Biden White House Plans 'Vaccine Passports'

It interprets, but may not change, though by interpretation, change occurs, as with abortion.

I think we're essentially in agreement here...

It has no authority to interpret. Only the States have that authority. In Roe v Wade, the court correctly ruled the 4th and 14th amendments were being violated by Texas abortion law, which placed too narrow a restriction on the reason for an abortion. Texas instead should have used it's present murder laws. It did not need any other law specific to abortions.
The court, however, DID exceed its authority on Roe v Wade by usurping federal jurisdiction over abortions. Nothing in Constitution of the United States grants that authority. It did so by making abortion a special case, the same mistake made in Texas.
I listened to a bit of Biden's speech today, where he gave credit for America's recovery to the American people. What a difference from trump's toxic narcissistic belief that only he can deliver good things.

You are hallucinating. Trump was always about supporting the people. Biden is just trying to copy Trump (unsuccessfully).
The IDs are in a way passports. If you travel abroad they will keep you from being quarantined both coming and going. That alone should get the recalcitrant ones into a shot line.
I say they do act as required, that your claim about extra-constitutional is wrong. To state it prima facie is wrong. Trump did pack the court with slanted rightys. We have not seen how they will decide yet.

when several Amendments in the Bill of Rights says that government shall not, yet the courts tell you that all rights are limited despite the very words saying otherwise, and YOU FOLLOW it, makes the SCOTUS and feds illegitimate and YOU complicit in the tyranny
They must conform? What does that mean? The court is constitutional. It conforms. They have the power and the need to interpolate the constitution because the framers could not and did not give guidelines about every single possibility. They had no way to predict the future.

they gave very exacting guidelines in the words of such like 'shall make no law' and 'shall not be infringed'.............they were extremely clear about the limitations imposed upon the government, but cowardly sheep like you allow government to ignore those limits so you can FEEL safer
I say they do act as required, that your claim about extra-constitutional is wrong.
To state it prima facie is wrong.

To wit:

Democrats do not recognize the 1st amendment since they support censorship, banning of religions, establishing state religions and using them as a test for holding office or a job or to travel.
Democrats do not recognize the 2nd amendment since they support banning or limiting guns, sizes of magazines, type of ammunition, and other factors not listed there.
Democrats do not recognize the 4th amendment since they support inspections and searches without cause or court order, support building lists of dissidents such as gun registration programs, etc.
Democrats do not recognize the 5th amendment since they support conviction without trial, censorship of witnesses, and denial of jury authority; and also support prosecuting for the same crime multiple times.
Democrats do not recognize the 6th amendment since they wish to use the courts to tie up dissidents by delaying actual trial as long as possible.
Democrats do not recognize the 7th amendment since they deny jury authority.
Democrats do not recognize the 8th amendment since they desire death to unbelievers of the Church of Global Warming, the Church of Covid, or the Church of Green.
Democrats to not recognize the 9th amendment since they continually attempt to use the Constitution as the definitive list of rights, completely failing to recognize that rights do not come from a constitution or any other piece of paper.
Democrats do not recognize the 10th amendment since they deny the authority of the States, the ownership the States have of the Constitution of the United States, and attempt to place the federal government as owner instead of the agent created by that constitution.
Democrats do not recognize the 14th amendment since they attempt laws that are racist, based on bigotry, treat classes of people differently, etc.
Democrats to not recognize the 16th amendment since they use tax law to punish 'the rich'.
Democrats do not recognize the 23rd amendment since they are attempting to turn the District of Columbia into a State by simple vote.
Democrats do not recognize the 24th amendment since they routinely bribe voters to vote for them (Biden's recent example of offering $2000 to every voter that votes for him).

I could go on, but these are just some of the things the Democrats do not recognize in the Constitution of the United States. It's a package deal. They simply do not recognize the Constitution nor the constitution of any State.

The federal government has fallen. It is now an oligarchy being used by the Democrats to implement fascism, or government manipulation of markets, and communism, government ownership of markets.
The IDs are in a way passports. If you travel abroad they will keep you from being quarantined both coming and going. That alone should get the recalcitrant ones into a shot line.

