Is an egg a chicken?

Here is an example. 2-3 days ago Texas Department of Public Safety Trooper Chad Walker was shot in the head and they announced they were going to harvest his organs yesterday. His murder was Arthur Pinson Jr. a black man and shot officer Walker through the windshield as he sat in the police car. His murder later shot himself.

The reference that you're using is a far right publication, and if you read this article it's easy to see that this article is steering the reader to a conclusion rather than presenting the facts in an objective manner and letting the reader come to his/she own conclusion. So, I would say that the reader need to take this article with a grain of salt.
I noticed Harris quickly backed away from being in charge of the border immigration fiasco. She didn't want to be in charge of it after Biden announced she was going to be in charge of it.

How did she back away, I did not notice?
How did she back away, I did not notice?
After it was announced she was going to be in charge of the border situation about four days later she announced she was only going to negotiate with foreign leaders about immigration and would not be working on the border situation. I think she realized this has the potential of killing her chances in 2024.
I suspect they will be able to keep Biden going for the next 4 years. Its amazing what they can do. I doubt Harris will get elected, but who knows that far off. She is a good choice, not liberal enough for me, but liberal enough for me results in not being able to accomplish anything.

Sure, the Democrats could fuck up the 2024 election with Bernie or Beto. Lord knows the Republicans have fucked up their own elections.
The reference that you're using is a far right publication, and if you read this article it's easy to see that this article is steering the reader to a conclusion rather than presenting the facts in an objective manner and letting the reader come to his/she own conclusion. So, I would say that the reader need to take this article with a grain of salt.
It quoted the Washington Post saying on 2016 only 16 unarmed black males were shot and killed by the police. The Washington Post is hardly a far right publication.
Sure, the Democrats could fuck up the 2024 election with Bernie or Beto. Lord knows the Republicans have fucked up their own elections.
Hey Unc do you believe do you believe that some states violated the US Constitution by going around the state legislature to change election laws.?
Baby is just a phase in HUMAN development. embryo, fetus, baby, toddler, adolescent, preteen, teenager, adult all have one thing in common. They are all human.

True, so why do you call an embryo a baby when discussing abortion?
After it was announced she was going to be in charge of the border situation about four days later she announced she was only going to negotiate with foreign leaders about immigration and would not be working on the border situation. I think she realized this has the potential of killing her chances in 2024.

Do you have citation for that?
Emotional argument, not scientific.

My youngest is due to give birth in <4 weeks. Last night she shared some screenshots of the physicians' interpretation of her latest ultrasound. Due to her having MS this is considered to be a high-risk pregnancy. The physician recommends an echo of the child's heart at "~48 hours of life." In other words, she is stating that medically his life begins at birth.
So you don't think that "thing" in your daughter abdomen that moves and responds to stimulus isn't alive? How very sad for you. Why don't you ask your daughter if she thinks her child is alive or not? What do you think she will say.
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You cited a statistic saying black people were more likely to shoot cops... I am asking why you think that is the case?
No I did not. I said blacks were more likely to shoot cops than cops were to shoot unarmed blacks. If an armed criminal assailant was attacking you would you protect yourself.

Statistically speaking black males are 6% of the population but they are 42% of all cop killers.
So you don't think that "thing" in your daughter abdomen that moves and responds to stimulus is alive? How very sad for you. Why don't you ask your daughter if she thinks her child is alive or not? What do you think she will say.

Your emotional arguments are stupid. It's already been tried. In fact, one of the ppl in this very discussion was banned for the same thing at a previous forum -- stalking, posting personal info, and following me around calling my daughter's first child a "clump of cells" and suggesting that she abort.

Try something that involves science if you want to discuss the issue like an actual adult.
Is an egg a chicken?
If you order a chicken dinner would you be surprised to receive scrambled eggs?
If you go to an Easter egg hunt, do you expect to be chasing chickens?

Someday you'll learn about chicken eggs and how they might become a chicken, egg farming, and chicken ranches. But apparently not today.
Your emotional arguments are stupid. It's already been tried. In fact, one of the ppl in this very discussion was banned for the same thing at a previous forum -- stalking, posting personal info, and following me around calling my daughter's first child a "clump of cells" and suggesting that she abort.

Try something that involves science if you want to discuss the issue like an actual adult.
:laugh: has anyone ever told you that you are paranoid. Show me where I have stalked you or posted information about you that you did not first post. Perhaps you should change your avatar from Owlwoman to Cuckoowoman :laugh:
:laugh: has anyone ever told you that you are paranoid. Show me where I have stalked you or posted information about you that you did not first post. Perhaps you should change your avatar from Owlwoman to Cuckoowoman :laugh:

Talk about projection! I did not accuse you of anything other than using an emotional rather than a scientific argument. I was talking about *another poster* in this discussion. Try reading instead of projectile vomiting.