Biden White House Plans 'Vaccine Passports'

Maybe. But how did the science become political?
The moment you started spewing the buzzword ScIeNcE. Actual science has no politics. It does not use consensus. It has no voting bloc. It is not any government agency, university, academy, society, scientist or group of scientists. It is not people at all. Science is a set of falsifiable theories. No more. No less.
Who made masks political?
Democrats, by using the media.
Why did Republicans call COVID "a Democratic hoax"?
Because Democrats created the hysteria.
I see. So how do you describe the lockdowns, quarantines, and regulations in virtually every other country on the planet? Everyone in the world did what the US did because they all wanted to get rid of the bad orange man?

a) they did.
b) they found they can gain power over people using the hysteria.
Oof. More projection, War. Not a good look. I have repeatedly stated in various ways what I consider to be a Trumpist. You might not be his supporter at the moment, but you exhibit all the qualities of a Trumpist: Gaslighting, denial of science, demonstrable lies, Trump witch hunts, and so on. You are a Trumpist. Trumpists are very near to the lowest form of human existence. Ergo, you are too.

Insult fallacies. No argument presented.
Lockdowns were what the epidemiologists suggested. The Dems did not come up with it. The Dems just follow what scientists say we should do. There was no hysteria. The crying came from the rightys who just don't want their right to do any stupid they choose to be abridged. The constitution guarantees them the right to be selfish assholes. Fuck public health, I get my science from Parler and Fox.
I don't know what else you want me to say.
Since you are going to say the same thing over again, I already accept that you are chanting.
In the US, non-essential services and travel were restricted. Masks were required in public and group sizes were restricted.
And you still complain that infections are rising, and that more people are dying.

Masks don't stop a virus.
6 feet doesn't stop a virus.
Closing a business as 'non-essential' does not stop a virus.

You see this as a conspiracy to politically damage Trump.
It was.
On virtually every other country on Earth, the same things happened.
Just in nations that also wanted to get rid of Trump, or that want to simply be dictators. Did you know that closing some businesses as 'non-essential' is unconstitutional? See the 14th amendment.
In fact, they tended to be immeasurably more restrictive than the American experience.
And you are claiming that they still have rising infections and deaths. Masks don't work. Social distancing doesn't work. Crashing economies doesn''t work. None of these stop a virus.
You see that as misguided.
No. I see it as Democrats and socialists trying to get rid of Trump, using a worldwide effort.
Same virus. Same time. Same conditions. Yet you have somehow managed to convince yourself that COVID in the US was about Trump.
It is.
You don't have to get back to me.
Assumption of victory fallacy. Attempted proof by religion.
No, quarantining has always been for people who are contagious.
I am not infected. I cannot infect anyone. Most people are not infected. They cannot infect anyone. That's about 99.97% of the population that is not infected (according to CDC and census numbers).
Typhoid Mary would be the ultimate example of this. She was never sick, but she was extremely contagious.
False equivalence fallacy. Divisional error fallacy.
Quarantining in its original use was for everyone traveling by ship.
It didn't work then either.
It was later used for anyone who may have come into contact with a sick person.
It didn't work then either.
Now that we have tests, we can limit to people who actually have the disease.
You just shot down your own argument.
I can assure you the China virus was not a scam. The scam was dems crucifying Trump for his early travel ban, all the while having Europeans
flying into the U.S. unknowingly carrying the the China virus. And China downplaying how contagious it was.

0.03% of the population (according to CDC numbers and census data) is not considered 'wildly contagious'.
Covid19 is the mildest virus so far discovered in the Covid/SARS series. It has killed no one.

Like any virus of the Covid/SARS series (we've had them running around before, you see), and like many influenza viruses, they can induce pneumonia, a potentially lethal bacteriological infection. It can be treated if caught early through the use of aggressive antibiotics. After that, options become limited rather quickly. As is typical, pneumonia affects those with weakened respiratory systems (including the elderly) the most.

It is not the virus that kills, it is the pneumonia that it can induce.

The hypochondria and fear mongering by Democrats (and socialists everywhere) is a scam.

Masks are incapable of stopping a virus.
6 feet won't stop a virus.
Closing some businesses as 'non-essential' does not stop a virus.
All of these actions are unconstitutional. Governors are not kings. Classifying a business as 'non-essential' to close it violates the 14th amendment.
Then name some of them. Who is in the "actual left"? Libertarians are on the right.

