Biden White House Plans 'Vaccine Passports'

And you are free to stop moving the goalposts.

Life is not a game, goal posts move. 100 years ago, many people were happy just owning a bicycle, but now they want cars. 200 years ago, people were happy if only half their children died, but now they demand all their children live. My first computer had 48k, now I own a computer with 64gb, which is more than a million times more... And sometimes is not enough.

You do not want to keep up with the rest of us, that is fine. I will even try to be charitable with you. But demanding we all hold back so you are not left behind is not the solution.
Life is not a game, goal posts move. 100 years ago, many people were happy just owning a bicycle, but now they want cars. 200 years ago, people were happy if only half their children died, but now they demand all their children live. My first computer had 48k, now I own a computer with 64gb, which is more than a million times more... And sometimes is not enough.

You do not want to keep up with the rest of us, that is fine. I will even try to be charitable with you. But demanding we all hold back so you are not left behind is not the solution.

You're an asshat. Your "flight to France" would have required a passport before COVID hit and you are for whatever reason ignoring the argument being made...against internal passports in America. You're dishonest or stupid...maybe both.
No one is arguing your right to refuse the vaccine. So that law is irrelevant, not my comment. This is not a discussion about state universities. It's a discussion about whether a private business has the right to refuse you service. Short discussion. They do. Period. Arguing that they are infringing on your religious liberties is horseshit.

And they will put themselves out of business.
That doesn't deserve much of a response, but for the record:

1.) I don't actually want anyone to die or be encamped. No one who isn't a psychopath does. I don't hate anyone, certainly no one I don't even know, but I come as close to it as possible for Trump, you, and people like the two of you. So I use hyperbole not for you but for other observers to always remember what you people have done and continue to try to do.

2.) Although you proved yourself capable of writing a reasonable post, to my literal shock, you're still full of dull horse shit. You shamelessly and repeatedly lie about words that are published for everyone to see. You are the epitome of a Trumpist and therefore, I have no respect for you.

Hate speech. Bulverism fallacy. TDS.
Life is not a game, goal posts move. 100 years ago, many people were happy just owning a bicycle, but now they want cars. 200 years ago, people were happy if only half their children died, but now they demand all their children live. My first computer had 48k, now I own a computer with 64gb, which is more than a million times more... And sometimes is not enough.

You do not want to keep up with the rest of us, that is fine. I will even try to be charitable with you. But demanding we all hold back so you are not left behind is not the solution.

Random wanderings. Non-sequitur fallacy. A vaccine is not a measure of 'keeping up'.
Your "flight to France" would have required a passport before COVID hit and you are for whatever reason ignoring the argument being made

I do more work with the Germans, and Central Europeans, but that really is not the point. Before Covid-19, it required a passport, but now it would require a vaccination passport. I have not moved the goalposts, but the goalposts have been moved.

As for an "internal passport", you are free to travel interstate without a vaccine passport, so it is not an internal passport. It is proof of vaccination so that I can know that you are safe. If you do not want to prove to me that you are safe, that is fine, but I will probably not deal with you.
When it started a few days ago, wasn't this thread about a sort of government vaccine passport? Are you suggesting that businesses would either opt in or implement their own "passports"?

I believe the purpose of a 'passport' would be to prove immunization. That's certainly my angle on this. I suspect it will be required by many private businesses, airlines, sporting events, concerts, movie theaters, etc. At some point, one of the tards claimed that would be unconstitutional because it would restrict interstate travel. Typical idiotic take. It appears there was also an attempt to turn it into some kind of mandatory vaccination effort, which it is not.
Cuntcart, like all his Jim Crow DemoKKKrat ilk, is a bigot.

Cuntcart is making the argument that equal protection isn't a thing.

Cuntcart is possibly the most moronic of all DemoKKKrats here.

Wow, aren't you clever with the nicknames. Did you come up with that all by yourself, or did you have help.


Still waiting for you top point me to that clause in the Constitution that guarantees your right to fly. Guess you haven't found it yet have you? Fucking moron.
Wow, aren't you clever with the nicknames. Did you come up with that all by yourself, or did you have help.


Still waiting for you top point me to that clause in the Constitution that guarantees your right to fly. Guess you haven't found it yet have you? Fucking moron.

Great isn't it? I had help/stole it, Cuntcart.

:good4u: :good4u:

You are truly and astonishingly stupid/incompetent, even for a Jim Crow DemoKKKrat, Cuntcart.

You ACTUALLY wrote this earlier (Post #204) in the thread:

It's a discussion about whether a private business has the right to refuse you service. Short discussion. They do. Period.

You are ACTUALLY this stupid/incompetent (and bigoted), and so stupid/incompetent that you can't understand how stupid/incompetent you are, and instead project your stupidity/incompetence on others.

Even for a Jim Crow DemoKKKrat, you're an exceptional knuckle dragger, so congrats.
I believe the purpose of a 'passport' would be to prove immunization. That's certainly my angle on this. I suspect it will be required by many private businesses, airlines, sporting events, concerts, movie theaters, etc. At some point, one of the tards claimed that would be unconstitutional because it would restrict interstate travel. Typical idiotic take. It appears there was also an attempt to turn it into some kind of mandatory vaccination effort, which it is not.

Great time to be a lawyer when the suits start pouring in, and an exciting moment when SCOTUS squashes it as blatantly unconstitutional.