee? (Not surprised.)
I believe the purpose of a 'passport' would be to prove immunization.
It doesn't.
That's certainly my angle on this.
It is Biden's too.
I suspect it will be required by many private businesses, airlines, sporting events, concerts, movie theaters, etc.
In some cases that is illegal. In others it is a private decision made by a business that is a bad business decision. Such a decision will potentially wipe out your business because of civil suits and competitors that don't want to be so stupid.
At some point, one of the tards claimed that would be unconstitutional
If the government or any government agency is requiring or implementing such "passports', it is illegal and unconstitutional.
because it would restrict interstate travel.
Typical idiotic take.
Violating the constitution is idiotic.
It appears there was also an attempt to turn it into some kind of mandatory vaccination effort, which it is not.
That is exactly the purpose of the 'passports'.
Great time to be a lawyer when the suits start pouring in, and an exciting moment when SCOTUS squashes it as blatantly unconstitutional.

The passport itself would be unconstitutional, since the government was never authorized to implement such a program in the Constitution, and it violates the 1st, 4th, 9th, 10th, and 14th amendments and Article I, $8.
SCOTUS can sit there and rule it unconstitutional, and/or the States themselves can simply nullify it by passing their own laws, such as what Florida did. The States own the Constitution. They created it. Only they can change it. SCOTUS cannot change the Constitution nor interpret it. They can, however, deal with such a law.
The next argument---wait for it---is that denying you service for not being vaccinated is the very same thing as denying you service because of your race or sexual orientation.

The trumpanzee mind is quite simple, as something the size of a fava bean would likely be.
It doesn't take long to see how it works.

Both of these have already been made illegal by many States. There is nothing to prevent them from making this illegal as well.
Let me restate, because apparently you have concrete for a brain. A private business has the right to refuse you service if you are not vaccinated. Period. End of story. You are about to find that out.

when government puts restrictions, requirements, or incentives to do so, those are unconstitutional
The passport itself would be unconstitutional, since the government was never authorized to implement such a program in the Constitution, and it violates the 1st, 4th, 9th, 10th, and 14th amendments and Article I, $8.
SCOTUS can sit there and rule it unconstitutional, and/or the States themselves can simply nullify it by passing their own laws, such as what Florida did. The States own the Constitution. They created it. Only they can change it. SCOTUS cannot change the Constitution nor interpret it. They can, however, deal with such a law.

Well they interpret it, but some great points.
Posted, in this thread, and on this page. Ditto. False. You love Jim Crow because you're an incompetent knuckle-dragging DemoKKKrat. I do? SCOTUS will sort it out, and you will still be all "DUUUUUUUUUH - wot hoppened?"

No, you have not answered that question. Other than to sling lame ad homs. Which is, I think about all your capable of. Last chance.
The next argument---wait for it---is that denying you service for not being vaccinated is the very same thing as denying you service because of your race or sexual orientation.

The trumpanzee mind is quite simple, as something the size of a fava bean would likely be.
It doesn't take long to see how it works.

Yep. And unfortunately for Trumptards, stupidity is not a protected class.
After our Covid card was laminated, my wife put it on her purse with all the other cards. Her license was there. Her ss card, her health cards with ID numbers, her bank cards with IDs, her credit union ID. And all the others. It was OK until that laminated vaccine card was inserted. Then big brother was gleeful about finally getting that one in the purse. Now they control her.
Well they interpret it, but some great points.

They do not have authority to interpret the Constitution. Article III of that same document describes what authority they DO have.
Only the States can interpret the Constitution. They created it. Only they can change it. They own it.

The federal government is the agent created by that Constitution. Like an agent created by any contract, the agent cannot modify the contract (or Constitution) that created it, nor interpret it. It MUST conform to the document that created it. The Supreme Court authority is UNDER the Constitution. It has zero authority OVER it.

Even ruling on whether a law is constitutional is extremely limited. It must conform to the Constitution. It cannot deviate from it in any way (even though they already have illegally many times).
Why should I be forced to get your diseases?
You haven't worried one iota about "being forced to get diseases from other people" for [insert your age here, minus one] years... Why are you now all of a sudden worried about it?