Biden White House Plans 'Vaccine Passports'

0.03% of the population (according to CDC numbers and census data) is not considered 'wildly contagious'.
Covid19 is the mildest virus so far discovered in the Covid/SARS series. It has killed no one.

Like any virus of the Covid/SARS series (we've had them running around before, you see), and like many influenza viruses, they can induce pneumonia, a potentially lethal bacteriological infection. It can be treated if caught early through the use of aggressive antibiotics. After that, options become limited rather quickly. As is typical, pneumonia affects those with weakened respiratory systems (including the elderly) the most.

It is not the virus that kills, it is the pneumonia that it can induce.

The hypochondria and fear mongering by Democrats (and socialists everywhere) is a scam.

Masks are incapable of stopping a virus.
6 feet won't stop a virus.
Closing some businesses as 'non-essential' does not stop a virus.
All of these actions are unconstitutional. Governors are not kings. Classifying a business as 'non-essential' to close it violates the 14th amendment.

Oh, I can tell you it is contagious. And yes, it furthers complications from previous conditions and causes pneumonia when other viruses don't.

The rest of your rant is meaningless. The only way this virus could have been contained was if Trump stopped every flight into the U.S. as soon as it was discovered. And you know dems would have gone apeshit if he did that. They did when he wanted to ban flights from China.
Not as bleak as I'd feared, but I think we WILL get a Roe v. Wade type of SCOTUS sitch where, as you say, the Supremes will have to decide if a (presumably liberal) lower court got it right when it affirmed that businesses can blatantly trample on the rights of customers by demanding passports to shop/fly/etc.

If/when that happens, will SCOUS side with the Constitution, or the PermaState?

Heh. You are asking me to speculate and speak for others. I cannot answer that question. The Supreme Court, if they make that decision, are gonna do what they are gonna do. I don't even know who will be on the Supreme Court at the time.
The States, of course, are each gonna do what they are gonna do.

Florida and Texas have already decided their course of action. So has the SOTC, and the SOTNY. The SODC has decided it's course, but they are trying to figure out how to force everyone onto it, when some 40 States are already talking about rejecting such a law.

But you won't here about this in the press, of course. Pravda is lying to us. Quite a few people know it.
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Oh, I can tell you it is contagious. And yes, it furthers complications from previous conditions and causes pneumonia when other viruses don't.

The rest of your rant is meaningless. The only way this virus could have been contained was if Trump stopped every flight into the U.S. as soon as it was discovered. And you know dems would have gone apeshit if he did that. They did when he wanted to ban flights from China.

Pretty much any Covid/SARS or influenza virus can easily induce pneumonia. I am not ranting.

Stopping flights does not stop a virus or any disease. I guess you have forgotten how easily Indian cholera exploded in London even though they closed all the ports, nor how the Black Death ravaged Europe despite closing ports and travel. That one killed HALF the population of Europe. You cannot go back in history to change it by laying blame on anyone. What is is what is.

Covid19 is kid gloves stuff. It is the mildest virus ever discovered of the Covid/SARS series so far. The number of infected is unknown (the numbers quoted by the CDC and WHO are random numbers of a type randU). The number of deaths related to this virus infection is unknown. It is know that these numbers are padded.

Neither Trump nor Biden command this nor any other disease. Covid/SARS viruses are airborne. They can remain intact for hours and possibly several days in bone dry air. They travel with the wind and even any light air current. No mask will stop them. No ban of travel will stop them. No shuttering of businesses will stop them.

Only our own immune systems can stop them. Once our own immune system figures out how to build antibodies for it, that immune system will remember it as long as you live. That memory never expires.

Covid19 is so mild many people get infected and never suffer any symptoms from it other than a sniffle or two. They don't even realize they've had it, but now they are 'vaccinated'. Their immune system knows how to fight it off should infection occur again.

Don't Panic. Go out and live your life. We've had much worse viruses and diseases and didn't shut anything down. I'm afraid you've developed a bad case of nosophobia. Trust your immune system. It works.
Pretty much any Covid/SARS or influenza virus can easily induce pneumonia. I am not ranting.

Stopping flights does not stop a virus or any disease. I guess you have forgotten how easily Indian cholera exploded in London even though they closed all the ports, nor how the Black Death ravaged Europe despite closing ports and travel. That one killed HALF the population of Europe. You cannot go back in history to change it by laying blame on anyone. What is is what is.

Covid19 is kid gloves stuff. It is the mildest virus ever discovered of the Covid/SARS series so far. The number of infected is unknown (the numbers quoted by the CDC and WHO are random numbers of a type randU). The number of deaths related to this virus infection is unknown. It is know that these numbers are padded.

Neither Trump nor Biden command this nor any other disease. Covid/SARS viruses are airborne. They can remain intact for hours and possibly several days in bone dry air. They travel with the wind and even any light air current. No mask will stop them. No ban of travel will stop them. No shuttering of businesses will stop them.

Only our own immune systems can stop them. Once our own immune system figures out how to build antibodies for it, that immune system will remember it as long as you live. That memory never expires.

Covid19 is so mild many people get infected and never suffer any symptoms from it other than a sniffle or two. They don't even realize they've had it, but now they are 'vaccinated'. Their immune system knows how to fight it off should infection occur again.

Don't Panic. Go out and live your life. We've had much worse viruses and diseases and didn't shut anything down. I'm afraid you've developed a bad case of nosophobia. Trust your immune system. It works.

