Biden White House Plans 'Vaccine Passports'

Local office suppliers are providing free lamination for the covid cards that we've been given.
I've got my "Covid Passport."

I'm not a savage criminal lowlife, after all; can't go walking around in a public without a Covid Passport.
That's just for trumpanzees.

you have a very poorly developed sense of freedom............that was rhetorical. we already knew you hated freedom
Local office suppliers are providing free lamination for the covid cards that we've been given.
I've got my "Covid Passport."

I'm not a savage criminal lowlife, after all; can't go walking around in a public without a Covid Passport.
That's just for trumpanzees.

Don't get your card laminated because you might need booster shots later this year, and they won't be able to mark them off on a laminated COVID vaccine card.
you have a very poorly developed sense of freedom............that was rhetorical. we already knew you hated freedom

You need documentation of vaccines in order to attend a public school or college.

You also need them in order to travel to certain places.

So how is that "hating freedom"?
The 2A lets you shoot up a supermarket because they won't allow you to enter without a COVID vaccine?

if they are doing it because they WANT to, then no. If government is coercing someplace that otherwise wouldn't, then it's open season on those government officials. THAT is tyranny
if they are doing it because they WANT to, then no. If government is coercing someplace that otherwise wouldn't, then it's open season on those government officials. THAT is tyranny

What difference does it make if a private business requires you to have a COVID vaccine vs. the government?

Wouldn't deferring to the private businesses for legal guidelines technically be fascism?
What difference does it make if a private business requires you to have a COVID vaccine vs. the government?
it's pointless to try and explain something like this to you because you have no understanding of how the government works. you apparently think that private business' are what guides government to do things

Wouldn't deferring to the private businesses for legal guidelines technically be fascism?
given your position above, it seems you are a fascist.
how do you expect that to happen when governments across the globe maintain these viruses within their secured facilities in case they can weaponize them? that includes the US, in case you were stupid enough to believe they wouldn't

Wiping out diseases in the wild is a good for all of humanity. It would be stupid not to do that, because of the possibility of weaponizing the viruses. They are two entirely different issues.

The fact is evolution is pushing diseases at us at a scary rate. We need to work hard to fight them. The party of trump mostly does not even believe in evolution, so they are not the people to lead the fighting.

And there is also a danger from human made diseases... But that is a separate danger.
People are still getting it[Smallpox]

The last case was back in 1978. If people are still getting Smallpox, it must be being covered up by every news source, and every medical expert on the planet earth. That is a level of coverup that would be amazing.

Or you are wrong.

Here is the question: why does the Alt Right need massive conspiracies for their ideology to work?
If you go abroad, you have to show the unfair, terrible vaccination chart showing you have up-to-date shots. Why do we allow such terrible treatment? if you go to Canada now, you have to quarantine for 2 weeks before you are allowed to move around the country. let's stop them. Trumpies do not have to deal with that. They know Canada is listening to medical experts instead of Hannity. That kind of thinking is not permissible.
DeSantis signed an executive order banning vaccine passports in Florida. The paper would have more value wiping his ass. If a company wants to limit its customer base to only vaccinated people then there will be an app for that. It's that simple. There is absolutely nothing DeSantis can do about it. Trumptards want to have it both way. We get vaccinated and protect them, and they reap the benefits. Not gonna happen.