Biden White House Plans 'Vaccine Passports'

If you have a point to get to then please get to it. I'm logging off in 10 minutes or thereabouts. Get to it now and I'll give you an answer. If you get to it later I won't see it. Your decision.

I don't know what else you want me to say.

In the US, non-essential services and travel were restricted. Masks were required in public and group sizes were restricted. You see this as a conspiracy to politically damage Trump.

On virtually every other country on Earth, the same things happened. In fact, they tended to be immeasurably more restrictive than the American experience. You see that as misguided.

Same virus. Same time. Same conditions. Yet you have somehow managed to convince yourself that COVID in the US was about Trump.

You don't have to get back to me.
Lockdowns and quarantining have been parts of the scientific treatment of contagious disease for thousands of years. That is why it was used around the world.
quarantining was for the sick and vulnerable -not able bodied like we just did
quarantining was for the sick and vulnerable -not able bodied like we just did

No, quarantining has always been for people who are contagious. Typhoid Mary would be the ultimate example of this. She was never sick, but she was extremely contagious.

Quarantining in its original use was for everyone traveling by ship. It was later used for anyone who may have come into contact with a sick person. Now that we have tests, we can limit to people who actually have the disease.

Or put another way, if you were a porno actor, would you be willing to have unprotected sex with someone who was contagious for HIV, but did not have the symptoms?
Would you mind listing some of your favorite "sane on the Left"?

The actual left - not including lunatic fascist liberals, Democrats & Lolibertarians playing at leftism - is by definition sane.

Liberals/Democrats/Democrat voters like yourself are an extraordinary danger, and it's up to patriots of all other political identities to stop you & your ilk from further destroying this country.
Does anyone else ever feel like when Into the Night's posting on JPP, he thinks he's either taking a test or grading a test? He randomly rapid fires 10 or 15 one-line posts, but they're not a dialogue with the person he's quoting. Mostly he's just naming various logical fallacies.

Into the Night is one of the most intelligent and logical posters here.

I'm not surprised your only defense is to spew inane fallacies at him.

The irony is highly ironic.
The Democrat CovidScam was 100% political.

21st century Nazis.

I can assure you the China virus was not a scam. The scam was dems crucifying Trump for his early travel ban, all the while having Europeans
flying into the U.S. unknowingly carrying the the China virus. And China downplaying how contagious it was.
Yes, they are. Because of lockdowns that weren't based on...wait for it...the ScIeNcE.

Are you saying that tens of thousands of years of human evolution, massive strides in sanitation, and huge advances in medicine mean that the BatFlu, like regular flu, is almost entirely a danger to those with co-morbidities???

Because that's crazy talk!!!

Well, maybe wrecking the economy and scaring people was a way to get rid of the bad orange man? Here in Michigan had a business done in 2019 what our governor said to do in 2020 they would have been shut down by MIOSHA. The mask guidance alone was wrong.

Get rid of the BOM & gain power.

Democrats: Deranged 21st century Nazis


Basically a witch hunt against a virus to appear to be dong something, and more importantly, gain power.

While the DemoKKKrats here were the worst, many countries saw similar superstitious measures enacted.

Global mass hysteria combined with a psychopathic desire for power - not a pretty combo.
The actual left - not including lunatic fascist liberals, Democrats & Lolibertarians playing at leftism - is by definition sane.

Liberals/Democrats/Democrat voters like yourself are an extraordinary danger, and it's up to patriots of all other political identities to stop you & your ilk from further destroying this country.

Then name some of them. Who is in the "actual left"? Libertarians are on the right.

You can't stop us. For as long as I've been alive, it has been common knowledge that China will become a superpower and the US will cease to be majority white. Oh, the horror! You geriatric crackers are losing your shit as you watch minorities ascend to equality. The way you behave or continue to behave will have much bearing on the way we treat you.
Oof. More projection, War. Not a good look. I have repeatedly stated in various ways what I consider to be a Trumpist. You might not be his supporter at the moment, but you exhibit all the qualities of a Trumpist: Gaslighting, denial of science, demonstrable lies, Trump witch hunts, and so on. You are a Trumpist. Trumpists are very near to the lowest form of human existence. Ergo, you are too.

Oof. Lots of projection from you, yes. Deeply ugly, yes. Your hate speech is as open-minded as Nazi hate speech against Jews, yes. Hate speech garbage list. Garbage. There's my Little DemoKKKrat Goosestepper! You don't hate your neighbors - you just think they're sub-human and want to see them exterminated.

DemoKKKrats & their voters: Deranged 21st century Nazis

DemoKKKrats are deranged Nazis incapable of rational thought...

Pass it on.

I'd say it's more the far-left libturds and the progressives who are "offended" by American culture and are hell-bent on destroying everything our founding fathers envisioned for the United States of America.
I can assure you the China virus was not a scam. The scam was dems crucifying Trump for his early travel ban, all the while having Europeans
flying into the U.S. unknowingly carrying the the China virus. And China downplaying how contagious it was.

Oh the virus is real - it was the basis of the DemoKKKrat Nazi CovidScam.
Then name some of them. Who is in the "actual left"? Libertarians are on the right.

You can't stop us. For as long as I've been alive, it has been common knowledge that China will become a superpower and the US will cease to be majority white. Oh, the horror! You geriatric crackers are losing your shit as you watch minorities ascend to equality. The way you behave or continue to behave will have much bearing on the way we treat you.

Who do you think they are? The actual left. Mostly, but like you, many deranged conservatives have deluded themselves into believing they're on the left.

That's what the original Nazis said! :awesome: Irrelevant. I'm not surprised that this horrifies you, but I'm surprised that you admit it. Nazi hate speech/garbage spewing. Spewed like the demented Little DemoKKKrat Nazi you are, my adorable Little Goosestepper.

I'd say it's more the far-left libturds and the progressives who are "offended" by American culture and are hell-bent on destroying everything our founding fathers envisioned for the United States of America.

A few nutsos on the far left are mistaken for the majority of the very sane left, but the problem is liberals/Democrats & their deranged voters.

This Diesel character? He's not an atypical liberal psychopath - he's one of millions like him who want to see his neighbors exterminated for WrongThink.