Unconstitutional. See the 1st, 4th, 5th, 9th, 10th, and 14th amendments. Also see Article I, Sections 8 and 9.
They must conform? What does that mean?
Try learning English.
The court is constitutional.
Yes. It was created by the Constitution of the United States.
It conforms.
The Supreme Court routinely exceeds their authority.
They have the power and the need to interpolate the constitution
They do not. See Article III.
because the framers could not and did not give guidelines about every single possibility.
Denial of the 9th and 10th amendments, and articles I and III. You also are ignoring the Declaration of Independence. While it is not law, it is a guiding document. People should read it again. Substitute Democrats for the king being discussed. It's scary how it's happening again.
They had no way to predict the future.
No need. You do not get to speak for the dead. The Constitution is the ONLY authoritative reference of the Constitution.
Lockdowns were what the epidemiologists suggested.
You do not get to speak for every epidemiologist. You are not God. You only get to speak for you.
The Dems did not come up with it.
Yes they did.
The Dems just follow what scientists say we should do.
You deny science. ScIeNcE is not science. Buzzword fallacy. Actual science is a set of falsifiable theories. It is not an epidemiologist, or any other engineer, scientist, or group of scientists. It is not people at all. Science does not use consensus. It is not a government agency. It is not a university. It is not a 'research' or a 'study'. It is not data. It has no proofs. It does not use supporting evidence at all. Only religions do that.
There was no hysteria.
Yes there is. You are being hysterical right now.
The crying came from the rightys who just don't want their right to do any stupid they choose to be abridged.
You do not get to declare what right is 'stupid'. You are not God.
The constitution guarantees them the right to be selfish assholes.
Rights do not come from constitutions. Constitution can, however, protect specific rights from government interference. Among them is the right to assemble peacefully, which includes the right to travel.
Fuck public health, I get my science from Parler and Fox.
No science is being discussed by you. You deny science and mathematics.
Is that why he ignored the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Amendment and banned bumpstocks and urged red flag laws????

He exceeded his authority in doing that. In general, however, Trump has acknowledged the contribution by the everyday worker to what made America great.
You are trying to compare two unrelated things. That's a fallacy.
He exceeded his authority in doing that. In general, however, Trump has acknowledged the contribution by the everyday worker to what made America great.
You are trying to compare two unrelated things. That's a fallacy.

i'll give you that 'economy' wise, trump did most everything right..............but freedom is much more than the economy
He is not conservative and never was (at least here). He is a socialist, a totalitarian, and supports oligarchies and dictatorships. He supports state religions such as the Church of Global Warming, the Church of Green, and the Church of Covid. He denies science, mathematics, and logic. He has no concept of philosophy.

He is a fundamentalist believer in these religions. They all stem from the Church of Karl Marx (also the Church of Plato), another fundamentalist style religion.

To boil it down, he's a dangerously deranged, hive-minded idiot.
Unconstitutional. See the 1st, 4th, 5th, 9th, 10th, and 14th amendments. Also see Article I, Sections 8 and 9.


So we know the goobermint can't require the passports, but desperately wants to deal the final death blow to privacy, right to assemble/associate, etc., and turn the US into the United Surveillance State of China.

So what happens when, say, Walmart or Delta requires proof of vaccination to shop/fly there?

They'll be sued, and it'll be fast-tracked to SCOTUS.

While the goobermint CAN compel vaccinations, WHAT will SCOTUS say about Walmart/Delta (and by extension any business) requiring proof of vaccination to enter/shop/fly?

As possibly the smartest/most knowledgable/logical person here, I await your answer with considerable interest.

The Democrat CovidScam was the Crime of the Century, and one of its 3 goals was always this total surveillance outcome via private business (removing Trump and Amazon-izing/automating businesses were the other 2 goals), so with Trump couped out & businesses quickly becoming Amazon, this is THE final battle.

What will the outcome be???

