Is an egg a chicken?

Fuck California. I left that shithole as soon as I could 35 years ago. OTOH, your logic doesn't make sense. Have you read the 22nd and 25th Amendments?

Harris could become a 10 year President. Heels and all. LOL

Californians sure voted for Harris to be VP in droves.
This is true. But its not murder of a baby.

Also, in some states, giving a person water in certain situations is a crime.

Actually a fetus is a baby.

Human Embryology and Teratology, 3rd ed.," from publisher Wiley-Liss, asserts that fertilization is the "critical landmark" when a new, genetically distinct human organism is formed. Yet, the text explains, "life is a continuous process" throughout the pregnancy.

As Harvard University Medical School professor Micheline Matthews-Ross testified before a 1981 U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, "It is scientifically correct to say that an individual human life begins at conception … and that this developing human always is a member of our species in all stages of life" (New York Times, April 26, 1981).

In other words, Matthews-Ross was saying, a baby is a baby — from fertilization, to heartbeat, to birth. Yes, the baby of five weeks in the womb differs from the newborn, but so does the toddler differ from the teen. Scientifically, we pass through different stages as we grow, but we don't pass from person to non-person, or vice versa.

At that same 1981 government hearing, Dr. Watson A. Bowes of the University of Colorado Medical School asserted: "The beginning of a single human life is from a biological point of view a simple and straightforward matter — the beginning is conception. This straightforward biological fact should not be distorted to serve sociological, political or economic goals."
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It's interesting when the barren or womb-less feel that they have the right to force other women to give birth, isn't it? Even better if the forced-birther happens to be a dude.

So using your logic it is perfectly ok for a male sea horse to demand pregnancy. lol
Actually a fetus is a baby.

Your quote (uncited of course) is the author (unknown at this point) claiming that Matthews-Ross's statement mean its a baby, this is hardly authoritative or of substance.

This type of failure to read critically is how you fools get duped.
Fuck California. I left that shithole as soon as I could 35 years ago. OTOH, your logic doesn't make sense. Have you read the 22nd and 25th Amendments?

Harris could become a 10 year President. Heels and all. LOL

I like California a hell of a lot more than I like Middle America, but I've always lived near the shore [albeit the other one].
The term limits on the presidency were put during my lifetime.
I. like all first wave boomers, was born in what would have been FDR's fourth term if he hadn't recently died.

I don't like term limits, nor do I see any need for them. If we ever find another FDR, I want him/her to serve until he/she dies as well.
We have elections. We can limit terms without any mandates.
What's the orangutan doing these days?
Is it murder when the state executes someone?
Is it murder when an American bomb kills a sanitation worker in Saudi Arabia?
Did Seal Team 6 murder Osama Bin Laden?
Does Hospice murder someone when they administer a potential lethal dose of morphine?
We all know its not murder when a White cop kills a black guy.
Depends what the black guy was doing before the cop killed him. If he was shooting at the cop and the cop shoots and kills him its justifiable homicide. Black criminals kill cops 18.5 times more than cops kill unarmed blacks.

Murder is an illegal taking of a life and execution is the legal taking of a life.
Is it murder when the state executes someone?
Executes yes. Euthanizes, no.

Is it murder when an American bomb kills a sanitation worker in Saudi Arabia?
Need more info. Was the bomber an American tourist whose recreation is to kill sanitation workers?

Did Seal Team 6 murder Osama Bin Laden?

Does Hospice murder someone when they administer a potential lethal dose of morphine?

We all know its not murder when a White cop kills a black guy.
We all don't.
Depends what the black guy was doing before the cop killed him. If he was shooting at the cop and the cop shoots and kills him its justifiable homicide. Black criminals kill cops 18.5 times more than cops kill unarmed blacks.

Murder is an illegal taking of a life and execution is the legal taking of a life.

Hey Doc. where are you getting your statistics
Hello Jarod,

An egg becomes a blastocyst if it is fertilized, a blastocyst becomes an embryo if it continues to develop, an embryo becomes a fetus if it continues to be nurtured by its host, and so forth and so on, that is scientific.

I concur.

There is no such thing as an 'unborn baby.'
Depends what the black guy was doing before the cop killed him. If he was shooting at the cop and the cop shoots and kills him its justifiable homicide. Black criminals kill cops 18.5 times more than cops kill unarmed blacks.

Murder is an illegal taking of a life and execution is the legal taking of a life.

I was responding to a claim that killing a person was murder, my point is, not always.
I like California a hell of a lot more than I like Middle America, but I've always lived near the shore [albeit the other one].
The term limits on the presidency were put during my lifetime.
I. like all first wave boomers, was born in what would have been FDR's fourth term if he hadn't recently died.

I don't like term limits, nor do I see any need for them. If we ever find another FDR, I want him/her to serve until he/she dies as well.
We have elections. We can limit terms without any mandates.
What's the orangutan doing these days?
Getting ready to be President again in 2024 after the Biden administration totally screws up the country. They have an excellent start at it already. Have you noticed the crisis at the border? What a fucking mess that did not have to happen.
Hello Darth,

If the egg is fertilized, the chicken egg *is a chicken* in the embryonic stage of development.

The OP question is along the lines of ‘why don’t trees have lips?’ in terms of biological science lol.

Sciencey science.

"I'd like coffee black, some toast and sausage, and two chickens sunny side up!"
Getting ready to be President again in 2024 after the Biden administration totally screws up the country. They have an excellent start at it already. Have you noticed the crisis at the border? What a fucking mess that did not have to happen.

Will the orangutan be running from a cell in Attica or a cell in Sing Sing?
You seem to be up to date on these things.
Is Cyrus Vance a personal friend?
I was responding to a claim that killing a person was murder, my point is, not always.
True killing a fetus in many states is not legally murder but ethically many consider it murder. But in California and other states it is considered murder.
Your quote (uncited of course) is the author (unknown at this point) claiming that Matthews-Ross's statement mean its a baby, this is hardly authoritative or of substance.

This type of failure to read critically is how you fools get duped.

Even physicians and others with scientific education can select sources that confirm their bias, eh?

OBs refer to the developing fetus as a "baby" when speaking to the parents. Otherwise, in charting, it is referred to as "the fetus." OB nurses do the same; in charting it is often referred to as "the passenger."
Will the orangutan be running from a cell in Attica or a cell in Sing Sing?
You seem to be up to date on these things.
Is Cyrus Vance a personal friend?
Its more likely that he will be in the White House in 2024 than in the big house. Cyrus Vanse is just an annoying gnat.
Californians sure voted for Harris to be VP in droves.

Fantastic. I didn't know or care. Only going by the end results.

For now, the Republicans are continuing to fuck up leaving the US stuck with the Democrats. Harris will probably not only be the first female President, but she'll probably be a 10 year President under the 22nd and 25th Amendments.

The one thing that could fuck that up is if Biden became incapacitated before his third year. It's possible that Harris would only be "Acting President" and that the Democratic Senate and the Democratic House wouldn't use the 25th Amendment until she was inside the two year window.
It's interesting when the barren or womb-less feel that they have the right to force other women to give birth, isn't it? Even better if the forced-birther happens to be a dude.

Agreed. Just like when the citified gunless force their way of life on a rural resident like myself. ;)