Matt Gaetz Is Said to Be Investigated Over Possible Sexual Relationship With a Girl,

Yeah,.... its not like they are MSNBC or anything who hires lying con men pieces of shit that are responsible for people being murdered!

That must be old, that's what Sharpton used to look like. Now he looks like this:
Not Florida! Hahahahaha

Republicans love sex trafficking underage kids!

Nope. Try again.

Rep. Gerry E. Studds (D-Mass.) was greeted in this secluded resort tonight with two standing ovations from several hundred residents and summer visitors who turned out for the congressman's first town meeting since he was censured by his House colleagues for sexual misconduct with a 17-year-old male page.
Its interesting how that deranged degenerate Gaetz has ass kissers supporting and defending the acts of this seditious creature who not only as I believe sodomized underage minors but also in his own way sodomized Democracy at being another worthless and treasonous scab doing the bidding of foreign enemies at supporting war against Democracy. This includes the deranged looking Gaetz who hasn't squat to show for himself when it comes to any evidence of defending Democracy, U.S. Constitutional law or the well being of society as a deplorable waste of taxpayer money at paying this creature to wage war on Democracy, and who has the ethics, morals and patriotism of a rabid dog. Also this investigation was initiated during the tRump administration so for that to happen, there must be something in it that has a stench of evidence against Gaetz as there had to be evidence to justify opening up the criminal complaint against the creature Gaetz.

Report: Gaetz being investigated for possible sexual relationship with 17-year-old

The U.S. Justice Department is investigating whether Northwest Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz had a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old girl, The New York Times reported Tuesday.

According to the report, the inquiry was launched under former Attorney General William Barr. Senior Trump administration officials were also reportedly briefed on the investigation, which was opened in Trump's final months in office.

The New York Times reports Gaetz's encounters with the girl took place two years ago. Investigators are reportedly looking into whether Gaetz violated sex trafficking laws.

According to the report, the investigation into Gaetz is part of the Joel Greenberg case. Greenberg -- former tax collector in Seminole County -- was recently indicted on sex trafficking charges."

Here's the original article you're too stupid to find yourself, and it's largely a nothingburger.

Read it for yourselves and decide. They're trying to say he's the same as this Greenberg guy, when he's not.

Greenberg..hmm..what kind of name is that?

"In a second interview later Tuesday, the congressman said he had no plans to resign his House seat and denied that he had romantic relationships with minors. “It is verifiably false that I have traveled with a 17-year-old woman,” he said."
Here's the original article you're too stupid to find yourself, and it's largely a nothingburger.

Read it for yourselves and decide. They're trying to say he's the same as this Greenberg guy, when he's not.

Greenberg..hmm..what kind of name is that?

"In a second interview later Tuesday, the congressman said he had no plans to resign his House seat and denied that he had romantic relationships with minors. “It is verifiably false that I have traveled with a 17-year-old woman,” he said."
It’s still under investigation, we don’t know if he’s like this guy or not, we have to wait for the conclusion of the investigation.
It’s still under investigation, we don’t know if he’s like this guy or not, we have to wait for the conclusion of the investigation.

Federal law enforcement investigations are not legitimate law enforcement. It is a partisan hit team.

Reference: Carter Page, General Flynn, and Andrew Clinesmith
You're joking, right?

The entire American left is built upon double standards.

Reference: Hunter Biden vs Donald Trump Jr.
Yawn, deflecting, again. If Hunter is guilty of a crime, he is being investigated, they will bring charges. The same with Donnie Jr.
No, things were uncovered in the other investigation that has them investigating Gaetz, he’s being investigated.

Let's be real, this is a political hit job attempting to tie Gaetz to Greenberg.

Greenberg did do something, and Gaetz had his picture taken with him once. :rolleyes:
Let's be real, this is a political hit job attempting to tie Gaetz to Greenberg.

Greenberg did do something, and Gaetz had his picture taken with him once. :rolleyes:

He doesn’t deny the sexual relationship with the underage girl.
It looks to me like two crimes happened here

1) Matt Gaetz had sex with an underage girl, And likely is guilty of sex trafficking.

2) The girl hired a private attorney, who happens to be a former federal prosecutor, who inexplicably immediately sent a demand letter, which constitutes extortion.

Neither crime negates the other. Both crime should be prosecuted, both criminals should serve time. The underage trafficking is the more serious crime.
"In a second interview later Tuesday, the congressman said he had no plans to resign his House seat and denied that he had romantic relationships with minors. “It is verifiably false that I have traveled with a 17-year-old woman,” he said."

Try again, Skippy.

Romance and sex or two different things. You do not have to travel with an underage girl in order to be guilty of sexual trafficking. You only have to pay for the girl to travel with the goal of sex. The congressman chose his words very careful.