Biden White House Plans 'Vaccine Passports'

They do not have authority to interpret the Constitution. Article III of that same document describes what authority they DO have.
Only the States can interpret the Constitution. They created it. Only they can change it. They own it.

The federal government is the agent created by that Constitution. Like an agent created by any contract, the agent cannot modify the contract (or Constitution) that created it, nor interpret it. It MUST conform to the document that created it. The Supreme Court authority is UNDER the Constitution. It has zero authority OVER it.

Even ruling on whether a law is constitutional is extremely limited. It must conform to the Constitution. It cannot deviate from it in any way (even though they already have illegally many times).

What kind of world do you live in?. it is not this one. States have their own constitutions. The national one has been changed by the Supremes via interpretation for 2 centuries.
You haven't worried one iota about "being forced to get diseases from other people" for [insert your age here, minus one] years... Why are you now all of a sudden worried about it?

It's version of an extreme argument fallacy. These idiots wind up contradicting themselves when they do this. It's his way of fear mongering.
What kind of world do you live in?. it is not this one. States have their own constitutions. The national one has been changed by the Supremes via interpretation for 2 centuries.

They have no authority to do so. They have done it illegally. Any such ruling can be ignored. Yes...that means going against federal agents if necessary.
No, you have not answered that question. Other than to sling lame ad homs. Which is, I think about all your capable of. Last chance.

Your incredibly stupid/bigoted question has been answered multiple times on the previous page of this very thread my little Jim Crow DemoKKKrat. Awesome ad homs. Dear lord, but you're a moron. Asked & answered.
They do not have authority to interpret the Constitution. Article III of that same document describes what authority they DO have.
Only the States can interpret the Constitution. They created it. Only they can change it. They own it.

The federal government is the agent created by that Constitution. Like an agent created by any contract, the agent cannot modify the contract (or Constitution) that created it, nor interpret it. It MUST conform to the document that created it. The Supreme Court authority is UNDER the Constitution. It has zero authority OVER it.

Even ruling on whether a law is constitutional is extremely limited. It must conform to the Constitution. It cannot deviate from it in any way (even though they already have illegally many times).

We seem to have different understandings of what "interpret" means, but some fine points.
What kind of world do you live in?. it is not this one. States have their own constitutions. The national one has been changed by the Supremes via interpretation for 2 centuries.

think about that for a second. the framers concept was that the federal government had not authority to define the limits of the powers...............yet you accept that the Supremes did so.............who is at fault? you? or the framers?
think about that for a second. the framers concept was that the federal government had not authority to define the limits of the powers...............yet you accept that the Supremes did so.............who is at fault? you? or the framers?

I accept the reality. The Supremes simply have that power. The framers suggested we have conventions and rewrite the constitution to fit changing times that the founders could never predict. Instead, we have rightys that give biblical powers to the constitution. It can never be changed it is perfect. It is not. But who would do it now? Corporations and the wealthy would. They spent a lot of time and money setting it up. Of course, they made trillions while it was going on.
These voting changes in 47 states would have been impossible before. Now they are doing it. They do not have majorities, but gerrymandering also works for a minority to have the power. The reds run the states. Not by a democratic vote but a steady long time chopping away at the government.
You haven't worried one iota about "being forced to get diseases from other people" for [insert your age here, minus one] years... Why are you now all of a sudden worried about it?

I have been a supporter of public health almost all my life. It has been so successful that many have forgotten about its importance, but I have always been fascinated by pandemics. I strongly support the WHO eliminating Smallpox, and now coming close to eliminating Polio. We can only hope that sooner or later they eliminate Covid-19.
I have been a supporter of public health almost all my life. It has been so successful that many have forgotten about its importance, but I have always been fascinated by pandemics. I strongly support the WHO eliminating Smallpox, and now coming close to eliminating Polio. We can only hope that sooner or later they eliminate Covid-19.

You think we'll eliminate a coronavirus?
1) I appreciate the clarification, but that you hate someone you know nothing about & who isn't a Trumpist for being a Trumpist is bizarre, irrational and chilling; the people you should fear are your own.

2) You are genuinely and profoundly confused - I believe that - and are once again piling on bizarre and false claims. I'm not a Trumpist, and you, in your genuine confusion, have turned the facts (what was said, and clear for all to see as you say) into something that is entirely fabricated.

I genuinely believe you are suffering from the mass hysteria that has gripped tens of millions since 2016, and which drove the many witch hunts against Trump, and the country-destroying Democrat CovidScam.

This mass hysteria is PROFOUNDLY dangerous, and will lead to the death of millions - if not tens of millions - of all political persuasions and no persuasions at all if it continues to go unchecked.

I genuinely pray that all affected come to their senses before Hell on Earth breaks loose.

Take care.

I say "I don't hate anyone," and this motherfucker responds, "that you hate someone you know nothing about". Parents, make your children finish second grade.

The rest of your rambling horse shit was simply repeated from earlier posts.

If tens of millions of people must die, so be it. You Trumpists and normal, good people cannot coexist.

It would be disingenuous if I wished you well, but do take care.
Does anyone else ever feel like when Into the Night's posting on JPP, he thinks he's either taking a test or grading a test? He randomly rapid fires 10 or 15 one-line posts, but they're not a dialogue with the person he's quoting. Mostly he's just naming various logical fallacies.
The White House is working on a COVID-19 vaccine passport initiative that could be required for travel, sporting events and even eating out, reports The Washington Post.

Passports to eat out but no voter ID.

You seem to be a fool, and if there were a vaccine to decontaminate the mind destroying virus that has infected you tRumptard MAGATs who are a liability on civilization, this would be a true liberating moment for the common decency and legitimacy of humanity for current and future generations to come.
I believe the purpose of a 'passport' would be to prove immunization. That's certainly my angle on this. I suspect it will be required by many private businesses, airlines, sporting events, concerts, movie theaters, etc. At some point, one of the tards claimed that would be unconstitutional because it would restrict interstate travel. Typical idiotic take. It appears there was also an attempt to turn it into some kind of mandatory vaccination effort, which it is not.

I think I see what you're saying. You get a card when you get your shot(s). I won't get mine until Tuesday, but as I understand it, all of those cards are a CDC form. So they're already standardized and universal. The problem with them is that they don't include a picture. A person would have to provide their COVID card and a picture ID with the matching name or get a separate photo ID that's only purpose is to prove vaccination. Is that the "passport"?

I personally wouldn't mind showing my driver's license and my COVID card to gain entry into sensitive spaces. I have to present a photo ID and an airline ticket to get to an airport terminal. I'm not going to the DMV to get a separate ID for my COVID shots though.
The next argument---wait for it---is that denying you service for not being vaccinated is the very same thing as denying you service because of your race or sexual orientation.

The trumpanzee mind is quite simple, as something the size of a fava bean would likely be.
It doesn't take long to see how it works.

Great. As soon as they agree to drop every anti-LGBTQ and racist exclusion they spend their lives promoting, I will agree not to deny service to anyone who does not get vaccinated. If, on the other hand, they still think that people should be excluded from certain parts of society for religious or "moral" reasons, then I will continue to support banning them from certain parts of society for scientific and medical reasons.

Remember the Republicans of the old days who were hypocrites because they were political and self-serving? They were actually better than the trumpanzees, as you call them, who are hypocrites because they don't understand logic. We're living in the half-dark ages.