So we know the goobermint can't require the passports, but desperately wants to deal the final death blow to privacy, right to assemble/associate, etc., and turn the US into the United Surveillance State of China.

So what happens when, say, Walmart or Delta requires proof of vaccination to shop/fly there?

They'll be sued, and it'll be fast-tracked to SCOTUS.

While the goobermint CAN compel vaccinations, WHAT will SCOTUS say about Walmart/Delta (and by extension any business) requiring proof of vaccination to enter/shop/fly?

As possibly the smartest/most knowledgable/logical person here, I await your answer with considerable interest.

The Democrat CovidScam was the Crime of the Century, and one of its 3 goals was always this total surveillance outcome via private business (removing Trump and Amazon-izing/automating businesses were the other 2 goals), so with Trump couped out & businesses quickly becoming Amazon, this is THE final battle.

What will the outcome be???

your drug use is making you delusional and your little IQ is making you just plain stupid. What's really going on is smart people don't want to have to be around people like you
your drug use is making you delusional and your little IQ is making you just plain stupid. What's really going on is smart people don't want to have to be around people like you

2 fun facts about DemoKKrats & similar lowlifes:

1) Incompetent people are too incompetent to recognize their incompetence

2) Incompetent people are too incompetent to recognize the competence of others

So we know the goobermint can't require the passports, but desperately wants to deal the final death blow to privacy, right to assemble/associate, etc., and turn the US into the United Surveillance State of China.
The government CAN require passports. Remember the federal government has fallen. It is now an oligarchy. There is no constitution in force anymore with them.
So what happens when, say, Walmart or Delta requires proof of vaccination to shop/fly there?
They face loss of business and civil suits.
They'll be sued, and it'll be fast-tracked to SCOTUS.
SCOTUS has no legal authority to rule in such a case. State supreme courts is as high as it can go. Walmart or Delta will suffer death by a thousand cuts, at the least. Want supporting evidence? Look at what happened to Twitter after so many people left it. It lost billions in revenue, and had to report a huge loss to it's investors.
While the goobermint CAN compel vaccinations, WHAT will SCOTUS say about Walmart/Delta (and by extension any business) requiring proof of vaccination to enter/shop/fly?
Frankly, I could care less. They don't have any legal authority here, accept as an appellate court. The only thing they can rule on is whether the lower court executed it's ruling properly.
As possibly the smartest/most knowledgable/logical person here, I await your answer with considerable interest.
*humble bow*
The Democrat CovidScam was the Crime of the Century, and one of its 3 goals was always this total surveillance outcome via private business (removing Trump and Amazon-izing/automating businesses were the other 2 goals), so with Trump couped out & businesses quickly becoming Amazon, this is THE final battle.
We've been here before, just before the War of Secession.
What will the outcome be???
Since most people support a constitution, and liberals are afraid of guns, the outcome will be very poor for the liberals. It will require re-establishing a constitution again. I have no idea if that will be successful.
The government CAN require passports. Remember the federal government has fallen. It is now an oligarchy. There is no constitution in force anymore with them.

They face loss of business and civil suits.

SCOTUS has no legal authority to rule in such a case. State supreme courts is as high as it can go. Walmart or Delta will suffer death by a thousand cuts, at the least. Want supporting evidence? Look at what happened to Twitter after so many people left it. It lost billions in revenue, and had to report a huge loss to it's investors.

Frankly, I could care less. They don't have any legal authority here, accept as an appellate court. The only thing they can rule on is whether the lower court executed it's ruling properly.

*humble bow*

We've been here before, just before the War of Secession.

Since most people support a constitution, and liberals are afraid of guns, the outcome will be very poor for the liberals. It will require re-establishing a constitution again. I have no idea if that will be successful.

Not as bleak as I'd feared, but I think we WILL get a Roe v. Wade type of SCOTUS sitch where, as you say, the Supremes will have to decide if a (presumably liberal) lower court got it right when it affirmed that businesses can blatantly trample on the rights of customers by demanding passports to shop/fly/etc.

If/when that happens, will SCOUS side with the Constitution, or the PermaState?