Matt Gaetz Is Said to Be Investigated Over Possible Sexual Relationship With a Girl,

Possibly. Maybe he just wanted more money for his soul and Trump was too cheap to pay up?

Lots of people can be bought off with money. Transactional people for example. Since Trump is famous for being a very transactional person, it makes sense he'd surround himself with a transactional family and transactional friends.

OTOH, like Trump's betrayal of the Insurrectionists, Trump can't be trusted to follow through with his word. Trump will do whatever is best for Trump and is never to be trusted to do anything except what is best for himself even if it's a crime or harms the nation.

You nailed it.
Sandy Berger......Involved with Chinese espionage in stealing American Nuclear secrets, Stealing classified terrorism docs,...lying to the FBI= A fine and probation.

Some old Grandma who walked thru the capital building on Jan 6= 20 years in Supermax! :laugh: partisan HACKERY there at all....:rolleyes:
........ " ABLE DANGER"....... Motherfuckers.

Most of you dont know SHIT. In fact Im pretty sure I forgot more than half of you KNOW. ;)
It looks to me like two crimes happened here

1) Matt Gaetz had sex with an underage girl, And likely is guilty of sex trafficking.

2) The girl hired a private attorney, who happens to be a former federal prosecutor, who inexplicably immediately sent a demand letter, which constitutes extortion.

Neither crime negates the other. Both crime should be prosecuted, both criminals should serve time. The underage trafficking is the more serious crime.

I still think it's weird that he found a reason to vote "no" on this bill.

"Gaetz was the lone no vote on the Combating Human Trafficking in Commercial Vehicles Act, a bill allocating additional government resources to help combat human trafficking.[SUP][87][/SUP][SUP][88][/SUP]
Guys like Pedo Trump do like transactional relationships so it's possible his fiance would look the other way on Matt being a pedophile himself.

OTOH, if he's going to jail, what does the fiance get?
At the very least he should be charged with crimes against fashion for wearing that suit. :laugh:

Has this been PROVEN? Or just some wild claim? If he did it he should burn but I Will wait until all the facts are in instead of just PRETENDING the man is guilty before we know shit about it...

Tucker Carlson just interviewed Gaetz. He's denying everything. It's one big pile of crap invented by DNC operatives because he pwns them so well. I believe Gaetz.
Volsrock must have forgotten to notify the forum about this. And what does his race have to do with it?

He did as a matter of fact, he is a bona fide racist but does make some exceedingly good points as well.
I just get really pissed off that the only time race is even mentioned is when it's white on black crime.

I am not in the least bit racist but I do find it amazing how terrified the media is to even discuss it, the US will never get anywhere until they are willing to confront these issues openly. That will never happen with the Dems like Biden and Harris who need to keep the wounds fresh and open.
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"Romantic relationship" is not necessarily the same thing as "sexual relationship."

LOL Yes, it was an interesting choice of wording. Not as good as "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" but certainly an interesting phrase.

It is always as interesting to me both what people say and what they don't say.
He did as a matter of fact, he is a bona fide racist but does make some exceedingly good points as well.
I just get really pissed off that the only time race is even mentioned is when it's white on black crime.

I am not in the least bit racist but I do find it amazing how terrified the media is to even discuss it, the US will never get anywhere until they are willing to confront these issues openly. That will never happen with the Dems like Biden and Harris who need to keep the wounds fresh and open.

There are crimes on top of crimes every single day in the US and the majority don't make the national news. Volsrock and his ilk scour the internet for black on white crimes and try to portray them as the majority, and that's just wrong. It's one of the reasons I mostly respond to his posts by challenging them or groaning them. White crime barely elicits a yawn compared to the outrage over black crime.
At the very least he should be charged with crimes against fashion for wearing that suit. :laugh:


Why? He looks like a pedophile in that suit!

Note his comment "I believe that there are people at the Department of Justice who are trying to criminalize my sexual conduct, you know, when I was a single guy." Duh! Sex with a minor is already a crime. That's why Trump, Bill and Jeffery left the country to have sex with minors.

Tucker Carlson just interviewed Gaetz. He's denying everything. It's one big pile of crap invented by DNC operatives because he pwns them so well. I believe Gaetz.

Do you really think he'd admit to it? Ooooooh, "DNC operatives". Dude, it's in the hands of the DOJ and has been when Trump and Barr were in office.
LOL Yes, it was an interesting choice of wording. Not as good as "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" but certainly an interesting phrase.

It is always as interesting to me both what people say and what they don't say.

Parsing is definitely not limited to repubs only. For people like you, me and many others, it becomes automatic to look for the meaning behind the words of politicians because we get so much practice in deconstructing bullshit. :D
There are crimes on top of crimes every single day in the US and the majority don't make the national news. Volsrock and his ilk scour the internet for black on white crimes and try to portray them as the majority, and that's just wrong. It's one of the reasons I mostly respond to his posts by challenging them or groaning them. White crime barely elicits a yawn compared to the outrage over black crime.

Well for one, black violent crime is far more proportionately than white crime. That is surely beyond dispute, it's about time that was acknowledged and not swept under the carpet. I happen to think that the UK is far ahead as far as that's concerned.
Parsing is definitely not limited to repubs only. For people like you, me and many others, it becomes automatic to look for the meaning behind the words of politicians because we get so much practice in deconstructing bullshit. :D

.....OR it's because "power corrupts" and all politicians are dishonest assholes.

It takes a certain personality to run for office....and usually not the personality that's good for everyone.

Remember when the Republicans wanted Colin Powell to run for President? I would have voted for him in a heartbeat but he didn't run. Why? Because General Powell is an honest man with integrity and a deep regard for duty. Therefore, he'd make a shitty politician. :D