Is HIPPA no longer in effect?
HIPAA protects someone else from disclosing your medical records without your knowledge or consent. Doesn’t apply.
You won’t be forced to do anything. Just like masks on airplanes. No mask. No problem. No fly.
Is HIPPA no longer in effect?
Stooping to blatant lies when you are bested seems right up your alley.
I accept your tacit and grudging confession that Republicans are more likely to blow off simple hygiene and CDC guidelines, and are more at risk of being COVID carriers.
Carry on..
Binary thought is not often useful and doesn't lend itself to anything I wrote. You've done it twice now.
As I already demonstrated somewhere above your head, there are a whole range of people -- millions and millions of people -- who have done most of the right things most of the time. Those are not all people who "believe like do". It's a ridiculous and obviously wrong assumption. There are also a whole bunch of people who have consistently, stubbornly, and selfishly disregarded every precaution, every recommendation, and every regulation that was suggested or implemented to slow the spread of the virus. Those are the people who infringe on the rights of the rest of us -- not the other way around. The government is obviously not going to lock people in their houses. I'm just sick of people who refuse to do the right things misusing society on purpose and fucking over the rest of us.
Fear mongering.
So are you Hawkeye's sock or a drug addict?
Cypress (post 19-quoting the OP):
Hawkeye (post 28-quoting no one):
Me (post 39-quoting Cypress):
Me (post 40-quoting Hawkeye):
You (post 44-quoting me):
Me (post 46-quoting you):
RB 60 (post 56-quoting my post 39):
You (post 57-quoting my post 46):
Me (post 102-quoting RB):
Me (post 103-quoting your post 57):
You (post 112-quoting my post 103):
The saddest part about all of this is that you aren't the only clinically braindead, visibly addled dumb fuck who can't follow a message board. Guille and Hawkeye are as stupid as you are (or high or drunk or you're just all of them).
Ahh so you are one of those douchebag crybullies who start shit then cry when it gets thrown back in your face. You lied about me, so why can I not respond in kind?
And there is no evidence you don't have gonorrhea...!
you are an idiot.
You do not write or present yourself as an adult man.
Are you actually an angry 15 year old?
You write and present yourself as a dirtbag, there is no question here.![]()
You shouldn't start some if you don't want none. Why would you say nasty shit to me then cry like a little bitch when I hand it back?
I leave you to wallow in your teenage angst.
HIPAA protects someone else from disclosing your medical records without your knowledge or consent. Doesn’t apply.
You won’t be forced to do anything. Just like masks on airplanes. No mask. No problem. No fly.
Civil liberties lawsuits will abound.
Smart move, throwing shade then having a tantrum when it's thrown back has you looking like a clown. take your meltdown and bugger off!
You have a lot of fantasies about your invincibility, eh?
Your teenage angst has reached a dead end for me, and it serves me no further useful purpose to indulge your middle school mean girl act.
I should let an angry teenage girl have the last word, so carry on chica.
I leave you to wallow in your teenage angst.
HIPAA protects someone else from disclosing your medical records without your knowledge or consent. Doesn’t apply. You won’t be forced to do anything. Just like masks on airplanes. No mask. No problem. No fly. Next.
LOL, yep, they are complete morons. And the party of personal responsibility now doesn't want to be responsible for the consequences of any of their actions, claiming they can do whatever the fuck they want because the Constitution says so. The fact is that you will not be forced to take a vaccination, or to reveal your vaccination information. As long as you are prepared to accept the consequences. Which are almost certainly going to limit what you can do. Tough shit. Get the fucking shot, idiots.
Except it won't only be enforced on flights.
And they will all be tossed. You cannot force a private business to serve you. Period, end of story.
Just as you don’t know HIPPA from shit, You don’t know that from shinola.
The White House is working on a COVID-19 vaccine passport initiative that could be required for travel, sporting events and even eating out, reports The Washington Post.
Passports to eat out but no voter ID.
And they will all be tossed. You cannot force a private business to serve you. Period, end of story.