Is an egg a chicken? it's not "science" in play.....

Science cares only about facts and doesn't decide what's considered "tragic."

Technically, "tragic" and "tragedy" are theatrical terms.
Ask the playwright if he/she was going for tragedy.
Science cares only about facts and doesn't decide what's considered "tragic."

Technically, "tragic" and "tragedy" are theatrical terms.
Ask the playwright if he/she was going for tragedy.
Ok... Interesting comments on the how would the woman "chose"...whether it was the loss of a child or not...?
Unwanted... dumped a clump of cells.
Wanted...loss of a child...
Ok... Interesting comments on the how would the woman "chose"...whether it was the loss of a child or not...?
Unwanted... dumped a clump of cells.
Wanted...loss of a child...

Sounds cold, but that's pretty much it.
It's a cold fucking world that we were dumped onto.
Ok... Interesting comments on the how would the woman "chose"...whether it was the loss of a child or not...?
Unwanted... dumped a clump of cells.
Wanted...loss of a child...

Now you got it. In the end, though, what it all comes down to is how she feels about it or what she does about it is NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS. It's none of mine, either. If she expresses sorrow, give her sympathy. If she doesn't, butt your nosey ass face out and MYOB.
now you are mixing law and science.......if you mixed an egg and some sperm in a test tube, verified fertilization and then destroyed it science would clearly say you killed it.........and if it were a human egg and human sperm then you killed a human being........but it is law, not science that decides when a killing is murder......

Dude, get a fucking grip: killing a human is murder. Yes or no?

What the authoritarian assholes are pushing is that destroying the zygote is murder.
Such Explosive anger is very understandable and expected, considering....civil discussion is much nicer, though;)
Is a miscarriage or stillbirth not the tragic loss of a child?

Tragic is about perspective. If the person/people who lost the opportunity to have a child feel its a tragedy yes, but I have know people who felt relief.
Tragic is about perspective. If the person/people who lost the opportunity to have a child feel its a tragedy yes, but I have know people who felt relief.
I'm sure you do know some who are "relieved".... Key, though...."loss of the opportunity to have a child"...They've lost the child before birth.......
Dude, get a fucking grip: killing a human is murder. Yes or no?

Killing a human isn't always murder, the latter being a legal term.

Back in the days of the military draft, our government coerced people to kill other people. [For now, military service is on a voluntary basis.]
In many cases, those killings might have reasonably been considered murder save for the coercion factor.
I can swear to that.
even California demmycrats didn't want Harris to be president......under your scenario her political hopes would be aborted and she would be a two year lame duck.....

Fuck California. I left that shithole as soon as I could 35 years ago. OTOH, your logic doesn't make sense. Have you read the 22nd and 25th Amendments?

Harris could become a 10 year President. Heels and all. LOL
Killing a human isn't always murder, the latter being a legal term.

Back in the days of the military draft, our government coerced people to kill other people. [For now, military service is on a voluntary basis.]
In many cases, those killings might have reasonably been considered murder save for the coercion factor.
I can swear to that.

The authoritarian assholes say it is. Of course, they also say executing kids is isn't murder so go figure.
Killing a human isn't always murder, the latter being a legal term.

Back in the days of the military draft, our government coerced people to kill other people. [For now, military service is on a voluntary basis.]
In many cases, those killings might have reasonably been considered murder save for the coercion factor.
I can swear to that.

Is it murder when the state executes someone?
Is it murder when an American bomb kills a sanitation worker in Saudi Arabia?
Did Seal Team 6 murder Osama Bin Laden?
Does Hospice murder someone when they administer a potential lethal dose of morphine?
We all know its not murder when a White cop kills a black guy.