You can't stop us. For as long as I've been alive, it has been common knowledge that China will become a superpower and the US will cease to be majority white. Oh, the horror! You geriatric crackers are losing your shit as you watch minorities ascend to equality. The way you behave or continue to behave will have much bearing on the way we treat you.

There is no 'left' or 'right'. Liberals are socialists, not libertarians, which are conservative and capitalists.
You are advocating and supporting oligarchies and dictatorships. You are a totalitarian.
Who do you think they are? The actual left. Mostly, but like you, many deranged conservatives have deluded themselves into believing they're on the left.

That's what the original Nazis said! :awesome: Irrelevant. I'm not surprised that this horrifies you, but I'm surprised that you admit it. Nazi hate speech/garbage spewing. Spewed like the demented Little DemoKKKrat Nazi you are, my adorable Little Goosestepper.


He is not conservative and never was (at least here). He is a socialist, a totalitarian, and supports oligarchies and dictatorships. He supports state religions such as the Church of Global Warming, the Church of Green, and the Church of Covid. He denies science, mathematics, and logic. He has no concept of philosophy.

He is a fundamentalist believer in these religions. They all stem from the Church of Karl Marx (also the Church of Plato), another fundamentalist style religion.
They are actually creating apps that will allow you to do this. You download your health vaccination information from your provider, and it ties directly to you. Probably won't even need a drivers license. I don't think the card they give you is going to do much, too easy to forge.

So is the app.
Good point - disconnected might be a better word.

The Democrat Party was actually (briefly) decent for a few decades, and many Democrats think it still is, and not the deranged fascist neo-Nazi horror show it's become.

No. The Democrat party was never decent.

They have always been racist. They have always been bigots. They have always felt that Constitution of the United States was advisory in nature and/or outdated. This is the party of the slave traders. This is the party of the KKK. This is the party of organized crime. This is the party of lynchings and mobs. This is the party of hate. Hate for 'colored folk', hate for the Constitution, hate for anyone but themselves, and hate for America. It has always been so.

The difference is that people who fall into this party do so out of ignorance of what they are and have always been through the many years of its existence.
I didn't mean that being political or being self-serving necessarily makes one hypocritical. I meant that the Republicans of the past were hypocritical because they were self-serving and political. In other words, they took conflicting stands on issues because in order to serve their political self interests, they had to say whatever would earn political support. Modern Republicans, however, don't even realize they're taking conflicting stands in many cases because they don't have the logical skills to apply to situations.

You deny logic. Logic is not a skill any more than mathematics is a skill.
"Thanks to the success of vaccination, the last natural outbreak of smallpox in the United States occurred in 1949. In 1980, the World Health Assembly declared smallpox eradicated (eliminated), and no cases of naturally occurring smallpox have happened since." of,occurring smallpox have happened since.

Polio is not eradicated. It still exists in the world. It just hasn't been in the US in nearly thirty years.

Lie. Smallpox infections still occur. Polio is not smallpox. Polio infections also still occur.
Read oligarchy, that is not it.
That IS it.
it is called reality.
Define 'reality'. Buzzword fallacy.
The Supremes, by virtue of deciding what is acceptable in the Constitution,
They do not have that authority.
do in fact say whether a law is valid.
They do have that authority, but MUST conform to the Constitution in doing so.
You can argue whether that makes law or not. But that is their job.
It is NOT their job. See Article III of the Constitution of the United States.
Smallpox has been eliminated as a disease.
Nope. It is still a disease.
There are labs with the Smallpox virus in it, but no one is getting it anymore.
Yes they are. The numbers are quite small, but they are greater than zero.
It is sad that GFM is in denial of this.
It is sad that you think that your discussion of smallpox or polio have anything to do with covid19 or any virus of the Covid/SARS series. Pivot fallacies.
That IS it.

Define 'reality'. Buzzword fallacy.

They do not have that authority.

They do have that authority, but MUST conform to the Constitution in doing so.

It is NOT their job. See Article III of the Constitution of the United States.

They must conform? What does that mean? The court is constitutional. It conforms. They have the power and the need to interpolate the constitution because the framers could not and did not give guidelines about every single possibility. They had no way to predict the future.