Biden White House Plans 'Vaccine Passports'

The right think that math is an opinion
Inversion fallacy. Math is not an opinion. It is a closed functional system. It is capable of proofs and predictions because it is so. The axioms defining each Domain of it are fixed.
and medicine is an amateur pastime.
Medicine is a branch of science coupled with some engineering. Like the rest of science, it is an open functional system. It has no proofs and is not capable of prediction. It must turn to mathematics to logic (another closed functional system, like mathematics) to gain the power of prediction at all.
We'd have better luck explaining the scientific method to a car battery.
You deny science. Science is a set of falsifiable theories. That's it. That's all. Religion is not science.
You deny mathematics. You are using random numbers of a type randU as data. Science is not data. It is not random numbers. It is not a casino. It is not a government, government agency, or government official. It is not a university or college. It is not a license, degree, certification, nor any other system of 'approval'. It is not made up of voting blocs. It does not use consensus (only religions do that). It does not use supporting evidence (only religions do that). It is not a 'method' nor a 'procedure'. Science only uses conflicting evidence.

It is just a set of falsifiable theories.

It is an open functional system incapable of proofs or prediction. Science explains but does not predict. It must turn to mathematics or logic to gain the power of prediction. Transcribing a theory of science into mathematical form results in an equation, known as a 'law'.

Data is the result of an observation (or these days of made up numbers). All observations are subject to the problems of phenomenology. Neither are part of science.

It is you that denies science. It is you that denies mathematics. It is you that denies logic. It is you that denies philosophy, which defines words like 'science', 'reality', and 'religion' AND gives the reasoning behind those definitions.

The number of infections of covid19 is unknown.
The number of deaths from covid19 related causes is unknown.
People that have died from accidents, drug overdose, cancer, heart disease, etc. are being listed as 'covid deaths'.

The numbers the CDC and the WHO are spewing are fake. They are random numbers of type randU.
What's really interesting here is that the government is looking at making it an "app." That is something you get through your smart phone.

Tying that back to voter ID, what if you don't have a smart phone? Wouldn't that unnecessarily put the poor, elderly, and other minority groups at a disadvantage as they are less likely to have such a device? But I guess it's okay when the Left approves of using an app for a vaccine passport but not alright when it comes to showing an ID to vote...

Illiberal logic at it's most visible level of stupidity...

It's already an app. It's also an Alexa skill. It's also part of many weather predictions. It's gone completely silly.
Liberals don't use logic. They deny it. They use emotion and religion.

The Church of Covid is like the Church of Global Warming and the Church of Green. They are all fundamentalist style religions and all stem from the same source: The Church of Karl Marx.
All of these religions have common goals (destroying capitalism and implementing totalitarianism, and with it, fascism and communism, both forms of socialism).

It's the old battle anew. it's been with us since Plato. You might even say it's been with us since Satan. The philosophy of Satan has always been one of compulsion.
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Diesel said:
I sincerely doubt that many people are faking outrage over COVID deaths. But on a scale of:

1.) Real outrage because COVID deaths are awful and I mourn unnecessary loss of life

2.) Faux outrage because I don't really care but I realize that humans are supposed to care about other humans

3.) No outrage because I'm a piece of shit

where do you land?

nice limited answer fuck off you POS

No such fallacy. This is simply known as a loaded question (an argument posed as a question). The argument itself commits the argument from randU fallacy, the extreme argument fallacy, the non-sequitur fallacy, the appeal to emotion fallacy, an insult fallacy, and is attempting to build a Pascal's Wager fallacy.
As you have so wisely demonstrated, there is no need to answer such a question. The entire argument loading his question is logically invalid.
Airports and airlines, through TSA, are federally controlled. What the government says about masking is the final word.

Into the Night is a fucking idiot.

Airports are not controlled by anyone except the entity owning that property, which is often a city, county, or port authority, but can also be privately held.. Many airports meet specifications laid out by the FAA (not the TSA).
TSA itself is unconstitutional. The federal government does not have authority to implement search and seizure without a court warrant. When Congress created the TSA, and when Bush signed it into 'law', the federal government was breaking the law (again).

There have been some protests (some entertaining ones, actually!) concerning this abuse of power.

TSA has been ejected from my airport. They are not allowed there anymore. This is a city airport.

No government has the authority under any constitution to require masks.

Masks do not stop a virus. People that are not infected cannot protect themselves by wearing a mask. People who are infected can still infect others even though they are wearing a mask. Masks are completely useless against viruses. They can, and do, harbor bacteria. They can also cause mild hypoxia. They should not be worn for long periods of time even as dust masks (which is what they are).

Covid19 is in the air...everywhere...and on every surface. It can remain intact in open air for days. It can remain intact on dry surfaces for days. It can be destroyed by alcohol, chlorine, ultraviolet light, or your own immune system.

You idiots keep claiming rising infection rates, yet masks are required pretty much everywhere, governors have shut down many businesses as 'non-essential' (itself illegal), and now you see plastic barriers and 'one way' markers in stores that are open. NONE of it will stop an airborne virus such as covid19.

On airlines, some passengers take their masks off once airborne and the drinks start coming 'round.
Apparently you've tried to explain it to a car battery? What did it have to say?

(I bet it agreed with you LOL!)

It kept its ignorant mouth shut. It was a million times better than the diarrhea that sprays out of the mouths of Trumpists.
come back to us when you can post a power point that explains, with genetic code and chromosomal patterns, how there are more than two genders

Lonely night? Fantasizing about transgender people again in a thread about COVID? You're fucking creepy.
Airports and airlines, through TSA, are federally controlled. What the government says about masking is the final word.

Into the Night is a fucking idiot.

I think he's also autistic, but it's hard to tell where the legitimate disability ends and the intentional dumbassery begins.
Local office suppliers are providing free lamination for the covid cards that we've been given.
I've got my "Covid Passport."

I'm not a savage criminal lowlife, after all; can't go walking around in a public without a Covid Passport.
That's just for trumpanzees.