Matt Gaetz Is Said to Be Investigated Over Possible Sexual Relationship With a Girl,

he did on Tucker.
said there was some kind of FBI investigation and wanted the surveillance tapes released

a lot is yet unclear

Notably that’s not a denial, you people need to learn how to read for information instead of image. No wonder your duped so early and easily.

You could be a much more intelligent consumer of information if you read listen skeptically.
It looks to me like two crimes happened here

1) Matt Gaetz had sex with an underage girl, And likely is guilty of sex trafficking.

2) The girl hired a private attorney, who happens to be a former federal prosecutor, who inexplicably immediately sent a demand letter, which constitutes extortion.

Neither crime negates the other. Both crime should be prosecuted, both criminals should serve time. The underage trafficking is the more serious crime.

I wonder when we will hear the righteous indignation from Qanon, which purports to be a anti-sex trafficking advocacy group?
Notably that’s not a denial, you people need to learn how to read for information instead of image. No wonder your duped so early and easily.
I confess to not paying will sort itself out and then ill pay more attention to it
Lol, well, I guess we’ll find out, even though it started under Barr, but you conspiracy theorists think everything’s a political hit job.

"It was unclear how investigators in the Greenberg case began examining Mr. Gaetz’s conduct. "

3 "anonymous sources" say he's being investigated, yet there may not be a damn thing going on. :rolleyes:

The Times has pulled this shit b4.
"In a second interview later Tuesday, the congressman said he had no plans to resign his House seat and denied that he had romantic relationships with minors.

“It is verifiably false that I have traveled with a 17-year-old woman,” he said."

Try again, Skippy.

What you are citing is not a denial that he had a relationship with somebody under 18, nor is it a denial he might have paid for her to travel solo.
Notably that’s not a denial, you people need to learn how to read for information instead of image. No wonder your duped so early and easily.
I saw the interview, Gaetz tried to get Tucker to verify the girl was of age. Tucker has now said it was a very weird interview. I think Matt is a little worried.
"It was unclear how investigators in the Greenberg case began examining Mr. Gaetz’s conduct. "

3 "anonymous sources" say he's being investigated, yet there may not be a damn thing going on. :rolleyes:

The Times has pulled this shit b4.
LOL, you run with that...
What you are citing is not a denial that he had a relationship with somebody under 18, nor is it a denial he might have paid for her to travel solo.

Wtf dude?

What part of "denied that he had romantic relationships with minors." do you not fucking get?!
Wtf dude?

What part of "denied that he had romantic relationships with minors." do you not fucking get?!

No, he parsed his words, which is why I'm almost certain he's guilty. He said that he was 'confident' that none of his relationships was with an underage girl. And this whole extortion plot is such a joke. Maybe he was being blackmailed, but that's irrelevant. If you are being blackmailed for a murder YOU COMMITTED, you are guilty of murder.
Aren't you supposed to be some kind of attorney?

What is your standard of proof for this?

Maybe you did not know this, but in court there is one standard of proof, on a message board when I say what I believe happened there is a different standard of proof.
No, he parsed his words, which is why I'm almost certain he's guilty. He said that he was 'confident' that none of his relationships was with an underage girl. And this whole extortion plot is such a joke. Maybe he was being blackmailed, but that's irrelevant. If you are being blackmailed for a murder YOU COMMITTED, you are guilty of murder.

Look motherfucker, I'm not carrying Gaetz's water or anything, but you flat out deny shit you just read, Damn!
He might be guilty as a motherfucker, but that's not going to fix your stupid!
I saw the interview, Gaetz tried to get Tucker to verify the girl was of age. Tucker has now said it was a very weird interview. I think Matt is a little worried.

A little? Hahaha. Before the story came out he announced he was retiring from Congress. Id said he was frantic.
Wtf dude?

What part of "denied that he had romantic relationships with minors." do you not fucking get?!

That is not a denial he had a relationship with a teenage girl.

Nor is the denial of a "romantic relationship" rule out the possibility of sex.

I do not know what the age of consent in Fl is.

But a 38 year old man being a sugar daddy for either an 18 or 17 year old teenage girl is creepy know matter how you spin it in the eyes of the law
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Look motherfucker, I'm not carrying Gaetz's water or anything, but you flat out deny shit you just read, Damn!
He might be guilty as a motherfucker, but that's not going to fix your stupid!

Lighten up, Francis.

"Gaetz said he was "absolutely" confident none of the women were underage."

That is a man parsing his words. He also said this. Which is an admission that he paid women for sex. Just like your hero Donald J. Trump:

"I have definitely, in my single days, provided for women I've dated. You know, I've paid for flights, for hotel rooms. I’ve been, you know, generous as a partner. I think someone is trying to make that look criminal when it is not."

Sure, Matt, sure.
That is not a denial he had a relationship with a teenage girl.

Nor is the denial of a "romantic relationship" rule out the possibility of sex.

I do not know what the age of consent in Fl is.

But a 38 year old man being a sugar daddy for either an 18 or 17 year old teenage girl is creepy know matter how you spin it in the eyes of the law
The age of consent is 18. If Matt knew this and took her to DC or another state where the age of consent is 16, that’s a naughty thing to do.