Biden White House Plans 'Vaccine Passports'

You think we'll eliminate a coronavirus?

I am still hopeful we can eliminate Covid-19 from the human population, and contain it whenever it crosses over into human populations again. I doubt we could eliminate all coronaviruses from the human population, but Covid-19 is the big one.

Some more terminology. Being "hopeful" means that I think it is possible that it is possible. That is a step away from being known to be possible. Being known to be possible is a step away from actually doing it. The WHO eliminated Smallpox (actually did it). The WHO has shown it is possible to eliminate Polio, but has not actually finished it off yet. We do not even know whether it is possible to eliminate Covid-19, or whether humanity will actually put in the effort if it is possible.

With the cost to the world economy being so high, I think it is well worth it to at least try to eliminate Covid-19.
I am still hopeful we can eliminate Covid-19 from the human population, and contain it whenever it crosses over into human populations again. I doubt we could eliminate all coronaviruses from the human population, but Covid-19 is the big one.

Some more terminology. Being "hopeful" means that I think it is possible that it is possible. That is a step away from being known to be possible. Being known to be possible is a step away from actually doing it. The WHO eliminated Smallpox (actually did it). The WHO has shown it is possible to eliminate Polio, but has not actually finished it off yet. We do not even know whether it is possible to eliminate Covid-19, or whether humanity will actually put in the effort if it is possible.

With the cost to the world economy being so high, I think it is well worth it to at least try to eliminate Covid-19.

Yeah, uh, my problem is that the hysteria over COVID was almost entirely political.
Yes, they are. Because of lockdowns that weren't based on...wait for it...the ScIeNcE.

Lockdowns and quarantining have been parts of the scientific treatment of contagious disease for thousands of years. That is why it was used around the world.
Maybe. But how did the science become political? Who made masks political? Why did Republicans call COVID "a Democratic hoax"?

Well, maybe wrecking the economy and scaring people was a way to get rid of the bad orange man? Here in Michigan had a business done in 2019 what our governor said to do in 2020 they would have been shut down by MIOSHA. The mask guidance alone was wrong.
Well, maybe wrecking the economy and scaring people was a way to get rid of the bad orange man? Here in Michigan had a business done in 2019 what our governor said to do in 2020 they would have been shut down by MIOSHA. The mask guidance alone was wrong.

I see. So how do you describe the lockdowns, quarantines, and regulations in virtually every other country on the planet? Everyone in the world did what the US did because they all wanted to get rid of the bad orange man?
I say "I don't hate anyone," and this motherfucker responds, "that you hate someone you know nothing about". Parents, make your children finish second grade.

The rest of your rambling horse shit was simply repeated from earlier posts.

If tens of millions of people must die, so be it. You Trumpists and normal, good people cannot coexist.

It would be disingenuous if I wished you well, but do take care.

You've repeatedly stated that you hate your neighbors & wish to see them murdered, so forgive me if your one claim to being one click away from hating them/wanting to see them murdered is something difficult to take as seriously as your hundreds of calls for their death; your dismissing your constant raging hate speech as hyperbole strikes me as extraordinarily disingenuous at best. More nonsense & hate.

More nonsense & hate.

And there you go again; that you don't understand that YOU and yours are everything you hate & fear is THE problem. Calling me a Trumpist yet again reveals how profoundly deranged and dangerous you are, and profoundly ironic that you seem incapable of reading and understanding English, though perhaps you're merely a psychopath.

More nonsense and hate.
You've repeatedly stated that you hate your neighbors & wish to see them murdered, so forgive me if your one claim to being one click away from hating them/wanting to see them murdered is something difficult to take as seriously as your hundreds of calls for their death; your dismissing your constant raging hate speech as hyperbole strikes me as extraordinarily disingenuous at best. More nonsense & hate.

More nonsense & hate.

And there you go again; that you don't understand that YOU and yours are everything you hate & fear is THE problem. Calling me a Trumpist yet again reveals how profoundly deranged and dangerous you are, and profoundly ironic that you seem incapable of reading and understanding English, though perhaps you're merely a psychopath.

More nonsense and hate.

Oof. More projection, War. Not a good look. I have repeatedly stated in various ways what I consider to be a Trumpist. You might not be his supporter at the moment, but you exhibit all the qualities of a Trumpist: Gaslighting, denial of science, demonstrable lies, Trump witch hunts, and so on. You are a Trumpist. Trumpists are very near to the lowest form of human existence. Ergo, you are too.
And you don't see how that contradicts itself?

If you have a point to get to then please get to it. I'm logging off in 10 minutes or thereabouts. Get to it now and I'll give you an answer. If you get to it later I won't see it. Your decision.