Biden White House Plans 'Vaccine Passports'

Here's a picture. Hope it helps. If not, I have an eight-year-old nephew who can help you.

View attachment 19561

Nope. This was actually used to try to prove a religion was science. Guess you didn't listen to history, pal.

Science has no method nor procedure. Science is a set of falsifiable theories. That's it. That's all. Nothing more. Nothing less.
Wiping out diseases in the wild is a good for all of humanity. It would be stupid not to do that, because of the possibility of weaponizing the viruses. They are two entirely different issues.

The fact is evolution is pushing diseases at us at a scary rate. We need to work hard to fight them. The party of trump mostly does not even believe in evolution, so they are not the people to lead the fighting.

And there is also a danger from human made diseases... But that is a separate danger.

Define 'evolution'. How is a mutation 'evolution'?
The last case was back in 1978. If people are still getting Smallpox, it must be being covered up by every news source, and every medical expert on the planet earth. That is a level of coverup that would be amazing.

Or you are wrong.

Here is the question: why does the Alt Right need massive conspiracies for their ideology to work?

The last known case in the United States was in 1978. It still happens in other parts of the world.
If you go abroad, you have to show the unfair, terrible vaccination chart showing you have up-to-date shots. Why do we allow such terrible treatment? if you go to Canada now, you have to quarantine for 2 weeks before you are allowed to move around the country. let's stop them. Trumpies do not have to deal with that. They know Canada is listening to medical experts instead of Hannity. That kind of thinking is not permissible.

Canada is picking and choosing which medical experts to listen to, just like you are.

Expert worship. Cherry picking fallacy.
]DeSantis signed an executive order banning vaccine passports in Florida. The paper would have more value wiping his ass.
As it should be.
If a company wants to limit its customer base to only vaccinated people then there will be an app for that. It's that simple.
Nope. Not that simple. That would also be illegal in Florida.
There is absolutely nothing DeSantis can do about it.
Yes there is.
Trumptards want to have it both way.
Is there a 'both ways'? Cliche fallacy.
We get vaccinated and protect them, and they reap the benefits.
What benefits?
Not gonna happen.'re not going to get vaccinated? I probably won't bother with it either. Covid19 doesn't scare me.
Thing is, in order for all these "pass cards" to stand, it will have to be proven that Covid is the equivalent of the Andromeda Strain (old sci-fi reference)...always mutating and 95% deadly. Now since the "original' Covid-19 was and is NOT 95% fatal, near any level like that, justification for this mandates is not going to hold. Remember, there is also the "business is business" aspect that is the partial drive for how the world gov'ts handle this.
Airports and airlines, through TSA, are federally controlled. What the government says about masking is the final word.

Into the Night is a fucking idiot.

We're not talking about masks.

Into the Night's one of the smartest people here.
It does seem to be moving in that direction.

Okay - back to the passports.

Fauci (completely unreliable I know) has said the Feds are NOT going to push the vaccine passport.

Is this good news, or does this mean that businesses will attempt it & it's headed to SCOTUS, or the country to civil war, or both?

Vaccine passports required by businesses = Harper's Ferry
Into the Night's one of the smartest people here.

Milquetoast Macaw is indeed one of the truly great intellectuals of our time.
His influence as a mentor for War=Peace is obvious as W=P is indeed approaching Milquetoast as one of our most influential contributors.
We've truly been blessed to have both of them offering insight and guidance.
Milquetoast Macaw is indeed one of the truly great intellectuals of our time.
His influence as a mentor for War=Peace is obvious as W=P is indeed approaching Milquetoast as one of our most influential contributors.
We've truly been blessed to have both of them offering insight and guidance.

That's more like it.
We're not talking about masks.

Into the Night's one of the smartest people here.

Into the Night and his sock, gfm, are fucking idiots.

Masks, vaccines, prohibited carry on, doesn’t matter. What the feds say, goes. What part of that do you fail to comprehend?
Thing is, in order for all these "pass cards" to stand, it will have to be proven that Covid is the equivalent of the Andromeda Strain (old sci-fi reference)...always mutating and 95% deadly.
Oddly enough, no vaccination passports were even mentioned in the Andromeda Strain. :D
Now since the "original' Covid-19 was and is NOT 95% fatal,
It is not fatal at all. No virus from the Covid/SARS series has killed anyone. They can induce pneumonia, which certainly can be fatal, but that can be treated with aggressive antibiotics if detected early enough.
near any level like that,
[spoiler alert] The Andromeda Strain crisis was over within a week. A good story. One of Michael Crichton's better stories (and movie).
justification for this mandates is not going to hold.
There was never justification for any of the mandates.

Masks do not stop a virus. They are completely useless against viruses. Masks do not protect you in any way. Long term use of masks is not recommended. They can and do harbor bacteria and they cause minor hypoxia.
6 feet does not stop a virus. It is airborne (so was the Andromeda virus, BTW).
Closing businesses does not stop a virus.
Plastic shields do not stop a virus. It is airborne. It simply flows around them.
Most people (99.97% of the population according to CDC and Census numbers) are not infected. They cannot infect anyone.

This virus can be destroyed by alcohol, chlorine bleach, UV light, or your own immune system. It can remain intact in bone dry air or on dry surfaces for days.

Remember, there is also the "business is business" aspect that is the partial drive for how the world gov'ts handle this.

Governors are not kings. When they shut down their States, they are breaking the law.
The federal government has no authority to shut down any business as 'non-essential' or require the use of any mask. Neither Trump nor Biden have any authority here. Trump didn't shut down any business nor require the use of any mask. Democrat governors and Democrat city leaders did that.

The federal government has no authority to require the use of 'vaccine passports' nor to issue them.

Democrats talk about insurrection. The federal government has fallen, due to the Democrats in a soft coup. They do not recognize the Constitution of the United States nor any State constitution. Each of the States of America are now deciding whether to join the SODC (Socialist Oligarchy of the District of Columbia), or to 'secede' and attempt to reestablish a United States.
It is Democrats that have conducted insurrection, by supporting violent thugs like Antifa and BLM and the KKK, by using the soft coup and faulting the election, and by denying any constitution.

Life is going to get quite grim before this is all over. I really don't see how war can be avoided now.
Okay - back to the passports.

Fauci (completely unreliable I know) has said the Feds are NOT going to push the vaccine passport.

Is this good news, or does this mean that businesses will attempt it & it's headed to SCOTUS, or the country to civil war, or both?

Vaccine passports required by businesses = Harper's Ferry

Fauci is, of course, completely bonkers. He flip flops more than the entire summer sandle selection at Walmart. In trying to keep his job, he is generally supporting the oligarchy narrative and propaganda.
He is not even a practicing medical anything anymore. He hasn't practiced in decades. He's a bureaucrat, through and through. He is trying to keep his cushy job and remain in the spotlight as relevant.

Lawsuits and war, in my opinion.
Into the Night and his sock, gfm, are fucking idiots.

Masks, vaccines, prohibited carry on, doesn’t matter. What the feds say, goes. What part of that do you fail to comprehend?

YALSA. I have no sock, and as far as I know, neither does gfm.
Why do you support an oligarchy that must be destroyed?
Okay - back to the passports.

Fauci (completely unreliable I know) has said the Feds are NOT going to push the vaccine passport.

Is this good news, or does this mean that businesses will attempt it & it's headed to SCOTUS, or the country to civil war, or both?

Vaccine passports required by businesses = Harper's Ferry

Feds don't need to push it. There are many private businesses that will embrace it. Wait for the Covid outbreak from yesterday's Rangers game. That'll kick start this.