I say they do act as required, that your claim about extra-constitutional is wrong.
To state it prima facie is wrong.
To wit:
Democrats do not recognize the 1st amendment since they support censorship, banning of religions, establishing state religions and using them as a test for holding office or a job or to travel.
Democrats do not recognize the 2nd amendment since they support banning or limiting guns, sizes of magazines, type of ammunition, and other factors not listed there.
Democrats do not recognize the 4th amendment since they support inspections and searches without cause or court order, support building lists of dissidents such as gun registration programs, etc.
Democrats do not recognize the 5th amendment since they support conviction without trial, censorship of witnesses, and denial of jury authority; and also support prosecuting for the same crime multiple times.
Democrats do not recognize the 6th amendment since they wish to use the courts to tie up dissidents by delaying actual trial as long as possible.
Democrats do not recognize the 7th amendment since they deny jury authority.
Democrats do not recognize the 8th amendment since they desire death to unbelievers of the Church of Global Warming, the Church of Covid, or the Church of Green.
Democrats to not recognize the 9th amendment since they continually attempt to use the Constitution as the definitive list of rights, completely failing to recognize that rights do not come from a constitution or any other piece of paper.
Democrats do not recognize the 10th amendment since they deny the authority of the States, the ownership the States have of the Constitution of the United States, and attempt to place the federal government as owner instead of the agent created by that constitution.
Democrats do not recognize the 14th amendment since they attempt laws that are racist, based on bigotry, treat classes of people differently, etc.
Democrats to not recognize the 16th amendment since they use tax law to punish 'the rich'.
Democrats do not recognize the 23rd amendment since they are attempting to turn the District of Columbia into a State by simple vote.
Democrats do not recognize the 24th amendment since they routinely bribe voters to vote for them (Biden's recent example of offering $2000 to every voter that votes for him).
I could go on, but these are just some of the things the Democrats do not recognize in the Constitution of the United States. It's a package deal. They simply do not recognize the Constitution nor the constitution of any State.
The federal government has fallen. It is now an oligarchy being used by the Democrats to implement fascism, or government manipulation of markets, and communism, government ownership of markets.