I'm not panicking. I do pretty much what I want. The Frie Co's are opening so I can shoot pool with my friends now. Spring is here, groundhog hunting will occupy some of my time. Spring clean up around the house. I'll be busy. It's all good.
Heh. You are asking me to speculate and speak for others. I cannot answer that question. The Supreme Court, if they make that decision, are gonna do what they are gonna do. I don't even know who will be on the Supreme Court at the time.
The States, of course, are each gonna do what they are gonna do.

Florida and Texas have already decided their course of action. So has the SOTC, and the SOTNY. The SODC has decided it's course, but they are trying to figure out how to force everyone onto it, when some 40 States are already talking about rejecting such a law.

But you won't here about this in the press, of course. Pravda is lying to us. Quite a few people know it.

So we're basically looking at partition?

Maybe not formal, but a situation where the state people choose to live in is either openly constitutional or blatantly totalitarian.
stop with the faux outrage over people dying. if all of those deaths were your hated 'trumptards', you'd be dancing in the streets with joy.........

you don't care about people dying. you only care about being able to cajole, insult, and demean people in to acting the way you want them to.

I sincerely doubt that many people are faking outrage over COVID deaths. But on a scale of:

1.) Real outrage because COVID deaths are awful and I mourn unnecessary loss of life

2.) Faux outrage because I don't really care but I realize that humans are supposed to care about other humans

3.) No outrage because I'm a piece of shit

where do you land?
Lockdowns were what the epidemiologists suggested. The Dems did not come up with it. The Dems just follow what scientists say we should do. There was no hysteria. The crying came from the rightys who just don't want their right to do any stupid they choose to be abridged. The constitution guarantees them the right to be selfish assholes. Fuck public health, I get my science from Parler and Fox.

The right think that math is an opinion and medicine is an amateur pastime. We'd have better luck explaining the scientific method to a car battery.
Lockdowns were what the epidemiologists suggested. The Dems did not come up with it. The Dems just follow what scientists say we should do. There was no hysteria. The crying came from the rightys who just don't want their right to do any stupid they choose to be abridged. The constitution guarantees them the right to be selfish assholes. Fuck public health, I get my science from Parler and Fox.

Yeah, to flatten the curve so the hospitals wouldn't be overrun, not to shut the country down for a year.
The right think that math is an opinion and medicine is an amateur pastime. We'd have better luck explaining the scientific method to a car battery.

Apparently you've tried to explain it to a car battery? What did it have to say?

(I bet it agreed with you LOL!)
What's really interesting here is that the government is looking at making it an "app." That is something you get through your smart phone.

Tying that back to voter ID, what if you don't have a smart phone? Wouldn't that unnecessarily put the poor, elderly, and other minority groups at a disadvantage as they are less likely to have such a device? But I guess it's okay when the Left approves of using an app for a vaccine passport but not alright when it comes to showing an ID to vote...

Illiberal logic at it's most visible level of stupidity...
I sincerely doubt that many people are faking outrage over COVID deaths. But on a scale of:

1.) Real outrage because COVID deaths are awful and I mourn unnecessary loss of life

2.) Faux outrage because I don't really care but I realize that humans are supposed to care about other humans

3.) No outrage because I'm a piece of shit

where do you land?

nice limited answer fuck off you POS
The right think that math is an opinion and medicine is an amateur pastime. We'd have better luck explaining the scientific method to a car battery.

come back to us when you can post a power point that explains, with genetic code and chromosomal patterns, how there are more than two genders
"Thanks to the success of vaccination, the last natural outbreak of smallpox in the United States occurred in 1949. In 1980, the World Health Assembly declared smallpox eradicated (eliminated), and no cases of naturally occurring smallpox have happened since." of,occurring smallpox have happened since.

Polio is not eradicated. It still exists in the world. It just hasn't been in the US in nearly thirty years.

The WHA is wrong. Smallpox has not been eradicated.

So we know the goobermint can't require the passports, but desperately wants to deal the final death blow to privacy, right to assemble/associate, etc., and turn the US into the United Surveillance State of China.

So what happens when, say, Walmart or Delta requires proof of vaccination to shop/fly there?

They'll be sued, and it'll be fast-tracked to SCOTUS.

While the goobermint CAN compel vaccinations, WHAT will SCOTUS say about Walmart/Delta (and by extension any business) requiring proof of vaccination to enter/shop/fly?

As possibly the smartest/most knowledgable/logical person here, I await your answer with considerable interest.

The Democrat CovidScam was the Crime of the Century, and one of its 3 goals was always this total surveillance outcome via private business (removing Trump and Amazon-izing/automating businesses were the other 2 goals), so with Trump couped out & businesses quickly becoming Amazon, this is THE final battle.

What will the outcome be???

Airports and airlines, through TSA, are federally controlled. What the government says about masking is the final word.

Into the Night is a fucking idiot.
I sincerely doubt that many people are faking outrage over COVID deaths. But on a scale of:

1.) Real outrage because COVID deaths are awful and I mourn unnecessary loss of life

2.) Faux outrage because I don't really care but I realize that humans are supposed to care about other humans

3.) No outrage because I'm a piece of shit

where do you land?

What covid deaths? No virus from the Covid/SARS series kills. The pneumonia it can induce certainly can kill, but it can be treated with aggressive antibiotics if you treat it early enough.