Biden White House Plans 'Vaccine Passports'

A few nutsos on the far left are mistaken for the majority of the very sane left, but the problem is liberals/Democrats & their deranged voters.

This Diesel character? He's not an atypical liberal psychopath - he's one of millions like him who want to see his neighbors exterminated for WrongThink.

As I've said many times, my GF is a democrat. She bitches and turns off the national news, no matter what channel (NBC, CBS, or ABC) and you'd think she is a conservative when it comes to firearms, women coming out years after their "harassment" claims, people saying it's only reps who are opting out of the vaccine, etc.

Yet she voted for Biden. Go figure :dunno:
As I've said many times, my GF is a democrat. She bitches and turns off the national news, no matter what channel (NBC, CBS, or ABC) and you'd think she is a conservative when it comes to firearms, women coming out years after their "harassment" claims, people saying it's only reps who are opting out of the vaccine, etc.

Yet she voted for Biden. Go figure :dunno:

I feel ya bra.

Sometimes good people get duped. :(
I feel ya bra.

Sometimes good people get duped. :(

I wouldn't say she's "duped," just a dem who just votes the partyline she's been accustomed to for so many years. She comes from a family of dems, I guess she just can't break free.

We never discuss politics, that's probably why I haven't given her her "walking papers." That, and she takes such good care of me :cool:
Remember the Republicans of the old days who were hypocrites because they were political and self-serving? They were actually better than the trumpanzees, as you call them, who are hypocrites because they don't understand logic. We're living in the half-dark ages.

I mostly agree, but being openly self-serving wasn't really hypocrisy. Not admirable to be sure, but not hypocritical. Being political isn't problematic, either. It's a politician's job.
I think I see what you're saying. You get a card when you get your shot(s). I won't get mine until Tuesday, but as I understand it, all of those cards are a CDC form. So they're already standardized and universal. The problem with them is that they don't include a picture. A person would have to provide their COVID card and a picture ID with the matching name or get a separate photo ID that's only purpose is to prove vaccination. Is that the "passport"?

I personally wouldn't mind showing my driver's license and my COVID card to gain entry into sensitive spaces. I have to present a photo ID and an airline ticket to get to an airport terminal. I'm not going to the DMV to get a separate ID for my COVID shots though.

They are actually creating apps that will allow you to do this. You download your health vaccination information from your provider, and it ties directly to you. Probably won't even need a drivers license. I don't think the card they give you is going to do much, too easy to forge.
I wouldn't say she's "duped," just a dem who just votes the partyline she's been accustomed to for so many years. She comes from a family of dems, I guess she just can't break free.

We never discuss politics, that's probably why I haven't given her her "walking papers." That, and she takes such good care of me :cool:

Good point - disconnected might be a better word.

The Democrat Party was actually (briefly) decent for a few decades, and many Democrats think it still is, and not the deranged fascist neo-Nazi horror show it's become.
I have been a supporter of public health almost all my life.
Evasion. Not what I asked you...

It has been so successful that many have forgotten about its importance, but I have always been fascinated by pandemics. I strongly support the WHO eliminating Smallpox, and now coming close to eliminating Polio. We can only hope that sooner or later they eliminate Covid-19.
What is "it"?

Smallpox and Polio have not been eliminated, by the WHO or anyone else.

Covid-19 will not be eliminated either.
When is the last time a disease was the third leading cause of death?

Are heart disease and cancer not diseases?

Covid is not the third leading cause of death. This is only being claimed because deaths by other causes are being falsely classified as "death by covid". Heart disease is not covid, cancer is not covid, stroke is not covid, pneumonia is not covid, motorcycle accidents are not covid.
We seem to have different understandings of what "interpret" means, but some fine points.

Not really. The Supreme Court simply doesn't have any authority to interpret or change the Constitution or any State constitution. See Article III for what authority the Supreme Court DOES have. It has no other authority.
They have often used interpretation to effectively change the Constitution.
I have been a supporter of public health almost all my life. It has been so successful that many have forgotten about its importance, but I have always been fascinated by pandemics. I strongly support the WHO eliminating Smallpox, and now coming close to eliminating Polio. We can only hope that sooner or later they eliminate Covid-19.

Both smallpox and polio infections still occur. They have not been eliminated. I have personally seen a polio victim lose the use of his legs permanently caused by the polio vaccine.
Who do you think they are? The actual left. Mostly, but like you, many deranged conservatives have deluded themselves into believing they're on the left.

That's what the original Nazis said! :awesome: Irrelevant. I'm not surprised that this horrifies you, but I'm surprised that you admit it. Nazi hate speech/garbage spewing. Spewed like the demented Little DemoKKKrat Nazi you are, my adorable Little Goosestepper.


You're boring.
I mostly agree, but being openly self-serving wasn't really hypocrisy. Not admirable to be sure, but not hypocritical. Being political isn't problematic, either. It's a politician's job.

I didn't mean that being political or being self-serving necessarily makes one hypocritical. I meant that the Republicans of the past were hypocritical because they were self-serving and political. In other words, they took conflicting stands on issues because in order to serve their political self interests, they had to say whatever would earn political support. Modern Republicans, however, don't even realize they're taking conflicting stands in many cases because they don't have the logical skills to apply to situations.
Evasion. Not what I asked you...

What is "it"?

Smallpox and Polio have not been eliminated, by the WHO or anyone else.

Covid-19 will not be eliminated either.

"Thanks to the success of vaccination, the last natural outbreak of smallpox in the United States occurred in 1949. In 1980, the World Health Assembly declared smallpox eradicated (eliminated), and no cases of naturally occurring smallpox have happened since." of,occurring smallpox have happened since.

Polio is not eradicated. It still exists in the world. It just hasn't been in the US in nearly thirty years.
Are heart disease and cancer not diseases?

Covid is not the third leading cause of death. This is only being claimed because deaths by other causes are being falsely classified as "death by covid". Heart disease is not covid, cancer is not covid, stroke is not covid, pneumonia is not covid, motorcycle accidents are not covid.

Oh. You're one of those "I don't have to believe facts I don't like" people.
You are describing an oligarchy, not a republic.

Read oligarchy, that is not it. it is called reality. The Supremes, by virtue of deciding what is acceptable in the Constitution, do in fact say whether a law is valid. You can argue whether that makes law or not. But that is their job.
Smallpox and Polio have not been eliminated, by the WHO or anyone else.

Smallpox has been eliminated as a disease. There are labs with the Smallpox virus in it, but no one is getting it anymore.

It is sad that GFM is in denial of this.