That must be old, that's what Sharpton used to look like. Now he looks like this:
It is. But the point remains. His bullshit lies led to people dying.
That must be old, that's what Sharpton used to look like. Now he looks like this:
Representative Matt Gaetz, Republican of Florida and a close ally of former President Donald J. Trump, is being investigated by the Justice Department over whether he had a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old and paid for her to travel with him, according to three people briefed on the matter.![]()
[FONT=&]Investigators are examining whether Mr. Gaetz violated federal sex trafficking laws, the people said. A variety of federal statutes make it illegal to induce someone under 18 to travel over state lines to engage in sex in exchange for money or something of value. The Justice Department regularly prosecutes such cases, and offenders often receive severe sentences.
no I never called Clinton a rapist.
I voted for Clinton 2x. I have an independent mind and a political streak of the same.
I make my decisions off the best available info.,.I'm still gathering info -still trying to piece together various aspects.
I'll comment on it further when I know more -in the mean time - fire away
The Ironic part of this investigation is that it was started by Bill Barr in the final months of the Trump administration under then-Attorney General William Barr. Which is totally shocking to me, I just can't understand what happened to Barr, did he see the light??????????
Many people get sick over realizing they are working for a pedophile like Trump.
I am about as conservative as it gets but to be honest Ive NEVER been a fan of Gaetz. He comes off as a sleazy ambulance chaser Lawyer type. Just the truth....
What part of the jury is still out do you fail to understand. Has anyone at the Miss Teen USA successfully sued Trump? So nothing has been proven in court. So its just gossip at this point. Right?
You still have not expressed the least bit of concern for the 17 year old Shame on you. So much for compassionate Democrats I guess.![]()
Sleaze seems to be a common trait among those in the Trump circle.
You do know anyone can write BS on Wikipedia. You are pathetic.![]()
Sleaze seems to be a common trait among those in the Trump circle.
BTW......STILL into that same ole MY PARTY DO OR DIE thing huh? Dumb. Dumb beyond all belief.![]()
Some yes... some no. Just like the Biden administration or any other. Obama loaded up his staff with the same wall street gang that brought the country to its knees so.....
Of course it hasn't but that doesn't matter to the usual suspects.
I am about as conservative as it gets but to be honest Ive NEVER been a fan of Gaetz. He comes off as a sleazy ambulance chaser Lawyer type. Just the truth....
Didn't see any liberal showing much sympathy for that poor teenage girl Lucia Whalen Bremer, gunned down recently by a black psycho.
Was Barr concern about his legacy???? After all, he's going to go down in history has a corrupted and incompetent lackey of an AG.