Biden White House Plans 'Vaccine Passports'

Not really. The Supreme Court simply doesn't have any authority to interpret or change the Constitution or any State constitution. See Article III for what authority the Supreme Court DOES have. It has no other authority.
They have often used interpretation to effectively change the Constitution.

It interprets, but may not change, though by interpretation, change occurs, as with abortion.

I think we're essentially in agreement here...
I accept the reality. The Supremes simply have that power.

so you accept that the federal government no longer operates within the confines of the constitution and, being hunky dory with that 'reality', you've also accepted that you're too stupid and too cowardly to hold them accountable, instead preferring the relative safety theater they provide you while bilking the people out of billions and enriching themselves.

no wonder we're screwed
I strongly support the WHO eliminating Smallpox, and now coming close to eliminating Polio. We can only hope that sooner or later they eliminate Covid-19.

how do you expect that to happen when governments across the globe maintain these viruses within their secured facilities in case they can weaponize them? that includes the US, in case you were stupid enough to believe they wouldn't
you call fighting a deadly pandemic 'going along to get along'?

are you fucking serious moron?

stop with the faux outrage over people dying. if all of those deaths were your hated 'trumptards', you'd be dancing in the streets with joy.........

you don't care about people dying. you only care about being able to cajole, insult, and demean people in to acting the way you want them to.
stop with the faux outrage over people dying. if all of those deaths were your hated 'trumptards', you'd be dancing in the streets with joy.........

you don't care about people dying. you only care about being able to cajole, insult, and demean people in to acting the way you want them to.

you are so full shit and a paranoid freak

you cheered on the Capitol insurrectionists as they attempted to bring down the gubmint, am I right?

btw do you consider yourself a nihilist, an anarchist, a looneytarian, or all three?
you are so full shit and a paranoid freak

you cheered on the Capitol insurrectionists as they attempted to bring down the gubmint, am I right?

i'm sure you need to adamantly believe that to keep the quicksand foundation under your feet from failing. NOBODY wants to even try to remember that I said, from the get go, it was going to fail because those idiots couldn't bring themselves to even consider having to shoot their beloved heroes in law enforcement.

btw do you consider yourself a nihilist, an anarchist, a looneytarian, or all three?

do you consider me all three? it's also telling to me that you hold such idiotic ideas about anyone not in support of the all powerful federal least you're following your handlers directions faithfully
so you accept that the federal government no longer operates within the confines of the constitution and, being hunky dory with that 'reality', you've also accepted that you're too stupid and too cowardly to hold them accountable, instead preferring the relative safety theater they provide you while bilking the people out of billions and enriching themselves.

no wonder we're screwed

I say they do act as required, that your claim about extra-constitutional is wrong. To state it prima facie is wrong. Trump did pack the court with slanted rightys. We have not seen how they will decide yet.
You seem to be a fool, and if there were a vaccine to decontaminate the mind destroying virus that has infected you tRumptard MAGATs who are a liability on civilization, this would be a true liberating moment for the common decency and legitimacy of humanity for current and future generations to come.

Insult fallacies. No argument presented.
I think I see what you're saying. You get a card when you get your shot(s). I won't get mine until Tuesday, but as I understand it, all of those cards are a CDC form. So they're already standardized and universal. The problem with them is that they don't include a picture. A person would have to provide their COVID card and a picture ID with the matching name or get a separate photo ID that's only purpose is to prove vaccination. Is that the "passport"?

I personally wouldn't mind showing my driver's license and my COVID card to gain entry into sensitive spaces. I have to present a photo ID and an airline ticket to get to an airport terminal. I'm not going to the DMV to get a separate ID for my COVID shots though.

Oligarchy. Fascism.
Great. As soon as they agree to drop every anti-LGBTQ and racist exclusion they spend their lives promoting, I will agree not to deny service to anyone who does not get vaccinated. If, on the other hand, they still think that people should be excluded from certain parts of society for religious or "moral" reasons, then I will continue to support banning them from certain parts of society for scientific and medical reasons.

Remember the Republicans of the old days who were hypocrites because they were political and self-serving? They were actually better than the trumpanzees, as you call them, who are hypocrites because they don't understand logic. We're living in the half-dark ages.

You deny science. Oligarchy. Fascism.
Lockdowns and quarantining have been parts of the scientific treatment of contagious disease for thousands of years. That is why it was used around the world.

You deny science. Science is a set of falsifiable theories. Stop using ScIeNcE as 'science'.