Biden White House Plans 'Vaccine Passports'

You can copy and paste all you want from gun publications, but I will never believe you are a deadly marksman and highly sought-after weapons consultant.

Copy and paste? Fuck you, you inbred asshole. What I wrote, again, was off the top of my head. I didn't have to go to my basement and check my loading manual, I know exactly what I shoot.
I know much more about what I shoot that you think. I choreographed my .220 at 3850 FPS (average + -10 fps), although it is capable of handling loads of over 4000 FPS (that can "shoot out" the throat). My seating depth is .002 off the lands and I not only weigh every charge of IMR 4064, I hold each seating depth within .002. I really don't give a fuck whether a perverted asshole like you believes me or not.

I never said I was a "weapons consultant," but I was a hi-power rifle instructor for over 20 years until I gave it up to another instructor. Yep, I did qualify a distinguished expert (NRA scoring), I have the badge hanging on my reloading bench wall. I am good. I'm damn good.
the problem is that you are basing you theory all on the premise that everybody wants to do wrong to everyone else.............have you always been this distrustful of people? It has EVERYTHING to do with rights you communist little fuck

No. Quite the opposite. I'm still a little naïve compared to the typical JPP member, but I do believe that most people are good and want to do good things. I think that most people have done most of the right things most of the time during the pandemic. The problem is not that I think everybody wants to do wrong to everyone else. I never said anything that resembled that; and I reject your interpretation as disingenuous. The problem is that there is a tipping point and that a large enough group of people, not "everybody", can trigger it.

I would prefer for government not to have to regulate me anymore than is necessary. We had ample opportunity to do the right things during COVID. Some people, not everybody, refused to do anything right. Not only that, but when governments had no choice but to tell us what to do, you law and order frauds blatantly broke laws and ordinances. You physically assaulted and even shot people because you were too selfish to put on a mask. The deplorables in this country caused Thanksgiving and Christmas to be canceled for millions and millions of people. And then you had your own fucking group celebrations anyway and spread the virus even farther!

Not only have you people destroyed life for countless other people, but you have the fucking nerve to bitch about it breathlessly when every regulation, every lockdown, and every inconvenience has either been caused by or made worse by you. The rest of us have had enough. You people won't do the right thing with a gun to your head. So I am 100% in favor of government locking you in your houses and allowing the majority of sane Americans to resume their lives. We've both earned it.
You're either Hawkeye's sock or you're a drug addict just like he is.

I never called you a Trumpist directly. As usual, your sloppy, drunken self fell into your computer chair and started gurgling into a conversation that never included you and had nothing to do with. Fucking die already.

You're another astonishingly deranged & incompetent DemoKKKrat voter.

Ah - and dishonest as well; shocking... Your response to me wasn't a response to me? Another loving & unity-seeking DemoKKKrat voter...
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
But what about those that don't get the vaccine? Are they suddenly relegated as second class citizens? I've NEVER gotten any of the flu shots in my 60 years on this planet....had the occasional nasty cold or flu, got over it with OTC, homeopathic and home remedies from grandparents. So now I can't get on a plane for an overseas vacation. Oh well, their loss.

The airlines call the shots. If you don’t wish to use their services, then don’t follow their rules. It’s always been that way.

Federal law, especially when in conjunction with the Dept. of Health & the FAA, supersedes commercial airline rules. My statement and questions stand.
It's a public health and safety issue. The US has had more COVID cases than any other country in the world and more than three times as many cases as the next three countries combined. That is not a coincidence. For the most shameful excuse on Earth (propping up Trump's political support), the federal government refused to take action against the virus. When it reluctantly started to do things after it was too late, it did it in a lazy, half-assed, unprofessional, irresponsible manner without any leadership, without any organization, and with next to no regard for the expert, professional findings of the medical and scientific communities.

I rarely hear anyone complain about vaccinating children for hep B, DTap, MMR, etc. That's because it would be a literal death wish to send children to schools without first vaccinating them. The same is true of COVID. It isn't a flu. There are still tens of millions of Americans who refuse to wear masks, socially distance, and avoid large gatherings, let alone get a shot (or two). We had multiple opportunities to do the right thing. We didn't. So now government has to control our behaviors because we can't be trusted to do the right thing. I find it disappointing but unsurprising.

Ahh, but the aforementioned diseases that are deadly to kids had vaccinations that were more vigorously tested....and remember, the current Covid "vaccines" aren't that...they're experimental gene therapy.

And the whole handling of this has been a hot mess...I lay that at the feet of Fauci, Big Pharma, the CDC and WHO...who promote bad science. Seriously, while brief mask wearing can help along with non-crowding, there was and is NO GUARANTEE THAT THE FOOD YOU HAVE EATEN IN THE LAST YEAR was handled under near sterile conditions. I recently watched a documentary on PBS were some farm workers were complaining that they were more or less forced to go to work despite feeling ill, or that they themselves were not being given adequate protective gear. Also, the whole nasal swab testing had a 60-40 chance AGAINST being accurate. Add to this that doctors were given the OPTION as to how they recorded deaths (COVID RELATED....previous underlying conditions could have caused deaths, but if a positive Covid showed, it was labled as such without true documentation).

So now we see the beginning of what fringe anti-gov't types have been don't have your "papers" you can't do this or that DESPITE NOT BEING ILL OR TESTING NEGATIVE. Scary.
You're another astonishingly deranged & incompetent DemoKKKrat voter.

Ah - and dishonest as well; shocking... Your response to me wasn't a response to me? Another loving & unity-seeking DemoKKKrat voter...

No, crackhead. You posted at me. Christ, dude, the thread is not that long. Go refresh your memory if you stumble into a minute of lucidity.
You still aren't answering the question. Where in the Constitution does it say you have a Constitutional right to travel on public transportation? Got anything? Didn't think so. What a putz.

where did you get the idea that the constitution tells us all the rights we have?
No. Quite the opposite. I'm still a little naïve compared to the typical JPP member, but I do believe that most people are good and want to do good things. I think that most people have done most of the right things most of the time during the pandemic. The problem is not that I think everybody wants to do wrong to everyone else. I never said anything that resembled that; and I reject your interpretation as disingenuous. The problem is that there is a tipping point and that a large enough group of people, not "everybody", can trigger it.

I would prefer for government not to have to regulate me anymore than is necessary. We had ample opportunity to do the right things during COVID. Some people, not everybody, refused to do anything right. Not only that, but when governments had no choice but to tell us what to do, you law and order frauds blatantly broke laws and ordinances. You physically assaulted and even shot people because you were too selfish to put on a mask. The deplorables in this country caused Thanksgiving and Christmas to be canceled for millions and millions of people. And then you had your own fucking group celebrations anyway and spread the virus even farther!

Not only have you people destroyed life for countless other people, but you have the fucking nerve to bitch about it breathlessly when every regulation, every lockdown, and every inconvenience has either been caused by or made worse by you. The rest of us have had enough. You people won't do the right thing with a gun to your head. So I am 100% in favor of government locking you in your houses and allowing the majority of sane Americans to resume their lives. We've both earned it.

well, i'm assuming that when you say 'you people', you're referring to anyone who doesn't believe like you do.

Because of that, and the last sentence of your post, what I said was almost completely correct. you only think that those who do as you do are deserving of rights. that's wholly Un-American
I thought rightys loved IDs. It must be for others. We have a fucking pandemic that killed almost 600,000 Americans. But that does not require an ID so we can see who has done the right thing and got vaccinated. We have an infinitesimal amount of voter fraud, but everyone should have ID for that. You guys are nuts.
Ahh, but the aforementioned diseases that are deadly to kids had vaccinations that were more vigorously tested....and remember, the current Covid "vaccines" aren't that...they're experimental gene therapy.

And the whole handling of this has been a hot mess...I lay that at the feet of Fauci, Big Pharma, the CDC and WHO...who promote bad science. Seriously, while brief mask wearing can help along with non-crowding, there was and is NO GUARANTEE THAT THE FOOD YOU HAVE EATEN IN THE LAST YEAR was handled under near sterile conditions. I recently watched a documentary on PBS were some farm workers were complaining that they were more or less forced to go to work despite feeling ill, or that they themselves were not being given adequate protective gear. Also, the whole nasal swab testing had a 60-40 chance AGAINST being accurate. Add to this that doctors were given the OPTION as to how they recorded deaths (COVID RELATED....previous underlying conditions could have caused deaths, but if a positive Covid showed, it was labled as such without true documentation).

So now we see the beginning of what fringe anti-gov't types have been don't have your "papers" you can't do this or that DESPITE NOT BEING ILL OR TESTING NEGATIVE. Scary.

The development of the vaccines and putting them into use did happen very, very quickly. It's an interesting and complicated assessment of relative risks, though, isn't it? The virtual entirety of human civilization set about developing vaccines by March 2020. We now have a dozen vaccines approved somewhere covering most of the world. They were developed and tested independently. I suppose we could have taken the normal course of time (10-15 years), but it seems to me that the conditions that existed over the past year could not continue for another 9-14 years.

Now, I'm a little surprised the idea of a "vaccine passport" even came up and am not sure how far it will get, if anywhere. At this point, however, given the outright intention of so many people to endanger me, the people I love, and every other living human being, some drastic measures might be in order. I would prefer point-of-care testing. That's what we've been doing at work since last summer. I don't see how that's feasible for football games, stadium concerts, and airports.
well, i'm assuming that when you say 'you people', you're referring to anyone who doesn't believe like you do.

Because of that, and the last sentence of your post, what I said was almost completely correct. you only think that those who do as you do are deserving of rights. that's wholly Un-American

Binary thought is not often useful and doesn't lend itself to anything I wrote. You've done it twice now.

As I already demonstrated somewhere above your head, there are a whole range of people -- millions and millions of people -- who have done most of the right things most of the time. Those are not all people who "believe like do". It's a ridiculous and obviously wrong assumption. There are also a whole bunch of people who have consistently, stubbornly, and selfishly disregarded every precaution, every recommendation, and every regulation that was suggested or implemented to slow the spread of the virus. Those are the people who infringe on the rights of the rest of us -- not the other way around. The government is obviously not going to lock people in their houses. I'm just sick of people who refuse to do the right things misusing society on purpose and fucking over the rest of us.
Federal law, especially when in conjunction with the Dept. of Health & the FAA, supersedes commercial airline rules. My statement and questions stand.

If the feds require a vaccine passport, the airlines comply. Even without any federal law regarding masks, if you don’t mask up, you don’t fly.
The Trump White House itself was a COVID superspreader. That is a perfect metaphor for how Republicans did not take COVID seriously and are more likely to be unhygenic disease spreaders

Defihne 'superspreader'. Bigotry. Fear mongering. Geting infected with covid is not a death sentence. Many people do not even show symptoms beyond a few sniffles.